Federal Law No. 16 of 2007 Eng

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16 of 2007


We, Khlaifah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates State,

Pursuant to the perusal of the Constitution; and

Federal Law no. 1 of 1972, regarding the Jurisdiction of Ministries and the Powers of Ministers and the
amending laws thereof; and

Federal Law no. 6 of 1979 regarding the Veterinary Quarantine and the amending laws thereof; and

Federal Decree - Law no. 9 of 1983 regulating the Hunting of Birds and Animals; and

The Penal Code promulgated by Federal Law no. 3 of 1987 and the amending laws thereof; and

The Code of Criminal Procedures promulgated by Federal Law no. 35 of 1992 and the amending laws
thereof; and

Federal Law no. 7 of 1993 constituting the Federal Committee for the Environment and the amending
laws thereof; and

Federal Law no. 10 of 2002 regarding the Practice of the Veterinary Medicine; and

Federal Law no. 11 of 2002 Regulating and Controlling the International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora; and

Acting upon the proposal of the Minister of Environment and Water, the approval of both the Council
of Ministers and the Federal National Council and the ratification of the Federal Supreme Council,

Article 1


Upon implementing the provisions of this Law the following words and expressions shall have
the meanings opposite to each unless the context requires otherwise:

The Ministry: the Ministry of Environment and water.

The Minister: the Minister of Environment and water.

The competent department: the managing authority of the fauna in the Ministry.
The competent authority: the municipalities and the local authorities concerned with animal

The authorized persons: vets under the authority of the competent authorities.

The specialist: the person who is academically qualified in the field of the veterinary medicine
or the laboratories.

The animals: poultries, reptiles, amphibians, fish, mammals, wild animals strayed and locked.

The facilities: any place where animals are kept, confined, bred, raised, slaughtered or treated.
They comprise private spaces where the animals of the ships, planes, trucks and other means of
transport are kept as well as the institutions of the scientific research.

Article 2

The owners of the animals, the persons taking care of them, according to the situations, shall
take preventive actions in order to keep them away from any harm, and particularly respect the

1 - Take into consideration the animals’ species, their development rate, adaptability,
domestication, and their needs in conformity with the experience, and scientific knowledge.

2 - Not to release any animal in their care which it’s staying alive depends on them; should
they wish to abandon it, they shall have to hand it to the competent department, or to the
competent authority.

3 - Provide a sufficient number of workers having the appropriate capacity, knowledge, and
the professional qualifications as for the animals in their care and under their supervision.

4 - Inspect the animals which are in their care and under their supervision at least once a day,
and check their conditions.

Article 3

The authorized persons

1 - The authorized persons and accompanying specialist shall be entitled to:

a - Enter any facility if they think that the animals in it are subject to sufferance , harassment
and sickness or are bred in a way contradicting the provisions of this Law and its implementing
regulations .
They shall have to show their identity to the owner; if the facilities are private houses, they
shall have to get a prior authorization from the Public Prosecution.

b - Examine any animal in the facilities, carry out tests, or take samples deemed necessary.
They shall have to give a part of the sample or an identical sample to the owner or to the persons
in charge if they request so.

c - Put distinct marks on the animals that shall identify each one of them, the said marks shall
not be removed except after the approval of the competent administration or the competent

d - Be cautious as for animals suspected to be affected by a disease and transport such to

another place for treatment.

2 - The owner or the persons in charge of the animals inside the facilities shall have to offer
assistance to the authorized persons and the accompanying specialist, including helping them tie
the animals to examine them when possible, and taking samples and submitting any required
document regarding the animals.

Article 4

The right for the animals to move freely

The animals shall be provided with enough space to fulfill their needs when their movements
are either permanently or temporarily limited in conformity with what is stated in the regulations
and decisions issued by the Ministry .

Article 5

The constructions and the animals’ accommodations

1 - Materials used in the construction of the facilities , especially the barns , cages , and stables
and the tools that the animals shall be in contact with shall not be harmful , but free from any
source of pollution , easy to clean and to disinfect completely .

