6 April Math Shift 2

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vier JEE (Main)-2023 : Phaso-2 (06-04-2023)-Evening UN Uo) ‘SECTION -A le Choice Questions: This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Choose the correct answer: 4. If) + x)= then f(x) sin xe a 0) ae 2 2 (3) 2r8 a > Answer (1) Sol. 1= [f(x)sinx ax a = |r(n=x)sinx oe 0 21 = f(sinx)(f(x) +f(n—x)) dx a are fon a i 3 21-202 fsinx ax 0 = 7? (-cosx)g ‘The system of the equations xty+z=6 x+2y+az= Shas x+2y+62=f (1) Infinitely many solution for «= 6, B= 3 (2) Infinitely many solution for «= 6, B= 5 (3) Unique solution for a = 6, B= 5 (4) No solution for a = 6, B= 5 Answer (2) a4 Sol. Let A=|1 2 a|=6-a 2 6 for «#6 system has unique solution Now, when a = 6 e414 4,=|5 2 6|=0~ (30-68) + (10-28) p26 4G-5) 162 a,=|1 5 6|=-4(6-5) 1p6 116) [11 6 ay-|1 2 5[-]0 1 -1 |=p-5 12 plo 1 p-6 Cloarly at B= 5, A)= 0 for i= 1,2, 3 ata system has infinite solutions. Let statement 1 : (2002) — (1919)? ig divisible by8. Statement WneN, then (1) Statement and statement-2 both are true (2) Only statement-1 is true (3) Only statement-2 is true (4) Neither statement-1 nor statement-2 are true Answer (3) Sol. +: (2002 = 8 m 3.13" — 12n — 13 is divisible by 144 (2002 is divisible by 8 and (1919)? is not divisible by 8 (2002)2%8 — (1919)? is not divisible by 8. Now 19,(18)"— 120-13 3 (1 + 12)"— 120-13, tal tt2n sng, 22 6——]-tan—13 = ttn tdding, = =144[n no, += = 144K Statement.2 is correct -10- ® JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (06-04-2023)-Evening ‘Aakash , a1 222,324? A 2 4, Ifthe coefficient of x7 in (o? -) and x in | 8H P2048 48 pn ( 2022)" + (2028)" = min, \ 28x, ‘where m,n < Nand m > 19 then n? — mis 4 yt (1) 615 [xe gia] ee emitten Oe @) B12 6 . () a®p=2 @) a®p=2 (4) 264 3 3 ‘Answer (1) 6 ; (@) ap? 2 (4) ap® =2 Sol. #-2? 324? «....(2021)? -(2022)* + (2028)? 3 3 ‘Answer (1) = Mann, * (2028)? 01 terms in (ax? + Sol. Coefficient of x7 in |e ax} . —1244(6.(1010)4)- (20237 Taree lax2)™ {LY =4014(3 + 2020) (2023)? wt 2B} > Now,22—2r-r=7 (2028)(~1011) + (2023) 15 (2028)(2023 - 1011) 6 Coot = Noy 2 2023(1012) (28y = (a7)?-7(2?-288) = (34)? (177) 1 No, Coeff. of x7in {x4 willbe, f= Bis C8. = m=34, n= l an] ee 34, =1771 nom = 17711186 =615 Wa ¥b and are purely real, z < complex number, Ro(az? + bz) = a and Re(bz? + az) = b then number of value of z possible is 5. IF (21)"* + 20.(24)"” + (20)? (24y"*+ 2oy* (0 p = k(21" 20°) then k= 21 et > @1 @2 3 @ 2 2 Answer (1) Sol. a(x? —y2) + bx=a ‘Answer (2) bx? —y2) + ax=b Sol, a=(21)",r-22,n=19 o-@ . (a— bye) + (b-ayx=a-b (ab) (2)") = 8 Pox=1 (21) (+ (i s- ns J ar 20. (a+ b\oe-y)+x(a+b)=at+b — (a4-b) 21 = ayexet 19 = 2 (any -(20y") > (any =¥ (not possible « y eR) = (21) (20) No complex number possible. Me @ agp 8 Two tangents ere dawn tom pot A(2,-2} 2) interact he cele 8 +7 — 20+ y= 5.9 Pand @ then the are of POR is a710 1715 4) 1710 a) 1218 ” 290 @ 296 296, 290 a) 298. 