Module 4 - Approaches of Marketing

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Module No.

Approaches of Marketing

Learning Competency:

After going through this module, you are expected to described and identify the
traditional and contemporary approaches to marketing


Directions: Write the letter T if you think its traditional marketing or C if its
contemporary or modern marketing Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
of paper.

_____ 1. Internet

_____ 2. Pamphlets

_____ 3. Radio

_____ 4. Television

_____ 5. Social media

4. Implementation and control

Lesson Overview
Marketing is indeed an art it has been practiced in one form or the other.
It has become a very important function in the business world. Marketing is
business functions that identifies unfulfilled need and wants, defines
measured their magnitude, determines which target market the organization
best serve, decides on appropriate products, services and programs to serve
market and calls upon everyone in the organization to think and
serve the
This module covers the essential principles and strategies behind
marketing: what it is about, what makes for a marketing-oriented transaction,
and how consumers stand to benefit from it.
Lesson Overview:

Marketing is indeed an art it has been practiced in one form or the other. It has
become a very important function in the business world. Marketing is the
business function that identifies and fulfilled need and wants, defines and
measured their magnitude, determines which target market the organization
can best serve, decides on appropriate products, services and programs to
serve this market and calls upon everyone in the organization to
think and serve the customer.

This module covers the essential principles and strategies behind

marketing: what it is about, what makes for a marketing-oriented transaction,
and how consumers stand to benefit from it.

Activity No. 1
When was the last time you bought a product or avail services that you
felt disappointed? Explain your answer.
Activity No. 1

When was the last time you bought a product or avail services that you felt
disappointed? Explain your answer.

Traditional Approaches VS Contemporary Approaches to Marketing

Marketing is not a new concept because it has been there for such a long
time. The only difference is the way of doing it.
Traditi onal Marketing approaches in marketing focused on
methods, product quality, and effective selling methods as profit
drivers in
marketing. Contemporary marketing approaches are centered on the customer,
relationships, and the well-being of society.
Traditional Approaches VS Contemporary Approaches to Marketing

Marketing is not a new concept because it has been there for such a long time.
The only difference is the way of doing it. Traditional Marketing approaches in
marketing focused on production methods, product quality, and effective
selling methods as profit drivers in marketing. Contemporary marketing
approaches are centered on the customer, relationships, and the well-being of
Nevertheless, today’s marketers sometimes also use traditional
marketing wherever it is applicable. To understand both concepts
better let’s look at differences between traditional marketing and modern

1. Traditional marketing is focused on selling the products which were

produced by the company while contemporary marketing focuses on
customer satisfaction, customer’s point of view and then produces the
product according to the needs and wants of the customers.

2. The traditional market used to think from the company’s point of view as
their whole focus was on selling the goods to the customer no matter whether
they required the goods or not. While contemporary marketing is
customer-oriented as under this type of marketing company first assesses the
needs and wants of the customer and then the product is being produced
according to their liking.2.

In terms of promotion, Traditional market used mediums like

flex boards, pamphlets, radio, and television for advertising whereas
Contemporary marketing uses modern methods like social media
marketing, internet marketing, and other such means to advertise the

3. Traditional marketing targets only to sell the goods for profit

whereas contemporary marketing emphasizes not only from selling goods for
profit on customer satisfaction, planning, after-sales service, and many other
variables. There are many differences between traditional marketing
and contemporary marketing, but the right approach in this time is to have a
mix of both traditional as well as contemporary marketing techniques and use
it for the maximum benefit of the company or organization.


Activity No. 1

When was the last time you bought a product or availed services that you felt
disappointed? Explain your
Activity No. 2

Group Activity

1. Form two (2) groups.

2. Each group will be given different situations.

3. Members of the group will brainstorm to answer the questions.

Group 1: Your group are into the shoe business, last January you
started manufacturing 100, 000 pieces of school shoes in preparation for the
incoming school year. But due to COVID-19 the orders and
distribution were being canceled. As a business owner what will you do?
What strategies will you be able to come up so that your company will not get
affected that much?

Group 2: You just started your “carinderia” business, all along you thought it
will operate smoothly, but suddenly due to COVID- 19 your place is being
locked down. What will you do? What solution can you think so that you can
continue your business?

Activity 3

Directions: Recall your social media account and answer the following

1. What are the products that are being promoted in Social Media?


2. Why do you think the marketing professionals use this platform to promote
their product?

3. How effective do you think this strategizing promoting products rather than
using the Traditional Marketing Strategy?


Activity No. 4

As an entrepreneur someday, how you will promote your business?


Would you rather be traditional or contemporary? Why?


As an entrepreneur someday, how

you will promote your business?
Would you rather be traditional or
contempory? Why?

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

__________ 1. Traditional Marketing traditional approaches in marketing

focused on production methods, product quality, and effective selling methods
as profit drivers in marketing.

__________ 2. Contemporary marketing approaches are centered on

the customer, relationships, and the well-being of society.

__________ 3. Contemporary marketing is focused on selling the products which

were produced by the company.

__________ 4. Contemporary marketing used to think from the company’s point

of view as their whole focus was on selling the goods to the customer no matter
whether they required the goods or not.

___________ 5. Traditional marketing used mediums like flex boards,

pamphlets, radio and television for advertising.

Real C. So, Oscar G. Torres and
Angeles A. De Guzman
Principles of Marketing textbook
Ilano, AB, Principles of Marketing
text book by AB. Ilano

Real C. So, Oscar G. Torres and Angeles A. De Guzman Principles of Marketing

textbook Ilano, AB, Principles of Marketing text book by AB. Ilano

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