2 - Animals that are not raised in constructions shall be provided with shelter from weather
change, predatory animals, from any danger threatening their health; they should have access to
an adequate sleeping place with adequate system of waste disposal.
Article 6

Animals feeding

Without prejudice to the implementing regulation of this Law, regarding the materials allowed
to be added to the animals’ feed, the animals shall be fed with the fodder suitable for their age
and species and in sufficient quantities to keep them in good health and fulfilling their needs for
food. They shall be either enabled to reach constantly the appropriate source of water, or
provided with their needs of pure water on a daily basis.

Article 7

Animals’ transportation
The animals shall be transported in a way that ensures their safety; furthermore, they shall not
be exposed to injuries or harm. The implementing regulation of this Law states the conditions
and specifications to be met when loading, transporting, unloading, and feeding the animals
during their transportation, in addition to other conditions regarding the means of transport.

Article 8

Animals’ treatment

1 - Should the treatment of the animal cause pain, fear, or irritation, then the vet or the
specialist shall interfere.

2 - All the surgeries that the animals shall undergo, shall be carried out under general or local
anesthesia and in a place fully equipped for the kind of surgery.

Article 9

Returning the animal to its owner

An animal that has been attended, and transported for treatment shall not be returned to its
owner except after its recovery and the fulfillment of one of these two conditions:

1 - To be certain that the owner shall not neglect it once more.

2 - Settle the transportation and treatment fees should the neglect recur.
Article 10


It shall be forbidden to carry out the following acts:

1 - Animal’s sexual abuse.

2 - Mingling animal species during the exhibition or the selling.

3 - Exposing, selling or trading any animal when sick, injured, or weak and before its complete

Article 11

Organizing animals’ fairs

It shall be forbidden to organize animals’ fairs, competitions, and shows for a trade purpose or
any other purpose, including advertisements, or ornament objects without getting a prior written
authorization from the competent administration or competent authority.

Article 12

Using animals for scientific purposes

1 - It shall be forbidden to use animals for scientific purposes before getting an authorization
from the competent administration or the competent authority.

2 - The Ministry shall gather a database regarding the use of animals for scientific purposes in
the State.

Article 13

The abandoned animals

The competent administration or the competent authority – according to the cases - shall be
entitled to do as follows when finding an abandoned animal:

1 - Confine it if it constitutes a danger, or if it suffers from pain or annoyance.

2 - Take the advice of the vet as to its suffering from pain and annoyance, when not being able
to identify its owner or how to contact him, and to act accordingly.

3 - Oblige its owner to pay the expenses, should he be reached.

Article 14

1 - Shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than one month and to a fine of not less than
five thousands Dirhams , he who shall sexually abuse the animal .

2 - Shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year and to a fine not less than
five thousand Dirhams , or to one of these penalties the person who releases an infected animal
when being aware of that .

3 - Shall be sentenced to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand Dirhams, the person who
violates the other obligations set by virtue of the provisions of this Law, as well as those set in its
implementing regulations and decisions.


Article 15
The Minister shall issue in coordination with the competent authority the decisions specifying
the required measures to protect the health and safety of the animals against harmful practices.

Article 16
Employees appointed by virtue of a decision issued by the Minister of Justice and in
agreement with the Minister and the competent authority shall acquire the title of officers of law,
in controlling crimes and contraventions violating the provisions of this Law, and its
implementing regulations and decisions; the competent authority shall make it easy to these
employees to achieve their work.

Article 17
The Minister shall issue the regulations and decisions to implement the provisions of this law.
Article 18

Any text in contradiction with the provisions of this Law is hereby repealed.

Article 19
This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette, and shall come into force six months after
the date of its promulgation.

