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The purpose of the test script is to provide the Hiring Leader a template to be followed and updated per the program's specific requirements. It is not intended for im
distribution without the understanding it is a template to get you started.
The scope of the test script includes the major functions within SimplifyVMS required to support the day-to-day transactions of your program. It does not include testi
integrations already implemented within the program or new integrations.

Tester Instructions:
1. Each tab is a unique test case. Every test case includes a description, expected results, actual results and pass/fail designation. Please ensure you log your results in
provided cells. Your diligence will help the program start more smoothly and can help with adoption by highlighting questions/issues before moving the solution into
2. Be as specific as possible when noting 'Actual Results' if you experience something that prevents you from passing a test step and/or case.
3. Note the IDs of the objects you create or any comments in 'Actual Results' column.
4. You are completing a thorough test as a Hiring Manager user, a certain level of confusion/angst is expected. We find after one or two test cycles, testers become m
comfortable and complete tests more quickly.
5. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
6. At the end of each test case, please pause to review your notes and ensure you've noted pass/fail.
7. Once all test steps are completed, please email your test results and test script document to the PMO and SimplfyVMS PM.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 1

cific requirements. It is not intended for immediate

ns of your program. It does not include testing of

nation. Please ensure you log your results in the

ons/issues before moving the solution into

step and/or case.

er one or two test cycles, testers become more


10/4/2021 AXP Internal 1

Buyer Navigates Simp
Scenario: Buyer Navigates SimplifyVMS Desktop
Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure that all user roles are able to:
a. Navigate the systems Menu Items
b. Verify and Update Personal Settings

Time: 20 Minutes

Steps Condition Description/Steps Field Name

0.01 Log into the SimplifyVMS system. Enter credentials above Username, Password
and click 'Sign In'. (SSO is enabled for
User profile access to

0.02 Click on the following tool bar items:

1) View
2) Create
3) Analytics

0.03 From the tool bar menu, click on a sub-menu item from
'View', such as 'Requisition'.

0.04 Click on a hyperlink, generally the ID of an item.

0.05 Click on the 'Home' logo in the upper left section of the
0.06 Click on the Person icon in the upper right section of the

0.07 Click on 'My Profile', scroll down and then click 'Edit' to the
right of the 'Proxies & Delegates' section.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 2

0.08 Click on the '+ Add Proxy' hyperlink.

0.09 Select Work Items you would like your Proxy to control,
select your Proxy name from drop down list, enter Start
and End Dates (optional) and click 'Add'.
0.10 Now click on 'My Preferences' from the Person icon in the
upper right section of the page.

0.11 Review fields that can be modified from any section by

clicking on 'Edit' but do not make any changes.

0.12 Click on the Question Mark icon in the upper right section
of the page and then select ‘Reference Library’.
0.13 Click on the Gear icon in the upper right section of the page
to access the Admin menu.
0.14 Finally, click on Clipboard icon in upper right section of the
page to access any Work Items.

0.15 Click on the 'SimplifyVMS Assistant' SimplifyVMS Assistant

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 2

Buyer Navigates SimplifyVMS Desktop
Role: Hiring Manager

Field Value Expected Results Actual Results if Failed

SimplifyVMS homepage is displayed.

Sub-menu items appear in a drop-

down list for each tool bar option.
Values that appear in the sub-menu
are configuration dependent and
visibility is based on User Role.

Page changes to the sub-menu data

list and you can select any available
The item should open in the existing
You are now taken back to the
SimplifyVMS homepage.
Sub-menu appears with options for
'My Profile' and 'My Preferences'.

My Profile, Proxy and Delegate

information page is displayed, with
hyperlinks available to select a Proxy
or Delegate.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 2

Additional window appears with
Work Items, Proxy, Role, Start Date
and End Date displayed.
The 'My Profile' information is
updated and Proxy is displayed.

My Preference information is
displayed, along with the editable
Review of fields that can be
modified from each section of 'My
Reference Library items are
Admin Configuration page is
Work Items to take action are
displayed in drop down menu. You
will be taken through the scripts to
act on some of these throughout
your testing.

