Yellow Sheet - February 2023

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= Fastmarkets @ ARGS PPI Pulp & Paper Week Monthly Recovered Paper Prices Yellow Sheet PRICE WATCH: Recovered Paper - Domestic February 6 2025 Spr an espe ate phan by it FO st ck deh (aegis) Ieorprtng Of Boars Mares Nertheort, ASF New Midwest : eth NewYork Bufo (MEWS, Southeast Southwert? LA st pecifeWe onED PAPER Maeda SA) 5-0 (0) 5.0 (0) $0 (0) $0 (0) SO OO) 5-0 (0) MAIS, GIO) S10 (SO) SHO) BROWN GRADES bent (4)-OOM" 5-20 (0) 15.20 (0) 2D (0) 90 (0) OIE (0) 15-20 (0) 9-35 (HO) 20-25 (10) TOE A) Cec oom 50-35 (0) 5035 (0) 30.85 (0) 5035 U0) 3035 (0) 30.35 0) OAKS (A) 25.390) 35-50 UH) ox) cow 9:5 69) D5 (9) BOB (5) 45-50 0) 0-55 GI) 40-45 (1) SAD G5) ceROUND WOOD Ser Rares PAPE 5-20 (0) 18-20 (40) 15-20 (0) 35-40 (40) HOSS (40) 25-30 (0) 35-40 (5) 25-30 (65) 15-20 (10) Northeost, ase 16) 2515 0) oo (5) WSMS (5) OIRO (0) woo (5) wo-t 0) css 40 15.15 (0) 70.100 (5) 5-5 (5) 180-90 (0) Dos (5) 95-15 6) sows 195.2050) 200-20 (5) 20-70 40) 70.250 (0 Wo-W (0) ws. (a) we 20 35-55 40) 30.390 (0) 505-55 (0) 530-3400 BEI 6) BS HIGH GRADES sorcsn mas BROT WBS BH Boe ya ease) 0.2505 20.2305) 20-208) 720-250 (5) zo-20 (5) MSS 60) S85 cep 8) 265.25) B26 (3) BO20E) mes ta sm 0) 20.70(5) 259.2405) 160-708) 290-500 (5) 25-25 (5) 200.20 40) wea)" mm (3} 20.20 (5) 0-20(5) 580.80 (3) 295-305 (5) 0.2500) SSS tg pi 5) ms (5) 25.245 (5) 260-70(8) 280.290 (5) 30.30 (3) Pursues : ses rgened 7) SCH SET Gy BOC) 3-H) aw 5 60) 35-050 360.30 (10) (30) 05-418 (0) 335-395 (1) ve) {05-485 45:05 60) “@D-€0(30) 25-45 (0) ‘80-40 C0) E.G) Prices for grades designated “OBM” ore « coninstion ofthe pres orginally published n Otol Board Markets COBM’, “Ta Yow Sheet") ond are reperted on ‘the some Boss 0 published histrcayn ODM.” See www com/RCPrethedsloay foo complete desiption of wha has and hos not changed cbout OBM pcs. Price not marked “ate constant with rca: pushed hnoricaly st PEW} Prices represent open market boord and papet mill puchoses ogreed to fr delivery inthe inacoted month. Contractual Indexed trersactons ore excluded, Specitcatons: bole. fu-ructiood quantiles: excuse of Gevery charges, premium or dtess ts, and a subsequent charge for packing, handing, destng- ‘on consdertions, or other special chorges, Grades and proporaian loquetmants or os Gtied i the current SRI Stop Specticatins Cacuor 2. The pice onthe low end ofthe range fr the Bay Ata and the eee atthe top end ofthe ranges forthe Los Angels are. 3.As of Oct 2012 these regan nomes were changed ftom a ey to aragin (eg. "Chicago” 1 "Mawes). Ths 6 change inte, not m methodology. Al ote ‘ences tothe new names (eg. “Mdwes") 03 thay opply och pice series bove are consistent wih the agacy names fe.g CNoge). 4.ONP 8 canbe replaced wth SAP ASE In formulas used to dive ONPa# price 5. Change rafts the ctference between tho high ofthe curant month andthe high of the previous month, ‘me the Information contlne in ths report nas Ben abtained tom soutces baeved to be relat, Fortmarkets ISI does not watt or quorantee the occuro- _ey0nd completeness of the formation. Al prices ore best estates of pices, ond are compari price os opposed 10 madan or aveage ies, PPI Pulp & Paper Week Yellow Sheet =” Fastmarkets PRICE WATCH: Recovered Paper - Export ‘Open market wansactions for delivery ths month USS. (Further specications noted ot right.) February 6, 2025 Destination New York! a $¥/Oakland FAS port of origin (per ton) Change! Maxed Poper (54) Aso 62-65 (5) 62-65. (015) 47-50 (319) occ (i Aso W225 (420) 132-185 (15) 17-720 (23) Double Srced OCC (12) fio 7-140 (45) 147-150. (420) 127-130 (25) DK (3) Aso 157-160 (425) 167-170. (+20) 17-150 (25) Sorted Residential Popers & News (56) Aso. 2-75 (35) 77-80 (5) 57-60 (10) CGS/OMG (44,10) tio 257-260 (3) 217-220 (10) SOP (37) Asia 312-515 (15) 281-300 (10) 2-275 (0) SL (40)? asia 357-360 (10) 327-330 (10) 32-295 (10) ‘CER ro destination port (per tonne) ** occ ny ‘dio 187-190 (430) Double-sorted OCC (12) fio 202-205 (635) Prices represent open motkot purchotes aged to for dlvary writin 30 days. Controctucty dened tansoctons (Le. Uansoctions whose price is dete fried in wna orn par by ¢ formule nafong-term convo) fe excused. Spactieauens: baled, ful-tuckioed quantities: exsve of premium et ‘Gawers tte, Grodos ond proportion requirements or os dina inthe cutent SRI Sct Specieatons Chevy (AoW P51) |. "Now Yor Incudesporsin Northem Now Jersey 2."La"ncudes Long Beach and LA poets 3. WL pelea oe for ports in South Koea, Indonesia, end Thain “Change rete the citfarance barwean tho high of the current month and the high ofthe proious month 5As of Api 2019 aseessments of OCC (1) bound for China, SCN (38) bound fer nen-Chuna asa ono grades FAS Chicago wore continued. 6, As of January 202, osesnants of OLX (15) CFR China, wee continued. The detination of FAS essssments fr giades bound fer China was ‘changed 0A. The next issue of PP! Pulp & Poper Week Monthly Recovered Paper Prices will be available on Monday, March 6th. View the full year’s recovered paper prices schedule here.

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