Project Proposal

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Project Proposal

Guidance and
Extended Diploma
in Creative Media
Production and
Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template

In producing the project proposal, and in Section 2 – Project concept

preparing for the project realisation you should (Approximately 200 words)
familiarise yourself with Units 13 and 14 of
the qualification. This section provides an opportunity for you
to clearly explain the concept and aims of
In particular, you should understand the
your project, production or performance and
assessment and grading criteria which will be
used to determine standards of achievement. the research and ideas that will support its
development. What you anticipate producing,
Units 13 and 14 require you to produce the levels and types of resources that you will
a project proposal of about 500 words, need and an indication of the form in which
excluding the project action plan and you will complete and present your final
bibliography. Project proposals should not realisation within the allocated timescale.
be so succinct that they do not address the
requirements listed below, nor should they be This might include an indication of when and
excessively long and unfocused. how you will use studios, equipment and
other resources, how you will make use of
Your project proposal should be
sufficiently challenging to ensure you have tutorial and peer feedback and where you will
the best possible chance of meeting the incorporate independent study.
grading criteria.
Section 3 - Evaluation
Your project proposal should include: (Approximately 150 words)
- Centre name and number
- Candidate name and number This section provides an opportunity for you
- Project proposal title and date to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate
- Main area of activity / pathway, e.g. film, your work, as both an ongoing activity and at
TV, games design etc. the conclusion of your project.

The project proposal must be word processed You should describe how you intend to
and presented under the headings listed here: record your decision-making and how you will
document changes to your ideas as your
Section 1 - Rationale work progresses.
(Approximately 150 words)
The evaluation should be referenced to your
This section provides you with an opportunity stated aims and be reflective and analytical
to reflect on, review and summarise your rather than a description of actions completed.
progress and achievements through the first
12 units of the qualification. When working in collaboration with others
you should comment on how this may impact
You should outline the knowledge, skills and either positively or negatively and steps you
understanding you have acquired. What can take to minimise disruption in your
you know now, and what it means to you, own progress.
compared with what you knew and could do
before you started the course, and how this
has influenced your choice of discipline or
disciplines and your project proposal.

It also provides an opportunity for you to

explain your reasons for choosing a particular
discipline or disciplines and to outline both
your immediate and longer-term aspirations.

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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Additional requirements, not included in
the 500 word proposal:

Project action plan and timetable:

This section provides you with an opportunity

to outline your planning and organisation
over a period of weeks and the activities you
will need to carry out in order to successfully
complete your project in the agreed time
frame. The more time and thought you give to
planning your project, the more successful it is
likely to be.

It is important that you consider how you will

balance ambition, time and realism in the
realisation of the project. You should also
include what you are going to do, how you
will do it and by when. Remember to include:
time spent sourcing materials and other
resources to conduct research, feedback from
tutors and peers, and when you will carry out
independent study.

Bibliography (Harvard Format):

This section provides an opportunity to record

the initial research sources, both primary and
secondary, that you intend to use.

Your sources of research should be as wide

as possible and could include libraries,
galleries, books, magazines, films, computer
games, websites, blogs, social media, radio
programmes, archive material etc. Where
appropriate, you should use the Harvard
system of referencing. The bibliography
should be continuously updated as the
project progresses.

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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Candidate Name
Louie Ferris

Candidate Number

Graphics and Digital Design

Project Title
Personal Project

Section 1: Rationale
(approx. 150 words) This project is asking me to come up with my own project and work
independently on this for the next nine weeks. The theme of the brief is
problem solving, I will create a project that solves the problem that I choose
and gain a better understanding of the problem or problems. Since my first
thought of the project, I have felt very confident that I could complete this task,
and since starting certain task for the project I have felt more confident in my
plans and ideas. For this brief I will need good and confident branding skills
that will help me for an industry styled project. I will also require all design skills
both physical and digital design will be very important for this project. This
project will provide me with many new opportunists to learn further about
graphic design and the design industry that my project will be up with.

Section 2: Project
Concept For this project, my overall idea is a high end, fashionable and luxury cigarette
(approx. 200 words) supplies company. My idea goes further than that, I also want to make a series
of limited edition clothing that will soon become high demand and therefore
seen as a luxury, also a selection of skateboard items like decks and clothing.
Mr brands target audience is obviously smokers but it does go further than this,
it will also be aimed at fashionable people who want the higher end products in
life. I think there is so much for me to research this project like looking into how
rizla make packaging or how supreme make their clothing, but I can also do
lots pf primary research like surveys and focus groups, these forms of research
will help me learn more about my own brand and see elements of my
competitors. I think for practical work I would create designs both physically
and digitally. I think resources wise, I will just simply need drawing equipment
and and also digital apps especially adobe programs, then a printer will be
needed, these resources will help me gain my end goal and will add help to the

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Extended Diploma in Creative
Media Production and Technology
Project proposal template
Section 3: Evaluation
(approx. 150 words) For this project, I will reflect and look back on my work constantly, I will do this
by adding reflections and talking about my work on my weebly page, this will
be laid out neatly and easy to read by myself and others. Within tis project, I
will also keep note and track of all of my thoughts that are aimed towards the
project. Keeping track of my annotations and reflecting on them allows me to
develop my skills and also gain knowledge that I didn't have before, essentially
this skill allows me to learn from my mistakes and better myself as a designer. I
will document problem solving as much as possible so I can look back and
learn from the problems I have made and then a guarantee that I will not make
the same mistakes in the future.

Proposed Research
Sources and Reference list A24 (2018). Mid90s | Official Trailer HD | A24. YouTube.
Bibliography (Harvard Available at:

v=w9Rx6-GaSIE.CDCTobaccoFree (2018). Tobacco Brand Preferences.

[online] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at:
d_preference/index.htm.Quora. (n.d.).

Where are Supreme NYC garments sourced and manufactured? [online]

Available at:
ufactured.RAWthentic. (n.d.).

Boards Archives. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2023].

Supreme. (n.d.). Shop. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2023].Wikipedia.

Rat Boy. [online] Available at: (n.d.). Age Verification | Rizla UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28
Mar. 2023]. (n.d.). Rolling Paper Tier List! [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2023].

Page 4
Project Action Plan and Timetable
Week Date Week Activity / What you are Resources / What you will
Beginning intending to do - including need to do it - including
independent study access to workshops

1 27/03/2023 Logo design Digital and physical elements

2 17/04/2023 Prototype design all materials both physical and


3 24/04/2023 Clothing designs both digital and physical


4 1/05/2023 start working on mockups digital programs

5 8/05/2023 Start working on a website to digital programs

display the items

6 15/05/2023 printing onto clothing screen printing elements and

clothing to print on

7 22/05/2023 Finish editing the skate video digital programs and my

and gather feed back camera

8 5/06/2023 Final review and any small digital

(Deadline touches

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