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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name Romil

Student Number 17920
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM006 Monitor staff performance

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Short Answers
Assessment 2 Project
Assessment 3 Observations
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment

Signature Date 9-Sep-2022

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

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Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the
elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

 role and importance of monitoring staff performance and providing feedback and coaching
 key elements of performance standards and performance management systems:
o methods of collecting performance data
o methods of interpreting performance data
o processes for performance appraisal interviews
o type of assessment:
 self
 peer
 team
o productivity indicators
 forms of guidance and support to enhance staff performance:
o advice on training and development opportunities
o confirmation of organisational objectives and key performance requirements
o ensuring adequate resources are applied
o opportunity to discuss work challenges
o providing confirmation and corrective feedback
o representing staff interests in other forums
o support with difficult interpersonal situations
 potential solutions to staff performance issues:
o additional training
o adjusting workload
o agreeing on short-term goals for improvement
o assisting with problems outside of the workplace
o reorganising work practices
 performance appraisal practices:
o reasons for performance appraisal
o format for, and inclusions of, performance appraisal documents
o methods of appraising performance
 specific organisation:
o procedures for performance appraisal interviews
o procedures for formal performance management and counselling sessions:
 formal notification to staff member and management
 invited participation of appropriate people
 organisation of appropriate location for counselling session
o grievance procedures.

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Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
RTO to complete

Resource Requirements
Pen, Paper or computer.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

Assessment 2 consists of a Project including 2 Parts, Part A and Part B.

Part A
– requires you to choose 3 different job roles relevant to your industry or area of training, for example
Hospitality, Tourism or Events and develop the documentation for a performance appraisal procedure
for these 3 positions.

Part B
requires you to write a report in which you will outline how you will administer the performance appraisal, the
provisions for various feedback requirements, processes to recognise and deal with performance problems
including training, and informal and formal grievance procedures

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with instructions
for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your trainer will
provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date:    /    /   

Part A Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Part B Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

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Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:    /    /     

9 / Sep /
Student Signature Date: 2022

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Assessment 2

Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

This assessment consists of 2 parts, Part A and Part B

Part A

– requires you to choose 3 different job roles relevant to your industry or area of training, for example
Hospitality, Tourism or Events and develop the documentation for a performance appraisal procedure
for these 3 positions.

Part B

– requires you to write a report in which you will outline how you will administer the performance
appraisal, the provisions for various feedback requirements, processes to recognise and deal with
performance problems including training, and informal and formal grievance procedures.

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PART A – Developing procedures for performance appraisal

1. Choose 3 different positions relevant to your industry or area of study in Hospitality, Tourism or Events
and determine at least 7 tasks or responsibilities of each role. Use the attached document “Performance-
agreement-template.docx” or suitable documents sourced from (Managing performance), to record
your tasks and responsibilities.

Examples for different positions and job roles in these sectors can be accessed under following links: (hospitality) (travel and tourism) (events)

Position: Food and Beverage Attendant

Tasks or responsibilities:

1. Provide efficient and effective service of all menu items to the required standard of presentation.
2. Ensure food and beverage intended for display in public areas is displayed neatly and attractively.
3. Report any maintenance issues to the Shift manager. Ensure faulty equipment posing a safety risk is
put out of order.
4. Report any injury or incident as soon as possible to the shift manager so action can be taken.
5. Greet all patrons in a friendly and courteous manner.
6. Provide a high level of customer service to members, guests, and fellow employees.
7. Attend shift briefings when and where required
8. Maintain a safe, clean and comfortable environment for members, guests, visitors and employees in
accordance with the restaurant policies and procedures

Position: Restaurant Chef

Tasks or responsibilities:

1. Ensure food is prepared in line with standard recipe cards. Compliance with standard recipe cards.
Preparation lists
2. Finished plates served in line with guidelines set out in the standard recipe cards. Output is
consistent with standard recipe cards.
3. Ensure daily, weekly and monthly routine cleaning and preventative duties related to all FOH
catering facilities are conducted to the required health standards.
4. Ensure kitchen is cleaned at the end of service periods
5. Adhere to the weekly staff rosters ensuring punctuality.
6. Preparation lists are completed in a timely manner.
7. Date label all food as outlined in the kitchen operations handbook