4) 200. @) 1715 4) 1710 Answer (2) Sol. 17154 16x74 1715, 296 8. Equation of plane passing tough inleecion of Per dsjek=6and Py :H(2i +3)+ 4h) =8 and (0,2,-2)is P. Then square of stance of (12, 12, 18) from P is (1) 310 (2) 1240 (3) 155 (4) 620 ‘Answer (4) Sol. P, +4, =0 (x+y +z-6) +2 (2x4 3y+4z+5)=0 (1421) x4 (1+ Sn)y + (1 + 4n)2+52-6=0 Passing through (0, 2, -2) 2 Plane : Sx +7y + 92=-4 5(12)+ 7112) 9(18)+4) +P 4 o? Distance JE (Main}-2028 : Phase-2 (06-04-2023)-Evening 10. If V is volume of parallelopiped whose three coterminous edges are ,6,6, then volume of a parallelopiped whose coterminous edges are B+ 6,8+26+36 is (ev @v (3) 2v (4) 3v. Answer (2) Sol [4 5+é 6 +25+36)] 1:0 Of =]o 1 1\[a 6 é) 12 3) ~ -[ 6 ¢] -v 11. Si:(p 5.4) v(-p.5q)i8 a tautology Se:(q= p) = (-P 4) isa contradiction (1) Both $+ and S2 are true (2) Neither Si Nor S: are true (3) Only Ss are true (4) Only Se are true ‘Answer (2) Sol. (p= q)v (=p) (—pyg)v~paq =-pyav~pq sr pvG Which is not a tautology (a>p)>-paa) =avp)= (pa) av phy (-pA9) an (-p)v (ona) =-paq Which is not a contradiction. ea 12, (+n) xine =o” (smo ° Solution of this differential equation satisfies (1, 90) and (a, 92) then ais 0 e090 é ot 4) 2 @ 0 90 @) 45 @ & % Answer (3) (4) ee 12+ EE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (06-04-2023)-Evening Sol. (1+Inx)dx ~xinxdy = e%dy d(yxinx) = dle") => fyinx=e" +0] ‘Through (1, 90) => C= —28° xyinx = oY ~2% 92 a.92Ina =6' 2” 2 13, 14, 16, 16. 17, 18. 19 20. ‘SECTION-B Numerical Value Type Questions: This section contains 10 questions. In Section B, attempt any five questions out of 10. The answer to each question is @ NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct value (in decimal notation, truncatedirounded-off to the second decimal place; €.9,, 06.25, 07.00, -00.33, -00.30, 30.27, -27.30) using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the answer. numerical 21, The rank of the word "PUBLIC" is Answer (198) 561432 son, PUBLIC 440210 41 4) 31 21 1 oF Rank =(1 11+ 2% 2144 x4! +44) +4 =(144+96+96)+1 = 198 ‘sa =A]+|x-2] and y= 3 22. The area enclosed by y= Answer (04) yelx-tl+ x2 Sol. yaa 3.3) ofl a}e =4 23. Ifthe number of all 4 letter words with 2 vowels and 2 consonants from the word UNIVERSE is n, then n- 500s Answer (4) Sol, Vowels > 1, U, E, E Consonants —> N,V, R, S (1) 2Vowels some (II) 2 Vowels different 30, 40, «4! = 432, 72+ 432 = 504 24, Three dice are thrown, Then the probability that no outcomes is simitaris 2 then g—pis (where p and q @ are co-prime) Answer (04) 6x5x4 Sol. P(E) = Fe 20.8 3634 Ie q-p=9- 25, Pe=I-P 1-2qp spb = al 13P Then find the value of a+ B+ y—6 Answer (24) 213+ Pp PP Pes Bl 13P -U-P)=2P-1 a= 8,9 =6,y=18,5=8 Pts 2Pe_P atpty-5=8+6+18- = 2(|-P)- P= 21-3P 26. Similarly 27. P= 5/-8P 28. and P* = 13/— 21P 29, Pi + P= 18/-29P 30. gaa 14

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