Saying It in Writing P 89

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I wish I could make a school system
I wish I could make a school system I wish I could make a school system I wish I could plan an ideal school so that the students
I wish I could plan an ideal school so that the students I wish I could plan an ideal school so that the students would be motivated and could really feel at ease . If I
would be motivated and could really feel at ease . If I would be motivated and could really feel at ease . If I were responsible for education, I would make the
were responsible for education, I would make the were responsible for education, I would make the programms shorter. In addition, students would take
programms shorter. In addition, students would take programms shorter. In addition, students would take their exams in two separate periods; for instance,they
their exams in two separate periods; for instance,they their exams in two separate periods; for instance,they would take exams in the core subjects first: maths,
would take exams in the core subjects first: maths, would take exams in the core subjects first: maths, physics, languages , technology and natural sciences.
physics, languages , technology and natural sciences. physics, languages , technology and natural sciences. And a month later, they would take exams in the
And a month later, they would take exams in the And a month later, they would take exams in the remaining subjects.
remaining subjects. remaining subjects. As far as age is concerned , I would give a chance to
As far as age is concerned , I would give a chance to As far as age is concerned , I would give a chance to older students in special classes, with special teachers
older students in special classes, with special teachers older students in special classes, with special teachers and special programms in order to help them make their
and special programms in order to help them make their and special programms in order to help them make their abilities into practice.
abilities into practice. abilities into practice. Moreover, they would have less influence on younger
Moreover, they would have less influence on younger Moreover, they would have less influence on younger students who are sometimes victims of their classmates
students who are sometimes victims of their classmates students who are sometimes victims of their classmates that may be up to six years older which is an actual
that may be up to six years older which is an actual that may be up to six years older which is an actual sacrifice.
sacrifice. sacrifice. As for the teaching methodology, I think I would replace
As for the teaching methodology, I think I would replace As for the teaching methodology, I think I would replace this boring out of date method ( teacher+book+board )
this boring out of date method ( teacher+book+board ) this boring out of date method ( teacher+book+board ) by another more practical and modern method ie :
by another more practical and modern method ie : by another more practical and modern method ie : Leaving enough freedom to both students and teachers
Leaving enough freedom to both students and teachers Leaving enough freedom to both students and teachers for creativity and innovation. Also, course attendance
for creativity and innovation. Also, course attendance for creativity and innovation. Also, course attendance would not be obligatory in secondary school in some
would not be obligatory in secondary school in some would not be obligatory in secondary school in some subjects for example they would have to choose to
subjects for example they would have to choose to subjects for example they would have to choose to study English or French as a foreign language…
study English or French as a foreign language… study English or French as a foreign language… phylosophy or history as human sciences.
phylosophy or history as human sciences. phylosophy or history as human sciences. I would encourage students to practise extra curicular
I would encourage students to practise extra curicular I would encourage students to practise extra curicular activities such as preraring campaigns of
activities such as preraring campaigns of activities such as preraring campaigns of solidarity….writing poetry…painting…playing
solidarity….writing poetry…painting…playing solidarity….writing poetry…painting…playing sports………theatre etc……making documentaries
sports………theatre etc……making documentaries sports………theatre etc……making documentaries about pollution, corruption, poverty, drug
about pollution, corruption, poverty, drug about pollution, corruption, poverty, drug addiction…………..etc
addiction…………..etc addiction…………..etc For discipline , I am quite certain that our children are
For discipline , I am quite certain that our children are For discipline , I am quite certain that our children are usually well disciplined when adults are disciplined and
usually well disciplined when adults are disciplined and usually well disciplined when adults are disciplined and can be good examples.
can be good examples. can be good examples. Children are quiet if ony the educator is patient and
Children are quiet if ony the educator is patient and Children are quiet if ony the educator is patient and understanding enough to know how to deal with them
understanding enough to know how to deal with them understanding enough to know how to deal with them I would paint the rooms in pink and grow plenty of
I would paint the rooms in pink and grow plenty of I would paint the rooms in pink and grow plenty of flowers all around………..I would make school the best
flowers all around………..I would make school the best flowers all around………..I would make school the best place where a child would love to spend his time.
place where a child would love to spend his time. place where a child would love to spend his time. But, this is just a dream that may become true for future
But, this is just a dream that may become true for future But, this is just a dream that may become true for future generations.
generations. generations.
