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Nama :…………………………. Hari / Tanggal :…………..
Kelas :…………………………. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
No Absen : …. Waktu : 90 menit

I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf A,B atau C di depan jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. I go to school with my father in the ….

A. Morning
B. Afternoon
C. Night

2. We sleep in the bedroom at ….

A. Afternoon
B. Night
C. Morning

3. The meaning of “good afternoon” is ….

A. Selamat pagi
B. Selamat siang
C. Selamat tinggal

4. Meimei : How many books are there?

Fizi : There are ….
A. Seven books
B. Five books
C. Three books

5. Teacher : How many fruits in the picture above?

Ikhsan : There are … fruits.
A. Six
B. Five
C. Four

6. Susanti : What is the colour of strawberry? Jarjit

: The colour of strawberry is ….
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. Red

7. This is a yellow starfruit. In Indonesian is ….

A. Ini adalah sebuah belimbing hijau.
B. Ini adalah sebuah belimbing kuning.
C. Ini adalah sebuah belimbing merah.
8. The color of dragon fruit is … .
A. Black
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B. Purple
C. Green

9. Teacher : Do you like … ?

Sigit : Yes, mam. I like it.
A. Orange
B. Grape
C. Durian
10. I have a beautiful cat. Artinya saya memiliki seekor …
yang cantik.
Cat in Indonesia is … .
A. Ayam
B. Katak
C. Kucing

11. Ada banyak kupu – kupu di taman.

There are many …. in the garden.
A. Dog
B. Butterfly
C. Lion

12. Can you arrange these “ r – i – b – t – a – b ” ? A.

B. Frog
C. Rabbit
13. Ini adalah seekor kucing. Translate into English is …
A. This is a cat
B. This is a cow
C. This is a lion

14. Teacher : What is this?

Student : This is wheel.
Teacher : What shape is this?
Student : This shape is … .
A. square
B. circle
C. triangle

15. This is my house. The shape of door is ….

A. Oval
B. Triangle
C. Rectangle

II. Isilah titik- titik dengan jawaban yang benar!

1. Three plus seven equals …
The answer of the question above is … .
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2. Burung ini dapat terbang tinggi.

This … can fly high.

3. I like this fruit. This fruit is sweet.

This fruit is … .

4. I like read a storybook. The shape of book is ….

5. Aku melihat ikan berenang di sungai.

I see a … in the river.

III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!

1. Translate into English the name of animals below!

a. Anjing = …………………
b. Ikan = …………………
c. kucing = …………………

2. Translate into Indonesian the name of fruits below!

a. Watermelon = …………………
b. Banana = …………………
c. Orange = …………………

3. Draw the shapes below !

a. Circle = …………………
b. Square = …………………
c. Triangle = …………………

4. Arrange the name of colours below into correct word!

a. o – w – e – l – y – l = …………………
b. d–e–r = …………………
c. u – e – b – l = …………………

5. Write the numbers in English :

4 a. = …………………

6 b. = …………………
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d. 1
= …………………



Bank Soal Kelas 1 Kurikulum Merdeka : KLIK 2 X DISINI

Modul Ajar Lengkap Kelas 1 : KLIK 2 X DISINI

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