Specialized English Program 1

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Seatwork Activity-1 Submitted to Dr. Ruben P. Quitolbo

Name & Surname: _______________________________ Date: ___________________

Student ID: ____________________________________ Year & Course: __________

Explain briefly on what theories do you believe in the assignation of King Ananda Mahidol of
Thailand? At least Maximum of 280 words, double space, Times Roman.

Reference:: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/long-live-the-king-1-91081660/

A man rose to become king throughout history, and one of the youngest is a former Thai

King named King Ananda Mahidol. He was Thailand's and Siam's eighth monarch. Rama

descended from the Chakri dynasty. As time passed, he was recognized as king by the people.

Wayback March 1935, he was nine years old and living in Switzerland when he was elected to

the National Assembly. He returned to Thailand in 1945, but subsequently, he was shot.

Moreover, on June 9, 1946, the 20-year-old Ananda Mahidol, King Rama, was

assassinated. VIII of Siam was also assassinated in his bedroom by a bullet to the head. This

catastrophe that befell King Mahidol abides. Thailand's administration has suppressed the truth.

In part through enforcing the brutal lè se majesté laws, which means a crime that commits

against sovereign power, Article 112 of Thailand's criminal code uses to criminalize open and

honest behavior. The formal investigation regarding Ananda's death is still ongoing. Death

evaluated has three possibilities: he was killed, committed suicide, or accidentally shot himself.

Despite substantial condemnation and the fact that everyone involved lied about what

happened, Ananda's death can be reconstructed. The first crucial point is that there is no realistic

possibility. An assassin snuck into the Grand Palace that morning and snatched Ananda's Colt.

45 automatic rifle from his bedside cabinet, shot him in the head and ran away unobserved.
Furthermore, Sangwan, Ananda's mother, implored Pridi Banomyong, the visionary

politician who was prime minister at the time, to proclaim the shooting a self-inflicted accident

rather than suicide. Pridi and the administration complied in part to preserve royal prestige. The

likelihood of Ananda doing this by accident was incredibly slim while the gun was pointing at

his brow. Within hours of Ananda's death, royalist politicians, particularly Seni Pramoj, began

spreading accusations that Pridi Banomyong had intended to assassinate him. However,

Ananda's death was exploited by monarchists to defame Pridi, which had terrible repercussions

for Thailand.

To conclude, I suppose that King Mahidol was slain, and what was done to him was so

cruel that even the identification of the crime perpetrated against him was deceptive. Numerous

people manipulated and sought to falsify this case, which is still an enigma in history and an

unresolved issue in Thailand.

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