A modal window appears 'Hello

Hiring! What can I help you with?'
The SimplifyVMS assistant can assist
with viewing documents, creating
documents, and approving work

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 2

Created ID Reference Pass / Fail







10/4/2021 AXP Internal 2









10/4/2021 AXP Internal 2

Step 1: Hiring Leader Creat
Scenario: Hiring Leader Creates Requisition
Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure that the Hiring Leader is able to:
a. Create a Requisition as a Requisition Owner

Time: 30 Minutes

Scenario # Workflow Category

Job Add Job

Job Add Credentials

Job Update Credentials

Job Search Job

Job View Job

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3

Job Copy Job

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3
Step 1: Hiring Leader Creates Requisition

e Hiring Leader is able to:

Test Case, Test Execution Steps Expected Result

Enter Base Info & Rate - Click Continue - Enter Duration & Description - Click Continue -
Job should be created and submitted. User is redirected to the Credentials
Enter Other Details - Click Submit

Enter Base Info & Rate - Click Continue - Enter Duration & Description - Click Continue -
Job Credentials should be added to the job. User should see a success
Enter Other Details - Click Submit - Deselect credentials or certifications if you do not
message confirming the same and the user is redirected to the list of Jobs
wish to tie any of those to the job - Click Save

On the navigation menu, Click on Job - Jobs - Click on "View" icon against a Job in which
Job Credentials should be updated and the user should see a success
you would like to update credentials - Click on Other menu and select Credentials - message
Update as required - Click Update

On the navigation menu, Click on Job - Jobs - Enter the first few characters of Job in the All the Jobs matching with the text provided in the search box should be
search box - Click Search displayed on the screen

On the navigation menu, Click on Job - Jobs - Click on "View" icon against a Job which Job Information page should be displayed
you would like to view

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3

On the navigation menu, Click on Job - Jobs - Click on "View" icon against a Job which User should see a Job Copy success message and should be redirected to
you would like to copy - Click "Copy Job"- Edit the information if required - Click "Create update credentials page. Upon updating credentials, user should see a
Job" - Edit credentials if required - Click Update success message for updating job credentials

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10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3
Role: Hiring Leader

Pass/Fail Test Parameters Comments






10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3




10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3


10/4/2021 AXP Internal 3

Scenario: Hiring Leader reviews Work Order

Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure that the Hiring Leader/PMO is able to:
a. Review Work Order

Time: 5 Minutes

Scenario # Workflow Category

1 Workorder Search Workorder (HM)

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 5

Role: Hiring Leader


Test Case Expected Result

In left navigation, under Workorders tab, HM selects Workorders.

From the list of workorders, HM searches for Workorders which
they want to view. HM searches for Workorder

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 5

Pass/Fail Test Parameters

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 5

Step 5: Buyer Approves SOW Worker
Scenario: Buyer Approves SOW Worker
Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure that the SOW Support Team PMO is able to:
a. Approve SOW Worker and identify Contingent Worker Type.
Note: A SOW Worker will be staged for you to Reject and Approve.

Time: 5 Minutes

Steps Condition Description/Steps Field Name Field Value

5.01 Log into the Fieldglass system. Enter credentials above and Username, Password
click 'Sign In'.
5.02 Navigate to the Clipboard icon in upper right section of the SOW Worker, Approve
page to access your Work Items and under the 'SOW
Worker' category click on the 'Approve' hyperlink.

5.03 Select SOW Work Order ID MFCWO00005106 that should IDs appear as:
be in Pending Approval status. MFCWO0000XXXX

5.04 Negative Test Action = Click the ‘Reject’ button. Note: You Reject
will not fully Reject the SOW Worker for this test scenario.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 6

5.05 Click the ‘Approve’ button and confirm those custom fields Approve
linked from the SOW are pre-populated and correct and
"Contingent Worker Type" needs to be entered still. Note:
For purposes of testing, the Resource Manager selected
should be "Manager, Resource".

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 6

ves SOW Worker
Role: SOW Support Team PMO
Test Site:

Expected Results Actual Results if Failed Pass /

Fieldglass homepage is displayed.