School (n) ‫ مدرسة‬College / University (n) ‫جامعة‬ School (n) ‫ مدرسة‬College / University (n) ‫جامعة‬ School (n) ‫ مدرسة‬College / University (n) ‫ جامعة‬Success
Success ≠ Failure (n) ‫نجاح≠فشل‬Co-education (n) Success ≠ Failure (n) ‫نجاح≠فشل‬Co-education (n) ≠ Failure (n) ‫نجاح≠فشل‬Co-education (n) ‫تعليم مختلط‬
‫ تعليم مختلط‬Academic qualification (n) ‫تأهيل أكاديمي‬ ‫ تعليم مختلط‬Academic qualification (n) ‫تأهيل أكاديمي‬ Academic qualification (n) ‫تأهيل أكاديمي‬
Formation (n) ‫ تكوين‬Grade / Mark (n) ‫ معدل‬/ ‫عالمة‬ Formation (n) ‫ تكوين‬Grade / Mark (n) ‫ معدل‬/ ‫عالمة‬ Formation (n) ‫ تكوين‬Grade / Mark (n) ‫ معدل‬/ ‫عالمة‬
Evaluate /Assess (v) ‫يقيم‬ Evaluate /Assess (v) ‫يقيم‬ Evaluate /Assess (v) ‫يقيم‬
Degree / Certificate (n) ‫ تأهيل‬/ ‫ شهادة‬Classmates Degree / Certificate (n) ‫ تأهيل‬/ ‫ شهادة‬Classmates Degree / Certificate (n) ‫ تأهيل‬/ ‫ شهادة‬Classmates (n)
(n) ‫زمالء القسم‬ (n) ‫زمالء القسم‬ ‫زمالء القسم‬
School uniform (n) ‫ هندام الدراسة‬Stage (n) / ‫مرحلة‬ School uniform (n) ‫ هندام الدراسة‬Stage (n) / ‫مرحلة‬ School uniform (n) ‫ هندام الدراسة‬Stage (n) ‫ طور‬/ ‫مرحلة‬
‫طور‬ ‫طور‬
Literacy ≠ Illiteracy (n) 5‫ معرفة≠أمية‬Private school (n)
Literacy ≠ Illiteracy (n) ‫ معرفة≠أمية‬Private school Literacy ≠ Illiteracy (n) ‫ معرفة≠أمية‬Private school
‫ مدرسة خاصة‬Punishments (n) ‫عقوبات‬
(n) ‫ مدرسة خاصة‬Punishments (n) ‫عقوبات‬ (n) ‫ مدرسة خاصة‬Punishments (n) ‫عقوبات‬
Public school (n) ‫ مدرسة عامة‬Compulsory (adj) / ‫إلزامي‬
Public school (n) ‫ مدرسة عامة‬Compulsory (adj) Public school (n) ‫ مدرسة عامة‬Compulsory (adj)
‫ إجباري‬/ ‫إلزامي‬ ‫ إجباري‬/ ‫إلزامي‬ ‫إجباري‬

Preschool (n) ‫ مرحلة ما قبل الدراسة‬Selective (adj) Preschool (n) ‫ مرحلة ما قبل الدراسة‬Selective (adj) Preschool (n) ‫ مرحلة ما قبل الدراسة‬Selective (adj) ‫انتقائي‬
‫انتقائي‬ ‫انتقائي‬ Kindergarten (n) ‫ روضة األطفال‬Pass (v) ‫يتجاوز‬/‫ينتقل‬
Kindergarten (n) ‫ روضة األطفال‬Pass (v) ‫يتجاوز‬/‫ينتقل‬ Kindergarten (n) ‫ روضة األطفال‬Pass (v) ‫يتجاوز‬/‫ينتقل‬ Primary education(n) ‫ تعليم ابتدائي‬Parents (n) ‫أولياء‬