Promulgated by us at the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi

On 22 Sha’aban 1428H

Corresponding to 4th of September 2007

Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Ministerial Decision No. 384 of 2008



Minister of Environment and Water, Pursuant to the perusal of the Federal Law no. 1 of 1972 ,
regarding the Jurisdiction of Ministries and the Powers of Ministers and the amending laws
thereof ; and

Federal Law no. 1 of 2006 amending the Federal Law no. 1 of 1972 regarding the Jurisdiction
of Ministries and the Powers of Ministers and the amending laws thereof ; and

Federal Law no. 6 of 1979 regarding the Veterinary Quarantine and the amending laws
thereof; and

Federal Decree - Law no. 9 of 1983 regulating the Hunting of Birds and Animals; and

The Penal Code promulgated by Federal Law no. 3 of 1987 and the amending laws thereof;

The Code of Criminal Procedures promulgated by Federal Law no. 35 of 1992 and the
amending laws thereof; and

Federal Law no. 7 of 1993 Regulating the Establishment of the Federal Emironmental Agency;
and the amending laws thereof; and

Federal Law no. 21 of 2001 regarding the Civil Service in the Federal Government and the
amending Laws thereof; and

Federal Law no. 10 of 2002 regarding the Practice of the Veterinary Medicine; and

Federal Law no. 11 of 2002 Regulating and Controlling the International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; and

Federal Law no. 16 of 2007 regarding Animal Welfare; and

Cabinet Decision no. 5 of 2006 regarding our Commissioning with certain Ministerial Tasks;

Decision of the Ministry of Health no. 1136 of 2003 regarding Prohibited Veterinary
Materials; and
Acting upon the proposal of the Minister of Environment and Water, the approval of both the
Council of Minister and the Federal National Council and the ratification of the Federal Supreme

Have promulgated the following Law:


Article 1


In the implementation of the provisions hereof, the following terms and phrases shall have the
meanings assigned for each of them unless the context requires otherwise:

Law: The Federal Law no. 16 of 2007 on Animal Welfare

State: The United Arab Emirates State.

Ministry: The Ministry of Environment and Water.

Minister: The Minister of Environment and Water.

Competent Authority: Municipalities and local authorities concerned with animal affairs in the
emirates of the State.

Authorized persons: Veterinarians pertaining to the Ministry or the competent authority, or

persons commissioned thereby.

Specialist: The academically qualified person in the field of veterinary medicine or


Animals: Birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, mammals, wild stray and caged animals.

Illness: Includes all changes in the natural form of the animal and leads to a disturbance or
dysfunction of any of the vital processes of the animal, thus affecting the health or welfare of the

Owner of the Animal: The legal owner of the animal, the representative thereof or the
caretaker that has the right to dispose thereof, or the person moving or trading in the animal.

Establishments : Any location where animals are kept , locked , bread , raised , slaughtered or
treated , including special locations where animals are kept , ships , airplanes , trucks and other
means of transportation as well as scientific research institutions .
Animal Welfare Guide: A guide issued by the Ministry, including the conditions, procedures
and standards stipulated hereby for the preservation of the health and welfare of the animal.

Sexual Assault: Any illegal use of an animal by a human being for sexual purposes.



Article 2

By virtue of a Ministerial decision, a unit called “Animal Welfare Unit " shall be established

and shall be annexed to the Administration of Fauna. Such decision shall include the

determination of the tasks and jurisdictions thereof.

Article 3
The Administration of Fauna shall be entitled to issue an Animal Welfare Guide that includes

instructions for animal owners or caretakers, in accordance with the international standards

related to the care and welfare of all types of animals destined for productive, marketing,

sportive, and scientific and entertainment purposes. Among such standards hygienic conditions

of shelter, nutrition, transportation, slaughter and quarantine, in a way that fits the nature and line

of the animal. The Administration of Fauna shall also be entitled to amend the Guide by

amending or adding thereto in accordance with the evolution of the pertinent international




Article 4
a - Owners of animals must take all necessary precautions to ensure the welfare of their
animals and their non - violent treatment.

b - In a manner not contradictory to the provisions of any other laws, the owner of the animal
shall be deemed cruel thereto should he carry out any of the following acts:

1 - Neglect to provide sufficient food, water and shelter to the animal.

2 - Hit the animal, causing pain or damage.

3 - Carry out any form of assault, including sexual assault.

4 - Expose animals used for riding, loading or towing to additional stress, or neglect the age or
health thereof.

