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Activity 5

I. Compare the socio-political situation of the Philippines during Rizal’s time and in the present

Rizal’s works such as the Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are not only some but of
the most known works of him, but they also reflect the real-life situations of the Filipinos
and the Philippines itself in the time of Rizal or the 19 th century. The presence of instability
of colonial administration, corrupt colonial officials, denied human rights to Filipinos, lack of
equality before the law, maladministration of justice, racial discrimination, forced labor,
owning of land of powerful people/friars, and the presence of guardia civil are very evident
that time. These situations were prominently described in the works of Rizal through the
representations of his characters in his novels. Years and decades had past, now that we are
out of the hands of the Spaniards, we cannot fully say that we live in a peaceful, prosperous
nation. Some issues and problems from the past still arise and continue to arise as time
passes. Rizal emphasized the importance of loving our country in his works but now, it
seems that this ideology of him is being ignored by many of us. Colonial mentality is still very
prominent. A lot of people adore the foreign so much to the point that they support
everything they do. Imported products are taxed higher to prevent the people from buying
lots of them and support local products, but this doesn’t stop them from purchasing and
buying imported goods.

Human rights and maladministration of justice are also a big dilemma in our country up
to now. Yes, there are laws being passed in our senate, but this doesn’t guarantee that it
applies to everyone especially to those oppressed ones. Frankly speaking, it only easily
applies to those who are privileged. And this causes the unprivileged ones to be pressed on
the things they didn’t even do and give them accusations and allegations that usually ends
up being imprisoned. With our current political and justice, we can say that only the
fortunate and rich ones are the one who enjoy these human rights, which is unfair.

Corruption on the other hand, like in the time of Rizal, is still very evident in our
government. This is shown by the projects of the government that’s supposed to be
benefitted by the public. The substandard materials they use in doing the said projects,
which were given enough funds in the first place. Politicians are always being lured into
having and earning more money as they are being exposed to the “kaban ng bayan”. Our
taxes that are supposed to benefit us are being robbed by the people who promised us

As mentioned earlier, powerful, rich and influential people still tend to take advantage
of their power. Such as claiming lands from the people, abusing their power by forcing
labors and discriminating those who have lower life status to them. That’s why, even if we
are no longer in the hands of the Spaniards, we cannot say that we Filipinos are free and live
a peaceful life. This time, the problem is within us. We are blinded by the things that the
foreigners put in front of us, thinking that if we become like them and imitate their lifestyle,
we become more powerful and above from others, thinking as if we are elites of the society.
Yes, this reality we have is very disappointing. But it is not yet too late to hold on and keep
in mind the words of Rizal and his message for us, the youth, as he considers us the hope of
our country. it is not yet too late to change our bad mindsets as our future depends only on
us, and no one else.

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