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MM1051 Tango!

Managing Self and Leading Others

(for Students of 2022/23 Intake)

Semester 2, 2022-2023

Course Outline

A. This Course Outline enables students to obtain answers for the following major questions:
 What are students expected to learn from this subject?
 What are the teaching and learning activities that help to achieve the subject learning
 What are the assessments required students to demonstrate?
 What are the criteria according to which students will be graded? (refer to separate
assignment information sheets)

1. What are students expected to learn from this subject?

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
a. Demonstrate understanding of intra-personal concepts and theories (BBA Outcome
b. Demonstrate understanding of leadership concepts and theories
c. Apply creative thinking in idea expression and presentation
d. Identify applications of leadership concepts and theories practice
e. Recognise the importance of learning to learn and make initial plans for their
development as learners based on self-reflection on aspirations and developmental
needs. (BBA Outcome 13)

2. What are the teaching and learning activities help to achieve the subject learning
Through lectures, tutorials, readings and coursework/assignments, students develop
positive attitude, build knowledge and skills, and apply their learning in tracking and
analysing relevant issues toward personal and leadership effectiveness.

Teaching team and class schedule:

Lecturer: YEUNG Edmond (

Tutors: PANG, Elvy (
XIAO, Juley (

Consultation: By appointment

Teaching and learning arrangements: This course will be delivered in a face-to-face (f2f)
mode. All classes are formal learning classes/sessions which expect active engagement
(e.g. giving comments, asking, responding). Students are required to bring a Blackboard-
connectable device to the classroom even attending class in-person.

MM1051 (2022/23 Intake- Sem 2) Course Outline (19 Jan 2023)

3. What are the assessments required students to demonstrate?

100% continuous assessment. Assessment elements:

Specific assessment methods/tasks Weighting %

Tutorial 15%
Lecture 10%
Assignments: Individual 35%
Assignment: Group 40%
Additional Essential Components 0%

For grade-mark conversion, where applicable, this course makes reference to PolyU’s
New Grading System / New Grade Point Table.

a. A tutorial grade consists of 2 parts: [1] Tutorial Attendance (5%) and [2] Tutorial
Participation (10%)

b. Please attend the tutorials according to your own timetable (i.e. the official Student
Registry). Your attendance will not be counted without prior notice if you have attended
“other” tutorials.

Classes will start on time without waiting for any late students. The attendance record
will mark “absent” if you are 5 minutes or more late for the start of any tutorial or before
its official end.

Leave of absence (including sick leave). If you need to be absent from a class/session,
you must obtain approval from your own Department/Programme (not from the tutor or
lecturer of this course). Please refer to the Student Handbook for details and procedures.
Upon approval, you can make catch up the tutorial content attendance by watching the
video recording / online session of the tutorial which is available from the subject
Blackboard (go to “Content”  “Blackboard Collaborate Ultra”).

c. Measurement of tutorial participation. Tutorial participation is defined as proactively

and explicitly giving constructive opinions/comments/feedback and contributing to the
learning of all others. A student doing great in this aspect is one who comes to the
tutorial classes prepared; contributes readily to the class conversation and discussion (but
doesn’t dominate it) and in-class activities for learning of other classmates; makes
thoughtful contributions that advance the conversation; shows interest in and respect for
others’ views; participates actively; overall adds great value to the whole class learning

a. A lecture grade (10%) is reflected mainly through Lecture Performance (through pre-
lecture, in-lecture and/or post-lecture exercises/activities).

MM1051 (2022/23 Intake- Sem 2) Course Outline (19 Jan 2023)

b. Measurement of lecture performance. Pre-lecture, in-lecture and/or post-lecture
exercises/activities are used to measure Lecture Performance.

Pre-/in-/post-lecture exercises might be in place and they are administered through

Blackboard for completion with deadlines. All lecture exercises are mark-bearing (unless
specified otherwise). Each corresponding deadline is stated on Blackboard. Students are
expected to check Blackboard proactively and have the work completed within the
timeline specified. The lecturer may not remind in classes.

Contents of the exercises are sourced from the subject textbook, reference/reading
materials, lecture contents, talks, video shown in lectures, etc. You are expected to do
reading prior to classes, come to lessons prepared, give your undivided attention, and
maximise learning.

c. Lecture material is posted on Blackboard in advance to facilitate preparation and note


Individual Assignment, Group Assignment and Additional Essential Components: refer to

the separate information sheets


1. We recognise that students may not share a common native language, thus English should
be used for all communication/interactions.