5 - Cause the detention or transportation of the animal:

a - Without providing food, water, good ventilation, or if the animal is healthily incapable.

b - In a means or method not suitable for the welfare of the animals, such as:

- Mixing different species of animals together without consideration of gender, age or specie.

- Transporting too little or too much animals, or placing and transporting them in cages or
means of transportation that are inadequate to the specie of the animals, causing them injuries or

- Dragging or towing animals by the tail, legs or neck.

6 - Kill animals in an unmerciful manner, or by using slow death methods, or inflict severe
pain thereupon without reasonable cause.

7 - Display, sell or trade in any sick, injured or frail animal.

8 - Abandoning the animal by the owner thereof without care for long undetermined period,
unless with reasonable cause authorized by the competent administration of authority.



Article 5
1 - The Minister of Justice , in agreement with the Minister of Environment and Water , shall

issue a decision to determine the authorized persons who shall have the capacity of judicial

investigation officers with respect to the follow - up of crimes and infringements occurring to the

breach of the provisions of the Law no . 16 of 2007 on Animal Welfare, the present

Implementing Regulation and the other decisions issued in implementation thereof.

2 - The authorized persons, including animal welfare investigators, shall carry out the

following tasks:

a - The protection of animals from harm and the provisions of the animal welfare


b - The advice and issuance of instructions to the animal owner regarding animal welfare.

c - The investigation in claims and cruelty practices in dealing with animals, and the

performance of all measures in accordance with the present Law.

3 - The authorized persons shall be entitled to carry out the following procedures:
1 - Enter any establishment for inspection should there be any cause or proof that animals in

the care thereof are subject to harm or neglect , in a manner contradicting with the provisions of

the Federal Law no . 16 of 2007 on Animal Welfare, and the decisions issued in implementation

thereof. They shall show their identity to the owner of the animal or persons entrusted with the

care thereof. Should such establishments be private residences, the prior consent of the Public

Prosecution must be obtained.

2 - Examine any animal, gather evidences and documents, including pertinent pictures or

documents, and take adequate samples for tests required necessary to ensure the safety and

health of the animals within such establishments. They shall give the owner of the animal a part

of the sample, or another similar sample.

3 - Quarantine any animal suspected to be inflicted with an illness that threatens its safety or

that of the neighboring animals, and such in an isolated location at the premises of the owner of

the animal or transport it to another location for quarantine under the supervision of the

competent administration or authority, and such at the expense of the owner of the animal.

4 - Request any assistances or carry out any procedures to verify ensure the health and safety

of the animal. Whoever refrains from providing necessary assistance to authorized persons,

including assistance in registering animals for examination whenever such is possible?

5 - Keep any animal in order to gather evidences related to the breach of the Law on Animal


6 - Enter any location and take any animal whose owner is unknown, or was unreachable.
7 - Issue instructions and special recommendations on animal welfare.

8 - Dispose of the animal in coordination with the competent administration or authority

whenever there is no substitute to ease the pain, suffering or sickness of the animal.

Article 6

Instructions on Animal Welfare

Instructions on animal welfare shall be given should the authorized person deem that:

a - a person has, is or about to perpetrate actions breaching the present Law.

b - an animal not being cared for in the correct manner, suffering from unjustified pain,

requiring veterinary care, or an animal that must not be used in work, or that was retained

without justifiable reason.

Article 7

Authority to Give Instructions on Animal Welfare

1 - The authorized person may give instructions on animal welfare in writing. Such requires

taking specific measures pertaining to the animal or environment thereof.

2 - Instructions regarding animal welfare may be given:

a - to the owner of the animal.

b - to the person deemed by the authorized person as the person responsible for the animal.
c - In case the animal is locked, instructions shall be given to the person who was responsible

for the animal immediately prior to the locking thereof.

3 - Instructions regarding animal welfare may require any of the following procedures to be

taken by the owner of the animal:

a - The care or treatment of the animal in a specific manner;

b - The provision of shelter, food, rest, water or any other living circumstances to the animal;

c - The consultation of a veterinarian regarding the state of the animal;

d - The transportation of the animal from its location to another for any of the purposes

mentioned in paragraphs ( a ), ( b ) and ( c );

e - The non - transportation of the animal from the location where it is upon giving the


4 - In any case, the authorized person shall be entitled to take necessary measures regarding to

matters pertaining to animal welfare.

