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Title: Standard-Form and components of categorical proposition
Program: Weekend
Group Members:
1. Abinet Mengistu-------------------------------------------------------------W0427/14-0

2. Abreham Tamtime----------------------------------------------------------W0428/14-0

3. Birhanu Habtamu------------------------------------------------------------W0434/14-0

4. Dereje Tolasa------------------------------------------------------------------W0567/14-0

5.Eleni Lemma--------------------------------------------------------------------W0441/14-0

6.Getu Nigussie-----------------------------------------------------------------W00447/14-0

7.Mamo Bedane-----------------------------------------------------------------W0456/14-0

8.Mesfin Ayele-------------------------------------------------------------------W0460/14-0

9.Negesa Kibi----------------------------------------------------------------------W0464/14-0

10.Sisay Taye----------------------------------------------------------------------W0472/14-0

11.Solomon Batiri---------------------------------------------------------------W0473/14-0

12.Tadesa Tesfaye---------------------------------------------------------------W0447/14-0

13.Tafa Beyene--------------------------------------------------------------------W0478/14-0

14.Topha Gelan-------------------------------------------------------------------W0482/14-0

15.Tufa Teshome-----------------------------------------------------------------W0483/14-0

16.Zewditu Chala------------------------------------------------------------------W0486/14-0


September, 2022

Fitche, Ethiopia
Table of Content

Table of Content.......................................................................................................................i

1. Standard Form and components of categorical Propositions...............................................1

1.1. Standard form of Categorical Propositions.....................................................................1

1.2. Components of a categorical Propositions......................................................................2



1. Standard-Form and components of categorical
1.1.Standard-form of Categorical Propositions
A categorical proposition that expresses the relation between four types of categorical
propositions with complete clarity is called a Standard-form of categorical proposition.
The standard form of a categorical proposition is designed in accordance with the rules of
the partial or whole inclusion and exclusion of the two classes stated in the subject and
predicate of the propositions.
 The whole subject class is included in the predicate class. (The principle of total
All men are mortal.
All birds are feathery.
All mammals are animals.
 The whole subject class is excluded from the predicate class. (the principle of total
No men are eternal.
No Muslims are Christians.
No blacks are white.
 Partially the subject class is included in the predicate class.(the principle of partial
Some birds are mammals.
Some politicians are liars.
Some students are lazy.
 Partially the subject class is excluded from the predicate class.(the principle of partial
Some snakes are not poisonous.
Some plants are not edible.
Some Ethiopians are not friendly.
There are four types of standard-form of categorical propositions. We represent each of
the four types of standard form of categorical propositions as capital letter (A, E, I and O).
A categorical proposition is in standard form if and only if it is a substitution instance of
one of the following four forms:
 All S are P.

 No S are P.
 Some S are P.
 Some S are not P.

We can put in tabular form as follows S-Subject term and P-Predicate term

Type Quantifier Subject term Copula Predicate term

A All S are P
E No S are P
I Some S are P
O Some S are not P
Table -1. Standard-form of categorical propositions
Therefore, the correct order of the standard form of a categorical proposition.
=Quantifier + subject term + copula + predicate term.
So, given the subject and predicate terms and its four components, categorical
propositions could be stated in standard form symbolically as follows.
All S are P = All members of S is in P class.
No S are P = No members of S is in P class.
Some S are P = At least one member of S is in P class.
Some S are not P = At least one member of S is not in P class.

1.2.Components of a categorical Propositions

Proposition is a sentence that is either true or false. It is also known as a statement.
Categorical proposition is a proposition that relates the two classes (categories) which are
known as the subject term and the predicate term.
Example : Junk food do not belong in school cafeterias
Many of today’s unemployed have given up on finding work
Not all romances have a happy ending
Oprah Winfrey publishes magazines
. There are four types of categorical propsitions.these are:
i) That asserts that the whole subject class is included in the predicate class (A)
ii) Those that asserts the part of the subject class is included in the predicate class(I)
iii) Those that are assert that the whole class is excluded from the predicate class(E)
iv) Those that are assert that part of the subject class is excluded from the predicate
class (O).
Each of these categorical propositions has quantifier, subject term, sentential
connective (Copula) and predicate term. These are, in general, known as the
components of a categorical proposition.

 Quantifier -All, No and Some – are determine the quantity (how much) of the
subject class is included or excluded from the predicate class. No other words can
be used as quantifiers in standard form propositions.
 Subject term = any term (word) or phrase that consists of set of things. It is the
term that comes immediately after the quantifier. It is subject of a is
a noun or noun phrase
 Copula -are and are not. The Latin copula is a sentential connective that relates
the subject and predicate terms.
 Predicate term – A term consisting set of things, which has some kind of relation
with the subject term. The term that comes immediately after the Copula. It tells
what the subject is or is a noun or a noun phrase.

Let as consider following example

All politicians are liars.

Quantifier: All

Subject term: Politicians

Copula: are

Predicate term: Liars

Standard form: All S are P

No politicians are liars.

Quantifier: No

Subject term: Politicians

Copula: are

Predicate term: Liars

Standard form: No S are P

Some politicians are liars.

Quantifier: Some

Subject term: Politicians

Copula: are

Predicate term: Liars

Standard form: Some S are P

Some politicians are not liars.

Quantifier: Some

Subject term: Politicians

Copula: are not

Predicate term: Liars

Standard form: Some S are not P


A categorical proposition is a proposition that relates two classes of objects. Categorical

proposition contain a subject and a predicate. The subject term comes first in a standard-form
categorical proposition. The predicate term comes second in a standard-form categorical
There are four types of categorical propositions.
 That asserts the entire subject class is included in the predicate class (All S are P).
 That asserts the part of the subject class is included in the predicate class (some S are P).
 Those asserts that the entire subject class is excluded from the predicate class(no S are P)
 That asserts that part of the subject class is excluded from the predicate class (some S are
not P).
There are four components of categorical propositions. These are quantifiers, subject term,
Copula and predicate term.

Teklay G. , Adane T. & Zelalem M.(2019). LOGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING.

J. Dmitri Gallow. (2021). Lecture Notes for Logic

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