Sagalon AAP-LA1

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Sagalon AAP 0005

Art Appreciation - AAP 0005



STUDENT NO: 202012871

SUBJECT: Art Appreciation


1. What qualities of the white bird can be perceived as “artistic”?

• External contexts or Figurative representation - In an art piece, one factor that
influences representation is its superficial symbolism. There is regards to the
elements surrounding the art itself. The when, where, and how an art was
represented drastically alters the representation of it. The white bird, which is
apparently a dove, was suspended, hanging in mid-air. In some culture, doves
represented a lot of matters. The mere remark to how birds were represented
in certain beliefs. One could view them as a symbolism of death, escape, and
greater extents, which could mean another to others. This surrounding factors
provided figurative symbolism to the artistic features of the white bird.

• Subject and Context - In the white bird, it was perceived artistic for the piece
was apparently hanging mid-air, commonly placed indoors, where it is
unlikely to where flying birds could be sighted. One could perceive lack of
freedom, and one could perceive solitude; external representations guide the
scrutiny of the spectators. The choice of subject and its context is a quality the
white bird possess.

Sagalon AAP 0005

• Art medium - The reference to the materials used for the white bird, is a
quality of an artistic piece. One may truly not fathom how a piece of wood
could be turned into a bird, much more to a cultural piece. One may not
utterly grasp how trees are made to be papers, which could be turned into
award-winning poems, and movie scripts, and Papier-mâché used by award
winning sculptures, nonetheless, materials used for art means so much more
than just use.

• Formal unity & economy - Though could be perceived as of complex

processes, the white bird’s unity in contriving a single piece could be lacking
of intricacies, almost strict and grim in process, however, the simplicity of a
single piece could represent its convolution and scrupulous process.

• Art conundrum - Most art pieces are appreciated by the ignorant minds. Why
would someone be beguiled of something that is not knew to them? The idea
of mystery behind the creation of the art, brings the last quality of an artistic
piece. Those who are unfamiliar of something tends to be more inquisitive
than those who are already knowledgable. In the white bird, the origin of its
creation could be unknown to most. How did someone just came up with the
idea, or why did someone even put hours of dedication and effort into
something, and how can I have not thought of the same. It is natural for us to
feel the need of unveiling the secrets of the unknown, a sentiment felt when
looking at an unfamiliar art piece, such as the white bird.

2. How is the perception of the artistic related to perception of the aesthetic?

How I see it, an art piece could be both aesthetic and artistic or ether of those
things. In my own impression, the discernment of something being artistic is rooted on the
proficiency of the skillful hands that created the piece. It is about the venture and expertise
that one imposed on the work. It is elucidated through how’s of the art piece; how was it

Sagalon AAP 0005

made, how skillfully created it was, and so on. Though artistry and something being artistic
does not have to be complex in process, art is created and no matter how little others may
perceive the given effort is, artistic skills are all the same and more. Aesthetic, on the other
hand, is how an art piece makes you feel. As stated, and art piece could be both artistic and
aesthetic. Aesthetic art works makes soar, bleed, and more. It reminds you of something so
real, that it reflects your soul like a mirror. Regardless of how minuscule, or mere, candid,
and unassuming a work is, if it compels you to be uncomfortable or at peace, its aesthetics is

3. Is the aesthetic emotion felt while looking at an artistic creation, different from what felt
while looking at nature?

As from what I grasps from Berger, aesthetic emotions being bore while
observing an artistic creation is all through the same with emotions one gets from looking at
nature, seeing that it was expressed that art mirrors nature. We create works based on the
episodes that surround us and how we perceive it. We make art simply because of an idea we
thought of while sauntering through the streets, regardless of how filthy the road is. As
mentioned by Berger, art is an attempt to make the instantaneous nature perpetual. We want
the sensation of the first sight to be felt longer, and art is one of the ways we believed would
make that possible.

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