5 - Instructions on animal welfare may include the method by which such instructions are to be

Article 8

Requirements of Giving Instructions on Animal Welfare

1 - The form of instructions on animal welfare enclosed herewith must be approved by the

competent administration, and must include:

a - A description of the animal in a way that allows the instructor to recognize it.

b - The specie of the animal must be mentioned should the authorized person give instructions

to a person who has, is, or about to perpetrate any breach to animal welfare.

2 - The form shall stipulate the required procedures and specified time to carry out all required

measures, and shall include a notification of knowledge of the instruction giving decision.

3 - Instructions may be given verbally:

a - Should the authorized person see it best for the animal welfare to give the instructions

immediately; or

b - Should the authorized person be unable to give instructions on the form set therefor

immediately; or

c - Should the authorized person give the breaching person a warning.

4 - Should the instructions be given verbally, the authorized person must give the adopted

form at the soonest.

5 - The form of the instruction of animal welfare may include a suggestion to allow the

entrance of the authorized person at a specified time or periods, or the entrance of the truck

carrying the animal or any other location owned by the breaching person, in which the animals

subject of the violation are located, and such in order to ensure the execution of the instructions.

6 - The person to whom instructions on animal welfare are given must carry out such

instructions unless he has a reason accepted by the competent authority or administration.


Article 9

Animal Freedom of Movement

The provision by the owners of a sufficient space to the animals is one of the obligations of
animal welfare referred to in Article 4.

Article 10

Buildings and Amenities

The owner of the animal shall provide the following specifications to the establishments
(including cages and barns):

1 - That is suitable for the species, type, age, size and weight of the animal. Establishments
shall provide protection from weather changes and predators.

2 - That is of sufficient space and good ventilation.

3 - That are made from harmless material to animals, free from pollutants, easy to clean and

4 - That are designed in a manner that allows the provision of food and water adequately to the
animal, taking into account the conditions of storage of food.

5 - That provide general safety conditions for animals and human beings.

Article 11

Animal Nutrition
1 - Adequate food for the age and type of animals shall be provided in sufficient quantities that
keep them in good health and fulfill their nutritious needs.

2 - Animals must be able to constantly reach adequate water resources, or provide them with
sufficient quantities of drinking water on a daily basis, and water must be adequate for animal
needs with respect to quality.

3 - Feed or any other products containing fungicides in quantities exceeding the internationally
allowed limits in animal foods shall be prohibited.

4 - It shall be prohibited to feed animals expired products or feed or which contain harmful
materials to the animal health.

5 - The dealing in food containing any components or materials that are harmful to animals or
that are unauthorized by the competent administration.


Article 12

Transportation of Animals
The owner of the animal shall be responsible for providing animal welfare requirements
during transportation. Animals must be transported in means of transportation prepared therefor
from the ventilation , mangers and drinking places point of view , and in a manner that
guarantees the safety thereof , and their non - exposure to injuries or harm . Animals shall be
loaded and unloaded from trucks by specialized persons, taking into account:

1 - That the owner of the animal has good knowledge of the circumstances to which the animal
is subject during transportation, since he shall be legally liable should the loading circumstances
harm the health of the animal.

2 - That the means of transportation provides good health and protection of animals from bad
weather conditions.
3 - That the means of transportation is free from sharp objects that might cause damages to the

4 - That the area is sufficient for the number of animals required to be transported.

Article 13

Merciful Slaughter of Animals

Animal welfare shall be taken into account prior and during slaughter process in a merciful
manner. The guide shall include the conditions of merciful slaughter.

Article 14

Disposal of Animals to Combat Epidemics

Animals are executed for the combat of epidemics, especially the common epidemics with
human beings, and such with the agreement of the competent administration and in coordination
with the competent authority in merciful manners taking into account animal welfare.