Work Item categories with required

actions appear. Your Work Items:
SOW Worker page is displayed with
SOW Workers to be approved or

SOW Worker's Work Order 'Details'

page appears with 'Approve' and
'Reject' buttons.
Reject Assignment modal window
displays. Reject reason field is
mandatory with item(s) in the pick-
list. Up to 1000 characters are
allowed in the optional 'Comments'
box. Note: Either click 'Cancel' or
close window. Do not Reject for this
test scenario.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 6

Approve Assignment modal window
displays. Confirm all linked custom
fields from the SOW are pre-
populated and correct. Enter value
from pick list drop down for
"Contingent Worker Type". Up to
1000 characters are allowed in the
optional 'Comments' box.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 6

Scenario: Hiring Leader revises/reviews a Contract

Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure that the Hiring Leader/PMO is able to:
a. Review Contracts b.Revise/extend/terminate a Contract
Time: 50

Scenario # Workflow

1 Contracts (HM)

2 Contracts (HM)

3 Contracts (HM)

4 Contracts (HM)

5 Contracts (HM)

6 Contracts (HM)

7 Contracts (HM)

8 Contracts (HM)

9 Contracts (HM)
10 Contracts (HM)

11 Contracts (HM)

12 Contracts (HM)

13 Contracts (HM)

14 Contracts (HM)
Hiring Leader/PMO is able to:


Search Contract

View Contract

Update Contract - Extension

Update Contract - Rate Change

Update Contract - Non Financial Change

Terminate Contract

Add Notes to Contract

Add Cost Center to Contract

Invite Timesheet Approving Manager

Contracts - Contracts Pending Evaluation

Extension Requests - Search Extension Requests

Extension Requests - View Extension Requests

Contract Amendment Workflows - Search Amendment

Contract Amendment Workflows - View Amendment
Test Case

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM searches for a relevant

contract by putting the ID in the search bar
HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract,
clicks on the 'eye' icon on the right to view the contract details such as
contract info, budget, cost center, termination details if any, timesheet
approving manager etc.

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract

that is in Approved status. On the right hand side, they click on the
Update Contract button and selects Extension from the Contract Reason
dropdown. There, they select the new date, extension reason, add notes
and click on Update Contract.

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract

that is in Approved status. On the right hand side, they click on the
Update Contract button and selects Rate Change from the Contract
Reason dropdown. There, they select the effective date, fills in other
financial details and click on Update Contract.

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract

that is in Approved status. On the right hand side, they click on the
Update Contract button and selects Non-Financial change from the
Contract Reason dropdown. There, they modify details and click on
Update Contract.

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract

that is in Approved status. From the available tabs, they click on
Termination, add details such as Reason for Termination, Date and notes
and clicks on Termination Request.

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract

that is in Approved status. From the available tabs, they click on Add
Notes, add the details and clicks on Submit

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract

that is in Approved status. From the available tabs, they click on Cost
Center, selects a new Cost Center and adds it. From the edit button that
appears, HM can change the status of the cost center to be active or

HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract(all). HM selects a relevant contract

that is in Approved status. From the available tabs, they click on
Timesheet Approving Manager, selects a manager from the drop down,
selects the expiry date and sends the invite. From the edit button that
appears, HM can change the status of the Manager to be active or inactive
HM-Navigation-Contracts-Contract Pending Evaluation. HM selects a
relevant contract from the list of Terminated contracts, clicks on the 'eye'
icon on the right to view the contract details such as contract info, budget,
cost center, termination details etc.. At the top, a link appears: Please
complete your contract evaluation here, click that and fill in details and
save it

HM-Navigation-Contracts-(Contract Extension Request). HM searches for

a relevant contract in the search bar
HM-Navigation-Contracts-(Contract Extension Request). HM selects a
relevant contract to view the details
HM-Navigation-Contracts- Contract Amendment Workflows. HM searches
for a relevant contract in the search bar
HM-Navigation-Contracts- Contract Amendment Workflows. HM selects a
relevant contract to view the details
Role: Hiring Leader


Expected Result Pass/Fail Test Parameters

HM searches for a contract

HM views the contract details

HM extends the contract

HM changes financial details on the Contract

HM does a non-financial change on the contract

HM successfully submits a Termination request

HM adds notes to the Contract

HM adds a Cost Center to the Contract

HM invites a timesheet approving manager for the

HM adds an evaluation for a Terminated contract

HM searches for a contract

HM views the contract details

HM searches for a contract

HM views the contract details

Comments Attachme

Work Order Create (PMO & HL)_Successful.PNG

Step 8: Buyer Creates SOW Revision
Scenario: Buyer Creates SOW Revision
Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure that the SOW Support Team PMO is able to:
a. Revise a Statement of Work
Note: A SOW in Approved status will be staged for you to create a Contractual SOW Revision.

