The Last Leaf by O. Henry Lesson Plan

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Teodoro M.

Luansing College of Rosario

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. identify an author's writing style in the fiction text The Last Leaf,

2. recognize the fictional text The Last Leaf written by O. Henry,

3. write an alternative reflection appropriate to the story,

4. perform different activities that will showcase student’s skills and talents.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Last Leaf of O. Henry


Materials: Powerpoint presentation, photo cards and visual aids

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(Preliminary Activities)

“Good Morning Class”

“Good Morning Sir”
“Please all stands for our opening prayer”
(Students will stand for a prayer)
Before you take your seats, Kindly pick up the
trashes under your chair and arrange your chair
(Students pick up the pieces of papers and the students
arrange their chairs)
(Checking Attendance)

“Okay class secretary! Do we have any

absentees for this day?”
(Student will report who are the absentees)
“It’s nice to hear that all are present today”

“Do we have an assignment?”

“None, Sir”
Before that, I would like to set a class rules, and
we are going to call it 3B’s

 Be Respectful
 Be Cooperative, and

National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
 Be Honest

“Do I make myself clear class?”

“Loud and clear, Sir”
(Review of the past lesson)

Okay class, who wants to share their learnings

about our previous topic?
(The students answer may vary)
“Excellent” let’s give at least three (3) claps
(The students will do the instruction)
Do you have questions about our previous
None, Sir
A. Activity

Let us have our activity first before anything


We are going to call this activity as


In this activity we will assume that you are

the celebrity guest for our game, I will prepare a
printed brief case for our activity.
I will also prepare a box and you will past it to
your seatmate, and to enjoy this game I will play
some cool music. When the music stops, the
student holding the box will choose a number of
briefcase. Inside the brief I’ve prepared a
questions that are connected to my topic.

“Are my instruction clear?”

“Yes, Sir!”

National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario

Answer: A

Answer: B

Answer: A

Answer: B

Answer: B

Answer: B

“Did everyone enjoy our activity?”

Yes, Sir!
What do you think is the relevance of our
activity to our lesson for today?
I think you will discussing a short stories.
“Considerable” We are going to analyze a short
story about The Last Leaf.

Before that, let’s give ourselves a “Pop Cola


National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
Do you know what pop cola clap is? No, Sir!

Okay class, I’ll show you (Students will do the pop cola clap)

Please be seated!

1. Presentation

I will be posting a picture of a noble person. He

is the author of the story that we will watch
later. I want you to fill in the box with the
correct information. Get the answer from the
information posted on the board.

Did I make myself clear? Yes, Sir!

Are you ready? Yes, Sir!

Answer: O. Henry

Answer: Naturalistic style

Answer: September 11, 1862, Greensboro, North

Carolina, United States

Answer: American writer

Answer: The Arizona Kid (1930) and The Cisco Kid


Answer: "The Gift of the Magi", "The Duplicity of

Hargraves", and "The Ransom of Red Chief",

National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario

Congratulations class, Now, you will be watching

the story “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry, and I will
give you copy of literary piece of O. Henry about
the last leaf. All you have to do is to watch and
listen carefully. Note the significant events in
the story.

2. Discussion

I think, we can start our discussion about this

fictional stories of O. Henry. Let me introduce
you the fictional text here in this stories.

1. The characters in the story of the last

leaf are: (The students will volunteer to read)

Who wants to read?

 Sue, as a young artist, who lives with her friend
 Johnsy, another young artist, who is Sue's
friend. She has pneumonia but survives due to
the presence of the last leaf of an ivy plant.
 Behrman, an old artist, who dies after painting
the last leaf.

2. Who has an idea about the setting of

the last leaf?
(The student answer may vary)
Would someone read this sentence for me?
(The students will volunteer to read)

The Setting
O. Henry's short story 'The Last Leaf' is set in an
area of Greenwich Village that functions as an artists'
3. How about the plot of story?
Would someone read this sentences for
The Plot
“The Last Leaf” is a story of Johnsy, a poor young
woman who is critically ill due to pneumonia. She
believes that when the ivy vine on the wall outside her
window would lose all its leaves, she would die too.
However, her neighbor, Behrman, an artist, tricks her
by painting a leaf on the wall. Johnsy recovers.

National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario

4. Who can define the conflict of the

story? (The students answer may vary)

The story's major conflict is that Johnsy
has superstitiously tied her fate to the fate of
the last ivy leaf on the vine, which is certain to

5. What is point of view of the story?

(The students will volunteer to read)
Kindly read Mr./Ms._____
Point of View
The short story “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry is
narrated in the third-person by an anonymous narrator
who only functions as an observer. The narrator does
not get involved in the action but simply renders what
he sees. The narrator has limited knowledge about the
characters and their thoughts and feelings.

6. What do you think is the theme of the (The student answer may vary?)

(The students will read the sentences)

Would someone read this sentences for
me? Theme
The short story “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry is
narrated in the third-person by an anonymous narrator
who only functions as an observer. The narrator does
not get involved in the action but simply renders what
he sees. The narrator has limited knowledge about the
characters and their thoughts and feelings.

Johnsy’s illness is pneumonia

7. What is Johnsy’s illness?


B. Analysis

Excellent. Now let’s have a short activity before

you take quiz.

You are going to write your own reflection

National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
about the story that we discussed. Consisting 5
to 10 sentences, I will give you 5 minutes to do
the activity.

Yes, Sir!
Are my instruction clear?

C. Abstraction

Now, class, let’s remember the features of

fiction story of The Last Leaf by O. Henry. Who
are the characters? (The students answer may vary)

How about the setting? (The students answer may vary)

The Plot? (The students answer may vary)

How about the conflict?

(The students answer may vary)

What is the point of view of the story? (The students answer may vary)

Class, what is the theme? (The students answer may vary)

Let’s give ourselves a wonderful clap

Do you know what wonderful clap is? No, Sir

Okay, I’ll show you

Do you have any questions and any clarification None, Sir?

about the features of fiction stories in the last

D. Application
Let us proceed to the last activity, it is a group

You will be divided in to two groups and each

group I’ll be giving a cartolina and what are you
going to do is to make a slogan which connected
to the theme of the story.
Before you present your output, you are
required to create a yell. I’ll be giving 5 minutes
to make a slogan and another 2 minutes for yell

National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
and 3 minutes for presentation.
 Participation.……………………………50%
 Creativity………………………………….30%
 Time Management…………………..20%

Are my instruction clear? Yes, Sir!

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Write True if the statement is correct, and write False if the statement is incorrect.

1. The characters of the story are Johnsy, Sue and Mr. Berhman
2. Mr. Behrman died because of cancer?
3. The greatest work Mr. Behrman made was the last leaf.
4. It is a story of hope, love and friendship because Sue and Mr. Behrman did not give up on
restoringJohnsy’s will to live.
5. Johnsy’s illness is pneumonia?

V. Assignment

Write an alternative ending suitable to the story, consisting 10 to 15 sentences.

Prepared by:


Student Teacher Subject Teacher

National Rd., Brgy. Namunga, Rosario, Batangas, 4225 Philippines

Tel. No.: 0917-187-2929/ 043 781 1483

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