Sagalon AAP-HW3

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Sagalon AAP 0005

Art Appreciation - AAP 0005



STUDENT NO: 202012871

SUBJECT: Art Appreciation

Art and Society
by Alice G. Guillermo

1. What is art according to the author?

Similar to my sentiments, the author believed that cannot be fully defined,
cannot be constrained in an absolute definition, however, Alice Guillermo that the
most that we can define arts in words is that it is “a cognitive mode and process of
signification or conveying meaning”, a very vague, yet true however not always and
entirely. The author nevertheless provided two positions and perspectives we could
draw on in terms of how society views art. One being the Contextualist position. It is
the view which most people views art with; art being from its environment and all its
aspects, natural, social, spiritual, and all representations of issues, constructs, values,
ideologies, and greater extents, that we, as artists, try to represent and reconstruct the
secularities we are part of. The complete contrasting notion of the contextualist
position is the Formalist position, which is more straightforward and disconnecting.
It views art as separated as it is from the external contexts and environment of both
the art piece and the artist. It is the position of detachment of art from the world it
moves in.

Sagalon AAP 0005

2. How did Art develop throughout Philippine history?

Art, as mostly associated from externalities such as the natural environment,
adaptation of culture, geography, religion, etc., it was represented through various
pieces of culture and religion in the Philippine history. From the dispersion of the
Catholicism in the Philippines, with it came with religious representation of art in
various mediums: effigies, architectures, paintings, and many more. Another
development of art in the Philippines was for spike in the economic growth,
welcoming the augmentation of the illustrado class that has utilized the trade systems
in the Philippines, and with wealth, they acquire art pieces and representations, but
still with underlying exhaustion of wealth like commissioning artists from around the
world. Additionally, the class’ wealth came with imminent capabilities of education,
came the abilities to learn more about art, in different contexts, mediums, history,
factors, and elements. Ending with the arrival of modernism in the country, the nation
was introduced to wider domain in terms of art, such as national art galleries,
emergence of art representing the public’s political consciousness, especially after
different historical events.

3. How will you describe the mode of production of Art?

Art is produced because of various purposes, one could be different or same
with the other. Conventionally, it is created to satisfy necessities, whether it is
socially, emotionally, or just for pure basic pleasure of wanting something. In the
most predominant way, especially most represented in the modern era, capitalism
has embedded through almost anything a person could imagine. In terms of art, it has
become a commodity, one could buy in form of a dollar frame with a general picture
inside, without us knowing who created the image and what fuels them to capture it
and what did the artist wanted to convey through them. Art in some form has lost and

Sagalon AAP 0005

gained aspects of it, and onw cannot fully hate the idea of art commodifiable oddity,
but not much of add, as everything comes with a price now. It is a basic need,
nothing in life is free and art pieces hold value and price, as one whether for sales or
not, exerts time and effort and emotions in each stroke of brush, word per word of a
poem, or a curve of statue. However, art could be both personal and still be kept of
currency value, as art does not need restraints. Art could be sold yet be priceless. Art
could convey messages the commissioner wanted it to convey, yet still show the
artists’ emotions, stands, and soul.

4. What are the support system of Art?

As the world is full of minuscule of things and eccentricities, individuals’
attention span is as short as it could get and after one look in the streets, another may
be forgotten. With the modernism here in the Philippines, art is to be supported by
various entities to flourish, such as institutions, media, organizations, and
fundamentally whatever it is that helps art to be seen, heard and felt.

5. How is Art being received by the society?

Art is received in varied ways, as audiences are part of different classes, culture,
environment, gender, and other social factors, such as inequality, incongruity with
privileges of each individual. As mentioned by the author, those of coming from
rural and urban areas, respond differently to art, as both environment is strictly
different from one another, different cultures, variations in language and geographic
influences, etc., and even at familial level, each is of different members of society,

Sagalon AAP 0005

which is why, art cannot be perceived by two individuals the same, as no two person
thinks the same, perceive the same, and appreciate the same. Nevertheless, art is
gonna make you feel something, anger is response, happiness is response,
disappointment is response, lack of response IS response. Emotions are always
backed up by rationale and vindication. Why one response, even the most minuscule
of response, says something about how they perceived the piece.

6. How can Art be an agent of social transformation?

I believe it is rather evident that art is prevalently used for upbringing societal
beliefs. It is a vast platform and unimaginable amount of schemes to exhibit one’s
acquiescence in and insurgency to various and multitude of flawed and amiss or
praise-worthy normative in the society. For great extent of time, art has been used to
express and convey sentiments with various societal concepts. It is prevalent at the
present time, especially with the inconsistencies, ineffectuality, and the public’s lack
of fear in showing their sentiments and displeasure about it, that art is often used in
protests, as the demonstration is to convey the public’s respond to various
conventions and political matters. Social transformation is prevalently needed in this
times, and often times in terms of the government, more so than other social aspect
such as culture, religion, etc., as the government has the power to recognize other
challenges in other external aspects of the society if the those who part of it are
proficient, qualified, and most importantly, true to the nation, and has the purpose of
serving the members of the society, urging a well-needed transformation in the

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