Primary education(n) ‫ تعليم ابتدائي‬Parents (n) ‫أولياء‬ Primary education(n) ‫ تعليم ابتدائي‬Parents (n) ‫أولياء‬ Secondary education(n)
Secondary education(n) Secondary education(n)
‫ تعليم ثانوي‬Schoolbag (n) ‫محفظة مدرسية‬
‫ تعليم ثانوي‬Schoolbag (n) ‫محفظة مدرسية‬ ‫ تعليم ثانوي‬Schoolbag (n) ‫محفظة مدرسية‬ Higher education (n) ‫تعليم عالي‬
Higher education (n) ‫تعليم عالي‬ Higher education (n) ‫تعليم عالي‬
Further education (n) ‫تعليم إضافي‬
Further education (n) ‫تعليم إضافي‬ Further education (n) ‫تعليم إضافي‬
Curriculum (n) ‫منهاج دراسي‬
Curriculum (n) ‫منهاج دراسي‬ Curriculum (n) ‫منهاج دراسي‬ Skills (n) ‫ مهارات‬Programme (n) ‫برنامج‬
Skills (n) ‫ مهارات‬Programme (n) ‫برنامج‬ Skills (n) ‫ مهارات‬Programme (n) ‫برنامج‬ Subjects (n) ‫ مواد تعليمية‬Field of study (n) ‫تخصص‬
Subjects (n) ‫ مواد تعليمية‬Field of study (n) ‫تخصص‬ Subjects (n) ‫ مواد تعليمية‬Field of study (n) ‫تخصص‬ UNESCO (n) ‫ منظمةاألمم المتحدة للتعليم‬Efforts (n) ‫مجهودات‬
UNESCO (n) ‫ منظمةاألمم المتحدة للتعليم‬Efforts (n) UNESCO (n) ‫ منظمةاألمم المتحدة للتعليم‬Efforts (n) Comprehensive school(n) ‫ مدرسة شاملة‬Graduate (v)
‫مجهودات‬ ‫مجهودات‬ ‫يتخرج‬
Comprehensive school(n) ‫ مدرسة شاملة‬Graduate Comprehensive school(n) ‫ مدرسة شاملة‬Graduate School leaving age(n) ‫ سن التخلي عن الدراسة‬Enroll (v)
(v) ‫يتخرج‬ (v) ‫يتخرج‬
School leaving age(n) ‫ سن التخلي عن الدراسة‬Enroll School leaving age(n) ‫ سن التخلي عن الدراسة‬Enroll
Headmaster (n) ‫مدير مدرسة‬
(v) ‫يسجل‬ (v) ‫يسجل‬
State school (n) ‫ مدرسة حكومية‬Acquire (v) ‫يكتسب‬
Headmaster (n) ‫مدير مدرسة‬ Headmaster (n) ‫مدير مدرسة‬
State school (n) ‫ مدرسة حكومية‬Acquire (v) ‫يكتسب‬ State school (n) ‫ مدرسة حكومية‬Acquire (v) ‫يكتسب‬ Boarding school (n) ‫ مدرسة داخلية‬Qualified (adj) ‫مؤهل‬
Boarding school (n) ‫ مدرسة داخلية‬Qualified (adj) Boarding school (n) ‫ مدرسة داخلية‬Qualified (adj) Drop out of school (n) ‫ التسرب من المدرسة‬Activities (n)
‫مؤهل‬ ‫مؤهل‬ ‫نشاطات‬
Drop out of school (n) ‫ التسرب من المدرسة‬Activities Drop out of school (n) ‫ التسرب من المدرسة‬Activities
(n) ‫نشاطات‬ (n) ‫نشاطات‬

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