Article 15

Treatment of Animals
Animals shall be treated in accordance with the guide of the State, provided that the following
is taking into account:

1 - The diagnosis of the illness must be carried out by a licensed veterinarian.

2 - The treatment must be made by or under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.

3 - Necessary surgical interventions as well as routine procedures must be carried out by

licensed experienced veterinarians, and under good health conditions for the animal. Such shall
be carried out in a way that lessens the stress and pain to a minimum.

4 - Veterinary surgical procedures require the provision of sufficient material to ease the pain
through total or local anesthesia.

Article 16

Return the Animal to the Owner thereof

The kept animal shall be returned to the owner thereof subsequent to the lifting of the reasons
of confiscation, and with the availability of the following conditions:

1 - Ensure the non - repetition of the neglect by taking an undertaking from the owner in this
regard. In case of repetition, sanctions mentioned in the Law shall be implemented.

2 - Settlement of expenses including the transportation and treatment costs spent on the


Article 17

In view of carrying out any of the following tasks, the persons responsible therefor shall be
subject to the sanctions set forth in the Law:

1 - Use severity in setting up animals for slaughter in slaughter houses or others, such as
beating them on the head, cutting the joints cords, gouging out the eyes or shocking with

2 - Use the animal in tests that cause physical or mental pain to the animal, without the consent
of the competent administration.

3 - Use the animal in a manner that contradicts the nature thereof in performing entertainment
artistic exhibitions, fun, pranks, hunting trips or wrestling rings.

4 - Expose the animal to neglect, severity or malnutrition.

5 - Give the animal any growth - inducing prohibited medicines that induce growth, chemical
materials or any feed or additives unauthorized by the Ministry and affecting the health of the

6 - Transport the animal from one place to another, or kill it in a way that causes terror or
7 - Use the animal in work, races or other in a way that exceeds the capacity thereof, or
without giving it sufficient food, water or rest.

8 - Kill or expose any animal destined for racing, loading or transport to intentional and
unjustified harm.

9 - Intentionally and unjustifiably give poison to any animal.

10 - Organize exhibitions or shows for animals without a license from the competent


Article 18

Animal Exhibitions and Markets

1 - Animals must be exhibited or sold in establishments licensed by the competent

administration. In view of obtaining the licenses, the animal welfare guide must be fulfilled; the
establishments must be under the supervision of a veterinary, with good ventilation and fulfilling
good health conditions that allow the harbor of such animals and the preservation of their kind.
The animals shall be registered in a special registered to find out the number, type, specie,
importing party and health thereof. Such procedures shall be carried out in coordination with the
competent authority.

2 - The organization of public exhibitions or competitions (animals or birds wrestling), or

animal shows for commercial or any other objectives, including advertisements or decorations
shall be prohibited without the written permit of the competent administration.


Article 19

Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes

1 - The use of animals for scientific experiments shall be prohibited unless after the
obtainment of a prior permit from the competent authority, along with a request from the party
carrying out such research clarifying the following:

a - Scientific causes (experiment) for which the animals are used.

b - An action plan shall be submitted to the competent administration including the adopted
precautionary measures in the establishment where the experiment will take place, the bio -
security procedures and the steps of the experiment including all data related to the used
biological tools and materials.

c - Adequate scientific qualifications shall be available at the persons carrying out or

participating in the experiment.

d - The party from which animals are sent provided that such animals are under the complete
supervision of a veterinary.

2 - The competent authority shall supervise the steps of execution of the research and the
follow - up of the results thereof.

3 - Animals shall not be used for more than one experiment, unless so required, provided that
the written approval of the competent administration is obtained.

4 - All research establishments using animals in scientific experiments must have an internal
committee to control the use of the animals for scientific purposes, and such in order to prevent
unnecessary suffering and to ensure the use of a minimum number of live animals in
experiments. Such committee shall be under the supervision of the Administration of Fauna.

5 - The control committee must submit annual reports regarding the use of animals in
scientific experiments to the competent administration.

6 - The competent administration must prepare a database regarding the use of animals for
scientific purposes within the State.