Pang, E. (2019). Managing self and leading others, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, Singapore.
[Only e-version is available; purchase procedure is available on Blackboard.]

MM1051 (2022/23 Intake- Sem 2) Course Outline (19 Jan 2023)


(Semester week) Topic Textbook topics Tutorial dates Tutorials

Lecture dates
(W1) Subject overview:   NO tutorial
10, 13 Jan Assignments, assessment and
additional components;
Learning to learn
(W2) Being self-aware and goal Self-awareness (W2) Team formation and ice-
17, 20 Jan setting (#1) & Goals 16-20 Jan breaking
and obstacles
Luner New Year Break: No lecture or tutorial
(W3) Time management and Self- (W3) Learning to learn goal setting
31 Jan, 3 Feb regulating emotions management 30 Jan - 3 Feb and reflection
(W4) Solve it using creativity Creativity and (W4) Facts and opinions;
7, 10 Feb human relations 6 - 10 Feb Approaching and digesting
(#4) scholarly work
(W5) Within team and beyond Building teams (W5) Align and assess
14, 17 Feb and work groups 13 - 17 Feb
Additional Essential Component 1 (Online Tutorial on Academic Integrity) is due Sunday 19 Feb 2023 11:59 pm via
(W6) Leading: Definitions and What do we (W6) How to write literature review;
21, 24 Feb perspectives mean by 20 - 24 Feb Synthesising scholarly work
leadership (#6)
(W7) Attributes & Behaviours of Leadership (W7) Communication skills
28 Feb or 3 Mar leaders (Guest lecture) attributes (#7) & 27 Feb - 3 Mar
(To be Leadership
confirmed) behaviour (#8)
Individual Assignment 1 (Reflect on My Learning Experience) is due Sunday 5 Mar 2023 11:59 pm via Turnitin
(W8) Ethical and responsible (W8) Group presentation (Team 1)
7, 10 Mar leadership 6 - 10 Mar
(W9) Active listening and (W9) Group presentation (Team 2)
14, 17 Mar constructive response 13 - 17 Mar
(W10) Consultation (W10) Group presentation (Team 3)
21, 24 Mar 20 - 24 Mar
(W11) Collaboration or competition Managing (W11) Group presentation (Team 4)
28, 31 Mar conflict (#9) 27 - 31 Mar

Individual Assignment 2 (Developing others: Analysis and Advice) is due Sunday 2 Apr 2023 11:59 pm via Turnitin;
(W12) Reading / Assignment week (NO lecture or tutorial)
(W13) Negotiation Negotiation NO tutorial
11, 14 Apr (#10)
Additional Essential Component 2 (Online quiz on National Education) is due Sunday, 16 Apr, 2023 11:59 pm via

# NO tutorial class is held this week as per the offering department’s guideline.

MM1051 (2022/23 Intake- Sem 2) Course Outline (19 Jan 2023)

E. Extra Mark Opportunities: Participate in the Management and Marketing Department
Research Studies on SONA Systems (Optional)
You can earn up to TWO extra marks in this subject by participating in research studies through
the Management and Marketing Department Sona System (

All you need to visit our website, sign up for studies for course
credits, and complete behavioral lab studies. You can earn 0.25 research credits for each 15-
minute participation (Note: 0.25 research credits are equal to 0.25 marks to your final grade).
You can earn max two extra mark by spending 2 hours on behavioral lab study participation.
Research credits that you could get vary on the duration of the studies. For instance, you can get
0.5 research credits for a 30-min-long study or 0.75 credits for a 45-minute-long study.

You CANNOT participate in the same study twice.

You will find studies for course credits, complete studies and check your accumulated research
credits at You can use your PolyU NetID to login to the website

New study notifications and other important announcements will be sent from the MM lab
administers email address (, OR Please
make sure to allow emails from that address so that you won’t miss any updated information.

You are highly encouraged to participate in research studies. It is a good way to get exposed to
marketing and management research. These opportunities are offered throughout the semester
until April 7th, 2023.

Questions regarding participating research studies? Email , or call 3400

2109, the MM lab administer, at GH120a.

- End of the Course Outline -

MM1051 (2022/23 Intake- Sem 2) Course Outline (19 Jan 2023)


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