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Article Name Author Name Objective GAPS

1)Provide Women True Dignity In Economic , Social A Lake of Accurate Data Abou
Dr. SP Mathiraj, R Saro
1 Women In Media in India nd Personal Areas . 2) Technological Evaluation Has t Ratio Of Men: Wonen Jour
ja Devi
To Very Important Role. nalist.
1)Views Of Gender Have Been How women have cont
Role Of Women In Mass Me ributed towards the media & country. 2) Concerns ab
2 Dr. Radhika Kapur Criticized Men ,
dia out mistreatment & unequal treatment of women in di
fferent areas.
1) Media Should Adequately cover And facilitate the p
rocess of empowerment of women. 2) Shown media Not Showing women In Soci
3 Women And Media Justice. GN Ray
role in empowerment in India. 3) Media is quite releva al media
nt in the present day context.
Prof. Uma Joshi , Dr. A 1) For Social Change. 2) To explain Significance of th There is No Reason why wo
Image Of Women In Print M
4 njali Pahad , Ms.Avani e facts and offers opinion on contemporary issues. 3) men cannot choose Journal
Maniar Show opinion male & female journalists regarding. ism as a career.
Gendered Media : The influe 1) Promote women in the media is paralleled by the s
So much Data is Not Gather
5 nce of Media On Views of G Julia T Wood carcity of women in change of Media. 2) To Support
ender. Equality in Media Sector.
Women And Radio : Soundi 1)To Discuss music , international politics , activist th
Kristin Skoog & Alexa Not present data is include
6 ng out new paths in wome eater etc. 2) To provide information about radio adva
nder Badenoch d.
n's history. ntage with women's.
1)To Discuss about Femaleness & process of genderi
Media And women Image :
7 Sumita Sarkar ng & Population. 2) To Show Real Image of women wi Beauty As a Weapon
A Feminist Discourse
th social focus on indian society.
1) To know how important is women empowerment i
Role of Media in Empowerin Premlata and Tanuja J n media. 2)To increase the participation of women in Dissemination of the conce
g Women ukariya decision-making through the media 3)To promote a d pt of gender equality.
ecent and balanced portrayal of women in the media.
Portrayal of Women in India
To study the social sciencce researchers of modern ti Research paper Return in O
9 n Mass Media: An Investiga Himashree Patowary
me, specially for the feminist. ne row
Social Media and Women: A 1)To know the biological differences in the sexes. 2)T
Research paper returned in
10 Critical Evaluation of the Be B. K. Ravi o socialfactors.ation attributed to the attitudinal and
One Row .
havioural Disconnect behavioural factors
Mentionied All Old Rituals B
Status of Modern Women in
11 Thanavathi C. 1) To know what is Status of women in morden india. ut Not mentioned about "Ba
l Vivah"
12 Women On Television Vera Kunthie To know the interpretation and the opinion of viewers Informal Opinion
about description of women in soap operas in Televis
Women and Journalism: Co The study focuses on commitment and challenges of Young women but still no cl
13 Sivakumar I.
mmitment and Challenges women in journalism. ear path of advancement
Case study of Urban and Ru To conduct the case study of the urban women journ The works of Urban and Rur
Md Afsar1
, Suman Ku
14 ral Women Journalists in In alists in terms of professional, social and personal liv al area are being told separ
dia es. ately.

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