Abm L2m4-Test 1 Nov 2020

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Data and information Systems technology and databases Technology

Source to Pay

a. ---------------------------are useful tools that help us in the work that

we do in procurement and supply
b. --------------------------are used to help with every element of
procurement and supply, from analysing to paying suppliers. Without
them, our decisions would be guesses based on assumptions rather
than fact and we would not be able to record and report on what an
organisation spends, or see whether the contracts are being used
c. --------------------------(spreadsheet to calculate savings, or a complex
company-wide IT system) is, and will continue to be, an important part
of how we do things in procurement and supply
d. To help understand how systems technology and databases contribute
to effective procurement and supply, we can use the
---------------------- process as a roadmap

Q2. Internal information sharing system (promotes compliance and

requisition rules) Hosted on an organisation’s IT network (protected by
firewall) is-----

a. Internet
b. Intranet
c. Extranet
d. All of the above

Q3. Private network that can be used to access information and IT system
outside of an organisation is-------------

a. Internet

b. Intranet

c. Extranet

d. All of the above

Q4. Supplier extranet help with---------Tick correct

o To find out what stage of the purchase process has been reached

o Copies of invoices

o Data on supplier performance

Q5.Which of the following is the types of information presented by

suppliers and customers on their websites? Tick correct

 Who are their customers

• Where are they based

• Are they making profit or a loss?

• What are the plans for the future

• Research in procurement and supply

Q6. An online marketplaceis-----------

a. E-commerce
b. M-commerce
c. E- market
d. None

Q7. Determine whether the following questions are true/false

a. Data is input into systems throughout the procurement cycle

b. Data cannot be analysed to provide evidence for key decisions
c. Historical data and future forecasts help an organisation identify what
its demand for a commodity is likely to be to help an organisation to
buy things in a more organised and planned way.
d. Calculating the forecast for demand helps an organisation not to
decide on the best time to place an order.
e. Procurement and supply can achieve efficiencies for an organisation by
obtaining lower contract prices through a sourcing process or
f. Purchase orders record the date that the order was placed.

Q8. A private network used to share information inside an

a. Gives people access to the right information when they need it.
b. Can help to promote contract compliance and working within the
requisition rules.
c. a and b
d. none

Q9. ----------------------Is a global network that can be accessed by anyone.

a. Internet

b. Intranet

c. Extranet

d. All of the above

Q10. A website (like Amazon.com) that brings multiple buyers and sellers
together in one central marketplace is called

a. internet
b. extranet
c. e-market place
d. none

Q11. Websites that allow people and organisations to share content, e.g.,

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter is----------

a. internet

b. extranet

c. e-market place

d. social media

Q12. Information obtained from social media should not be used to decide
whether to work with a supplier, but it can be used to start a conversation
with a supplier to discover the validity of comments, or to help create the
questions to ask all suppliers as part of a sourcing selection process.

a. True

b. False

Q13. Using electronic systems to help with sourcing in the procurement

process is-----------------

a. e- purchasing

b. e-procurement

c. e-sourcing

d. social media

Q14. E-sourcing is used to-----------Tick correct

 Find and select suppliers including small businesses and those located
in other parts of the world

• Manage procurement activities

• Make procurement and supply processes quicker and more efficient

Q15. A request for an item by a person within an organisation electronically


a. e- purchasing

b. e-procurement

c. e-requisition

d. social media

Q16. An electronic database of the goods or services that a supplier provides


a. e- catalogue

b. e-procurement

c. e-requisition

d. e- ordering

Q17. The process of sending a purchase order to a supplier electronically by

email or an e-procurement system is-------------

a. e- catalogue

b. e-procurement

c. e-requisition

d. e-ordering

Q18. The process of issuing invoices electronically, either by email, through

an e-procurement system, or an accounts payable module is---------------

a. e- catalogue

b. e-procurement

c. e-requisition

d. e-invoicing

Q19. We use a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) to gather key data

about suppliers, such as ---------Tick correct

• The nature of the goods they supply

• The insurance or permits they have

• Details of their financial accounts

• Information on their health and safety or CSR policies

Q20. The buying organisation can then review the information provided to
determine which, if any, suppliers they will approve to submit quotations or
tender responses.

a. True
b. False

Q21. Lewei decides to analyse the data to see if he can smooth demand to
bring benefits to the organisation.

Answer the following questions:

1. What type of e-system has Lewei found this data on?

2. What documents will this data have been captured from?

4. Calculate the total spend on lightbulbs in the past 6 months.

5. Lewei decides to investigate the price that other suppliers offer for regular
orders, as well as the bulk discounts they offer. Suggest at least two
methods that he could use to find this out.


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