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Position: Restaurant Manager

Tasks or responsibilities:

1. Monitor compliance with health and fire regulations regarding food preparation and serving, and
building maintenance in lodging and dining facilities.
2. Keep records of payments and expenses
3. Monitor staff and customer activities to ensure liquor regulations are obeyed.
4. Monitor food preparation methods, portion sizes, and garnishing and presentation of food to ensure
that food is prepared and presented in an acceptable manner.
5. Schedule and receive food and beverage deliveries, checking delivery contents to verify product
quality and quantity.
6. Coordinate assignments of cooking personnel to ensure economical use of food and timely
7. Investigate and resolve complaints regarding food quality, service, or accommodations.

2. For each job role and each task, establish the key performance indicators. The following links can help you
to define these:

Position Description – Executive Sous Chef

Position: Food and Beverage Attendant
The key performance indicators:
1. Addressing in a professional, timely manner all customer queries or complaints.
2. Monitoring of product quality and rotation in line with use-by dates of product
3. Observe, make independent decision and escalate and report as appropriate in respect of health,
4. Convey information regarding injury or incident in a timely, clear and concise manner.
5. Positive feedback received from patrons, members and staff.
6. Displays positive body language in all interactions with customers, including smiling, straight
posture. Treats all patrons and colleagues from all cultural groups and backgrounds with respect.
7. Immediately report any issues with systems or procedures and where possible identify solutions
to issues/matters
8. Ensure working station is left in good working order, stocked and ready for the next
person's shift commencement.

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Position: Restaurant Chef
The key performance indicators:

1. Compliance with standard recipe cards.

2. Meals are compliant with standard recipe cards (SRC). Meals are consistently an accurate
representation of the photos in the SRC.
3. Cleaning Rosters adhered to and filled out
4. Cleaning checklist completed.
5. Is punctual and commenced shift at the rostered time. Notifies the Shift Manager of any changes to
the day sheet
6. Agreed timeframes are achieved.
7. All food correctly labelled.

Position: restaurant manager

The key performance indicators:

1) Number of Customers - This KPI represents an excellent scale to measure guest satisfaction and
repeat business.
2) Food, Dessert, & Beverage Sales per Head - This indicates two variables. (1) The menu appeal to
guests, and (2) the success of staff at selling. It's great for bonus system
3) Seating Efficiency - This includes the number of customers, turning away despite the high-quality
customer service. Many factors play important role such as cooking time, seating, service, clearing etc.
4) Total Sales Per Head - Divide the total sales by the number of customers. The outcome may vary
between times of the day.
5) Front of House Labour % - Number of hours compared with the sales; to measure productivity of the
business concept.
6) FOH Labour Hours - Hours worked in this section? Compare against sales to measure productivity of
7) Customer Satisfaction - Measure using various methods, such as feedback cards, complaints, social
media ratings, mystery shoppers, etc.

3. Develop measurable criteria which you will use to base your questions for the individual appraisals on.

a. The criteria need to be measurable e.g. in form of a rating scale that measures the level of
b. Ensure that each of the key aspects listed below are incorporated into the key outcomes and key
performance indicators.

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c. Compile these criteria into a checklist for each job role that can be used for monitoring the
effectiveness of staff as they perform their day-to-day duties in Assessment 3, Practical
Key Aspects:
 adherence to procedures
 cost minimisation
 customer service standards
 level of accuracy in work
 personal presentation
 productivity
 punctuality
 response times
 team interaction
 waste minimization

Food and Beverage Attendant

Measurable criteria:

1) Does F&B attendant handle customer queries and complaints in a professional, timely
2) Has attendant display food and beverage in neatly and attractively area?
3) Did attendant report maintenance issues to shift manager according to company policy and
4) Has attendant report injury or incident to shift manager in a timely, clear manner when
incident occur?
5) Did attendant greet customer in friendly and courteous manner?
6) Has attendant treats all patrons and colleagues with respect?
7) Doe attendant report any issues with systems or procedures immediately?

