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1, Summarize the article

The article is about fear-base management – an old style management

technique used in all fields of life. Firstly, the writer takes some examples of
using fear-based management style in sport and businesses. The ability to inspire
fear has always been an essential tool of management. The writer also denotes
that although modern laws have put an end to such kind of fear-based
management tactics but the terror in the workplace is making a comeback.
Secondly, the author emphasizes that executives need to strike the right balance
when using fear-based management tactic to develop talent fully. He quotes the
opinions of some experts to point out that fear can become a barrier to taking
risks in sport, yet can provide the emotional kick to meet a challenge and make
people productively neurotic. Finally, the writer concludes from Collin’s life
that driving fear of failure is not unique in cooperate life, is available in all fields
of life.

2, A number of management tactics can be put into practice. In what ways

can a leader win the respect of subordinates and exercise authority over
them successfully?

A great/ smart/ successful manager can use not only the art of delegation
but also the fear-based management tactic control the subordinates effectively.

The former style helps manager create the positive working environment
where the employees feel trusted and valued. For the reason that, managers can
successfully maintain the balance of power without losing their authority.

The latter style is the style that inspire fear among the subordinates to
control them. fear can become a barrier to taking risks, yet can provide the
essential emotional kick needed to meet a challenge.

To conclude,

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