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A few guidelines for the Haaji

1) Let the purpose of the Hajj be Almighty Allah. It should not be to just complete an obligation.
Understand that this journey begins the day you leave home, and not only when you reach the

Thus, do not allow time to be wasted whilst waiting in lines at the airports, etc. Utilize
this time in Tilawat, and in completing recitations from books of duas and durood.

Also, when you do reach the Haram do not rush in completing your Umrah and coming
out of Ihraam. Complete the Ibadah with great patience, tranquility and enjoyment.

2) In this journey you are a guest of Almighty Allah, and the others with you are also guests.

 A host is always looking if the guest has any desire, thus make the best of this, by:

a) setting your duas from before (between 3 and 5) and repeating these duas at every
occasion where one's mind goes to dua.

b) write out duas from before in a book and the names of those you wish to make dua
for. Once at night glance through this.

 Do not every look down at any other Haaji, since he too is a guest. A host gets upset
when one guest despises another or causes him difficulty.

 Do not allow a dirty glance to fall upon the women around you. They too are the guests
of Allah, and it is a disgrace to a host when one interferes with his guests. (Nabi Lut
Alaihi Salaam said when the people of his area wished to engage in a haraam act with
his guests (not knowing that they were actually angels sent to punish them: 'These are
my guests. Do not disgrace me with regards to my guests!'

3) In the Quraan Almighty Allah advised the Haaji to avoid filthy acts/filthy talks with women
whilst on this journey, to stay far from sin, and not to argue.

When in Ihraam talking to one's own wife regarding physical relations is haraam., what
then will be the degree of evil if one were to engage in such conversation with other

From the above command we learn that one should not think that evil cannot occur
during this journey. Nay, shaitaan too is with and he will try as hard as he can to get you
to spoil it. Be on your guard, especially with regards to your eye (looking at evil) and
your tongue (saying such things that lead to arguments)
4) The height of Haj is ihraam, during which even a king is not allowed to show himself off as
a king. He too has to dress like a pauper. Self-annihilation is what ihraam is all about. Any act
that allows one to show himself off is considered against the demands of this self-
annihilation. Thus avoid taking photos of oneself whilst in ihraam or in the Haram. Whatever
good you do is being recorded by Almighty Allah. There is no need for you too to record it.

5) Let your expression of love for Almighty Allah and Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi wa Sallam be
governed with etiquette and respect. The more the respect and dignity you show in the
Harams the more the value of your worship. If reaching the Hajar-e-Aswad or the 'green
carpet' demands that you push and shove then it will perhaps be better to express your love
from far.

6) Strive to get your Hajj accepted by:

 Ending the Hajj with Istighfaar and Tasbih in abundance
 making an effort to remain united throughout the journey
 sending a gift beforehand (tawassul through sadaqah, etc) and (iesaal-e-thawaab,
through 1000 salawaat, etc)

May Almighty Allah accept your Hajj

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