Time: 15 Minutes

Steps Condition Description/Steps Field Name Field Value

8.01 Log into the Fieldglass system. Enter credentials above and Username, Password
click 'Sign In'. (SSO is enabled for User
profile access to

8.02 Navigate to the View > Statement of Work View, Statement of


8.03 Select SOW ID ABOTQ00000XXX that should now be in IDs appear as:
Approved status for you to revise. ABOTQ00000XXX
8.04 Make a revision to the SOW by clicking 'Actions' and Actions, Revise
selecting 'Revise' from the drop down selection.
8.05 Confirm SOW Owner and click 'Continue'. Continue

8.06 Change or confirm details, and select a Contractual 'Change Change Order Reason'
Order Reason' from picklist Note: 'Description of Change' &
'Impacts of this Change Order', information will
automatically appear with verbiage.

8.07 Change or confirm details, and enter a 'External Program External Program ID
8.08 Change or confirm details, and enter a 'External Project ID'. External Project ID

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 8

8.09 Change or confirm details, and enter a 'GL Code'. GL Code

8.10 Change or confirm details, and enter a 'WBS'. WBS

Review MSA Effective Date & MSA Expiration Date MSA Effective Date &
MSA Expiration Date

0.01 Change or confirm details, and enter 'Start Time (AM/PM)'. Start Time (AM/PM)

0.02 Change or confirm details, and enter 'End Time (AM/PM)'. End Time (AM/PM)

0.03 Change or confirm details, and enter 'Manager Email'. Manager Email
Note: Email will automatically default
0.04 Change or confirm details, and enter 'Manager Phone #'. Manager Phone #
Note: Email will automatically default
0.05 Change or confirm details, and enter 'PO Number'. PO Number

0.06 Change or confirm details, and select 'Division'. Division

0.07 Change or confirm details, and select 'Site'. Note: Site will Site
automatically default
0.08 Change or confirm details, and select 'Location'. Note: Location
Location will automatically default
0.09 Change or confirm details, and enter 'Comments'. Note: Comments
Utilize this section to provide comments to supplier,
comments will be visible to supplier.
0.10 Change or confirm details, and enter 'Maximum Budget'. Maximum Budget
Note: Previous budget will automatically default under
Current budget. If an increased budget amount is entered
0.11 Change
the SOWorRevision
forselect 'Billing Key'. Note:
approval. Billing Key
Billing Key will automatically default.
0.12 Change or confirm details, and select 'Abbott Cost Center'. Abbott Cost Center

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 8

0.13 Change or confirm details, and enter 'SOW Coordinator'. SOW Coordinator
Note: SOW Resource Professionals are not required unless
you will be adding a user to also manage the SOW Approval

0.14 Change or confirm details, and add 'Attachments'. Note: Attachments

Attachments are not required.
8.05 Click Continue Continue

0.15 Change or confirm details, and review 'Clauses'. Note: Clauses

Current clauses already attached cannot be removed. You
can only add new clauses at this step.
8.07 Click Continue Continue

0.16 Change or confirm details, and review 'Milestones'. Note: If Milestones

there are existing Milestones review and move to next

8.08 Change or confirm details under Accounting and Summary, Continue

and click Continue.

8.09 Change or confirm details, and click Continue. Continue

8.10 Click 'Submit' in the bottom right hand corner, enter any Submit, Submit
optional Comments and click 'Submit' again.

8.11 Click 'Approve', enter any optional Comments and click Approve, Approve
'Approve' again.
8.12 Go back to homepage and end scenario by clicking on the
'Home' logo in the upper left section of the page.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 8

s SOW Revision
Role: SOW Support Team PMO
Test Site:

Expected Results Actual Results if Failed Pass /

Fieldglass homepage is displayed.

Statement of Work page is displayed

with SOWs in Approved status to be
SOW 'Details' page appears with
'Actions' drop down selections.
Clicking 'Revise' opens the 'Create
SOW Revision' page.
You are now taken to the Details
page of the SOW.
Fields are mandatory and will
require a value to move forward.

Fields are mandatory and will

require a value to move forward.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 8

Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
These fields will have a value
appear. Note: Values cannot be
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
Fields are mandatory and will
require a value to move forward.
Fields are mandatory and will
require a value to move forward.
Fields are mandatory and will
require a value to move forward.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.

