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DRRR Activity Sheet

Quarter 2 – MELC 7
Week 3
Hydrometeorological Hazard Maps


Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
Activity Sheet No. 7- Hydrometeorological Hazards
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government
agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such
work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition
the payment of royalties.

This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Activity Sheet

Writer: Jennifer M. Jadulan
Editor: Dannie Clark M. Uguil
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Dannie Clark M. Uguil,
Rusil N. Sombito

Division of Negros Occidental Management Team:

Marsette D. Sabbaluca,
Ma. Teresa P. Geroso,
Dennis G. Develos,
Zaldy H. Reliquias,
Raulito D. Dinaga,
Dannie Clark M. Uguil
Othelo M. Beating

Regional Management Team

Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma,
Josilyn S. Solana,
Elena P. Gonzaga,
Donald T. Genine,
Rovel R. Salcedo,
Moonyeen C. Rivera,
Anita S. Gubalane,
Minda L. Soldevilla,
Daisy L. Lopez,
Joseph M. Pagalaran

Introductory Message
Welcome to Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Negros Occidental and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western
Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults)
in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Activity Sheet will help you
facilitate the leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Activity Sheet is developed to

help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ________________________________Date: ______________


Hydro-meteorological Hazard Maps

I. Learning Competency with Code

Interpret different hydrometeorological hazard maps. (DRR11/12-IIc-d-35)

II. Background Information for Learners

The Philippines is highly prone to hydrometeorological hazards. These include

typhoons, floods, heavy rains and droughts which are climate and water related
hazards. If left unprepared, the population in the many places of the country may be
highly vulnerable as these hazards may become disasters. It is therefore essential to
understand the nature of these hazards in order to prepare and to mitigate disasters.
This would include recognizing early signs of the hazard and knowing measures to
reduce its impacts.

In this learning activity you are going to interpret hazard maps of the Philippines
to mitigate the effects of these hazard.

What are hazard maps?

Hazard maps are visual representation of a specific location that highlights the
affected or vulnerable areas of a specific hazard. Hazard maps are created to show a
specific hazard or multiple hazards affecting the specified area. It may display
hydrometeorological hazards such as flooding, storm surge, landslide and others.
These maps are used to inform people about the risk and dangers they are exposed
to from natural disasters.

In the Philippines, the Department of Science and Technology launches the

Project Nationwide Operational Assessment Hazard (Project NOAH) that took the
challenge of mapping the Philippine landscape showing specific hazards affecting the
country. The task was to create a detailed map pertaining to hazards at a barangay

How do we interpret a hazard map?

Hazard maps are visual representation of the landscape of an area in a flat
surface. Areas in the map are shaded with different colors where it is identified to be
vulnerable to a hazard as indicated in the map legend.

The picture below is the Map of the Philippines showing areas vulnerable to
typhoon incidence. It shows that Bicol region and Central Luzon has high to very high

risk of typhoon incidence. On the other hand, regions in Mindanao mostly likely has
very low risk of typhoon incidence.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Teaching Guide for Senior High School, Disaster Readiness and Risk
Reduction, (2016)

IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1
Hazard Mapping

General Instructions:
1. Interpret the Map below.
2. Identify as to what region your province/locality/community belong and how
high is the risk of your area.

Guide Questions:

1. What does the map above tells you about your province/city/municipality? What are
the things that you should watch out for based on your interpretation?

2. Based on the map, how will you mitigate the impacts of the hazard in your

V. Reflection

Complete the statement below.

What I have learned are

I need clarifications on

VI. Answer Key

-spread layers of fallen leaves around trees to retain moisture.

-collect and store rain water for daily chores.
-fix dripping tanks, faucets and pipes.
-check water supply lines if there are leaks.
low to very low risk of El Niño.
Visayas region has medium to high risk of El Niño, while Batanes to Central Luzon has
Areas highly at risked caused by El Niño are the Central and West Mindanao. Western
1. (Answer varies depending on the learner’s location).

Activity 1.

VII. Other references

El Niño hazard risk. Retrieved from

Typhoon hazard risk. Retrieved from

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