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Reading & Writing 3 2022

Unit 3: Strategy
A. Overview:
1. Fill the given words in blanks to complete the text below:
Mission allocation environment foothold barriers modifying
these strategy e-commerce lack proactive well-known
Established Aid Distinguishes distribution Dominate corporate

This unit focuses on (1)………., in particular the strategy of the companies behind (2)
………. brands like Nike and Harley Davidson. (Stategy can refer to specific strategies,
such as the company’s marketing or (3)………. trategy; here we are talking about overall
(4)……………. strategy.) First an organization needs to define its mission (normally
through a (5)……. statement); what is the organization’s core business? Then it needs to
define its strategy, i.e. plan how to succeed in this core business needs (6)………..).
Organizations that (7)………… a clear strategic direction tend to fail. Emerging
industries can be extremely attractive to companies, as firms can get a (8)……….. in the
industry before other people are established and (9)……………. to entry become high.
(Think of (10)……….., for example: within three years of start-up, Amazon came to (11)
………… bookselling on the internet). Generally, however, companies can only succeed
in an (12)………. industry by defining and implementing a corporate strategy that (!3)
………… them from competitiors. Organizations need to be (14)………….., continually
reassessing their own perormance and the industry and (!5)………… they operate in. a
number of standard tools can be used to (16)………. this process of analysis, e.g. a
SWOT analysis and PEST analysis (see Listening 1 for more details). Yet although the
setting of strategic planning, it is equally important to plan how (17)……… objectives
are to be met; without effective (18)……… and use of resources, no strategy can
2. What is “STRATEGY”?
3. What do you think the picture represents? (p.23- coursebook)
Reading & Writing 3 2022
5. What is the focus of the unit?
6. Read the KEY NOTES then define the words in bold:

7. What does the tittle “ The big picture” refer to?

8. What should be done to develop a trategy?

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