Fields are mandatory and will

require a value to move forward.
Fields are mandatory and will
require a value to move forward.
Fields are mandatory and will
require a value to move forward.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 8

Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.

Fields are Optional and will not

require a value to move forward.
You are now taken to the
Characteristics page of the SOW.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.

You are now taken to the

Characteristics page of the SOW.
Fields are Optional and will not
require a value to move forward.
For testing purposes you can make
changes or leave as is.

You are now taken to the SOW

Workers page (if applicable) of the
You should now be taken to a
Review and Submit page of the
Status should now show as 'Pending
Approval' for the SOW Support
Team PMO to fully approve.

SOW is now routed to the Contract

Manager for final approval.
You are taken back to the Fieldglass

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 8

Step 17: Buyer Approves Line Item
Scenario: Buyer Approves Line Item
Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure that the SOW Owner is able to:
a. Approve/Reject Line Item after Vendor submittal
Note: 2 Line Items will be staged for you to Reject and Approve. Please only Reject/Approve 1 Milestone.

Time: 10 Minutes

Steps Condition Description/Steps Field Name Field Value

17.01 Log into the Fieldglass system. Enter credentials above and Username, Password
click 'Sign In'. (SSO is enabled for User
profile access to

17.02 Navigate to the Clipboard icon in upper right section of the Event, Approve
page to access your Work Items and under the 'Event'
category click on the 'Approve' hyperlink.

17.03 Reject Line Item from the summary list view by clicking the Reject
'Reject' button.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 12

17.04 Approve Line Item from the summary list view by clicking Approve
the 'Approve' button. Note: Once you click Approve, before
clicking Approve again, contextual help will appear stating
"By clicking ‘Approve’ in Fieldglass, you are
confirming/acknowledging receipt of service for the item

17.05 Go back to homepage and end scenario by clicking on the

'Home' logo in the upper left section of the page.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 12

roves Line Item
Role: Hiring Manager
Test Site:


Expected Results Actual Results if Failed Pass /

Fieldglass homepage is displayed.

Clicking 'Approve' opens the 'Work

Items: Event' page with a summary
list of all events requiring your
review and approval.

Reject Event modal window

displays. Reject Reason field is
mandatory with items in the pick-
list. Up to 1000 characters are
allowed in the optional 'Comments'
box too. DO NOT click 'Reject'. Click
'Cancel' and return to the summary
list view.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 12

Approve Event modal window
displays with an 'Acceptance
Criteria' which is mandatory. A
optional 'Comments' box that
accepts a comment. Click 'Approve'
again. This now removes the Line
Item from your Event summary list.

You are taken back to the Fieldglass


10/4/2021 AXP Internal 12

Step 18: Buyer Closes SOW Worker
Scenario: Buyer Closes SOW Worker
Purpose: The main purpose of this scenario is to ensure the Worker's Supervisor/Resource Manager is able to:
a. Close a SOW Worker
Note: Please use the Open Worker on your SOW to Close.

Time: 10 Minutes

Steps Condition Description/Steps Field Name Field Value

18.01 Log into the Fieldglass system. Enter credentials above and Username, Password
click 'Sign In'.
18.02 Navigate to View > Worker View, Worker

18.03 Select Worker ID ABOWK000XXXXX that should be in Open IDs appear as:
status. ABOWK000XXXXX
18.04 Close a Worker by clicking 'Actions' then 'Close Worker' Actions, Close Worker
from the Worker detail page.

18.05 Select a Reason, enter an Actual End Date and any Reason, Actual End
Comments if necessary. Date, Comments
18.06 Select the 'Close Worker' button. Close Worker

18.07 Go back to homepage and end scenario by clicking on the

'Home' logo in the upper left section of the page.

10/4/2021 AXP Internal 15

es SOW Worker
Role: Hiring Manager
e to: Test Site:

Expected Results Actual Results if Failed Pass /

Fieldglass homepage is displayed.

Clicking 'Worker' displays Workers

page of all Workers.
Worker 'Summary' page appears
with 'Actions' button.
Clicking 'Close Worker' opens a
modal window with Reason, Actual
End Date and optional Comments

Values are entered into fields.

Worker should now appeared to be

'Closed' based on details entered.
Note: If you entered an Actual End
Date in the future, the Worker will
still show as Open until that date.

You are taken back to the Fieldglass


10/4/2021 AXP Internal 15

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