Article 20

Stray Animals
Stray animals may be taken for custody by any of the persons entrusted by the competent
authorities. Authorized persons may carry out the following should they found a stray animal:

1 - Detain the stray animal in an adequate healthy location.

2 - Provide veterinary care to the animal.

3 - Euthanasia (taking into account animal welfare) if necessary, in case the owner of the
animal does not show up within fourteen days, and for reasons allowing euthanasia.

Article 21

Notification of Infringements
1 - Authorized persons shall be responsible for the notification of the competent authority or
administration of any infringements hereto.

2 - Any other person may notify the competent authorities of any infringements hereto.

3 - The competent authority / authorities shall examine the infringements and take necessary

Article 22

1 - Whoever sexually violated an animal shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of
one month at least, and to a fine amounting to AED 5.000 at least.

2 - Whoever knowingly releases a diseased animal shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a

period of one year at most and to a fine amounting to AED 5.000 at least, or to either penalty.

3 - Whoever breaches the other commitments set forth by virtue of the provisions hereof , and
the ones set forth in regulations issued in implementation thereof shall be sentenced to a fine
amounting to AED 20.000 at most .



Article 23

The Minister, in coordination with the pertinent authority, shall issue the decisions
determining the necessary restrictions for the protection of the safety and health of the animals,
and for the prohibition of practices harmful thereto.

Article 24
Veterinarians holding a license to practice the profession from the Ministry of Environment
and Water shall be responsible for notifying the authorized persons of any infringement to the
provisions hereof. The competent administration or authority shall examine the infringement and
take the necessary measures as set forth in the present Decision.

Article 25

All establishments existing in the State must rectify their statuses in accordance with the
provisions of the Law and the present Implementing Regulation, and such within three months
from the issuance of the Regulation.

Article 26

Every provision contradicting or contravening the provisions hereof shall be abrogated.

Article 27
All parties, each within the jurisdictions thereof, shall implement the present Decision. Such
decision shall come into force as of the date of the issuance thereof, and shall be published in the
Official Gazette.

Promulgated on 25 Rabi' Al - Thani 1429 H.

Corresponding to 1st of May 2008

Raed Ahmed Bin Fahd

‫ثـواميت امرفق ابذلَوان‬
‫نولاهون الاحتادي رمق (;‪ )6‬مـام <‪ 700‬ثضبن امرفق ابذلَوان‬
‫واملرار اموزاري رمق (‪ )8=9‬مس ية =‪700‬م ارلاص ابمالحئة امخيفِذًة نولاهون‬
‫‪Federal Law No. (16) 2007 on Animal Welfare‬‬
‫‪And By Law No. (384) 2008‬‬


‫‪Details of Owner/ Person in Charge :‬‬ ‫بيانات صاحب الحيوان أو الشخص المسؤول‬

‫…………………… ……‪Name‬‬ ‫االسم‪:..........................................‬‬

‫………………………‪Address‬‬ ‫العنوان ‪.........................................‬‬


‫‪Contact telephone‬‬ ‫‪Facsimile‬‬ ‫فاكس‪.....................................................‬‬


‫‪Email‬‬ ‫البريد اإللكتروني‪...................................................‬‬

‫‪Premise Licence Number‬‬ ‫رقم رخصة المنشأة‪.........................................................‬‬

‫‪Description of Animals‬‬
‫وصف الحيوانات‪................................................‬‬

‫‪:Number‬‬ ‫الرقم ‪............................................‬‬

‫‪Species‬‬ ‫النوع‪....................................................‬‬

‫‪Breed/ s‬‬ ‫الساللة‪..............................................‬‬

Age ............................................‫العمر‬

Identification Marks ........................................‫العالمات المميزة‬

Violation ‫المخالفة‬


Instructions: ‫تعليمات‬

You are hereby

:‫أنت مطالب بتنفيذ التعليمات اآلتية‬
instructed to



for ........................................‫الوقت النهائي للتنفيذ‬


‫توقيع الشخص المخول‬ ‫توقيع صاحب الحيوان أو الشخص المسؤول‬

Signature of Authorized Person Signature of Owner/ Person in Charge

........................... ................................................

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