Position: restaurant chef

Measurable criteria:
1) Does chef Comply with standard recipe cards and Preparation lists to prepare all dishes?
2) Are meals consistently an accurate representation of the photos in the SRC?
3) Does daily, weekly and monthly routine cleaning meet company standard health & safety
policy and procedures?
4) Kitchen cleaning was completed at the end of service period?

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5) Is punctual and commenced shift at the rostered time?
6) Are Preparation lists completed in a timely manner?

7. All food in the kitchen has labelled with correctly name and use by date?

Position: Restaurant Manager

Measurable criteria:

1) Has manager builded maintenance in lodging and facilities?

2) Does manager keep record every payments and expenses according to company policy and
3) Does he follow the Liquor regulation to run the restaurant?
4) Does he monitor the food preparation procedures according to company policy?
5) Does he verify food and beverage quality and quantity when receive delivery?
6) Does he do the cost minimisation and waste minimisation budget every week?
7) Does he efficient resolve customer complaints?

4. Develop the annual performance review document addressing the criteria developed in Question 3 which
will be used for the staff performance appraisal

See example review templates at:

Note: if a sample template is selected, you must amend the existing criteria therein to reflect those you
have developed in Question 3.

Chef Performance Evaluation Form




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SUPERIOR - Performance is exceptional and rarely achieved by others. 5

Consistently achieves results well in excess of prescribed standards

COMMENDABLE-Performance exceeds the normal requirements on a consistent basis. 4

Frequently excels in one or more job aspects.

MEETS STANDARDS- Regularly meets standards prescribed for the position. 3

A solid overall performance.

MARGINAL- performance does not meet basic standard prescribed for the 0-2

Position. Improvement is required

A "3" is considered a normal, average, good worker who meets standards. Whatever your standards are, 70%-90% of you
staff should be a "3".



Consistently demonstrates Attentive, Courteous and Efficient service to other staff.

Anticipates fellow worker's needs and responds with alacrity to requests for help.

Creates a friendly environment.


Cooperates and works well with others. Helps other staff every day to get ready for service.

Is enthusiastic, portrays a positive demeanour and works toward Company goals.

Understands that it is everyone's job to do whatever it takes to get the day's work done.


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Sees tasks through to completion. Finishes work so that next shift is prepared.



Practices and displays proper grooming, hygiene and personal care per Employee Manual.

Maintains hair and facial hair per standards .


Always wears the proper uniform. Uniform is always clean.



Can be counted upon to do what is expected and required.

Follows instructions and completes work on time with minimum supervision.


Work performed according to Chef's standards and work requirements.

All job description specifications are met. Consistency in work. Recipes are followed.

Completes the expected amount of work in relation to standards.


Has adequate knowledge of job functions. Takes time to learn new skills.

Demonstrates the level of skills required to perform job duties.


Maintains cleanliness and order of work area at all times. Prioritizes projects.

Utilizes time productively to complete job tasks. Manages workload and meets deadlines.

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Consistently meets standards for cooking foods per specifications

Accurately prepares food per recipe standards.


Food is prepared according to business levels for next 1 1/2 days of service.

Station is well stocked for service, but not over stocked to the point of waste.

Manages food in station so as not to waste food.


Consistently meets standards for nice presentations per specifications.

Plates edges are clean, garnishes are correct.


All raw meats/poultry, eggs, and liquid eggs stored properly.

FIFO, creative use of Leftovers, Label & Dating.

F&B Attendant and Manager Performance Evaluation Form




UNACCEPTABLE - Consistently fails to meet job duties and expectations; performs at a level demonstrably below corporate
requirements; improvement required immediately to maintain employment.

MEETS EXPECTATIONS - Performs job duties at a satisfactory level according to job description under normal supervision
and direction.

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EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Often exceeds job requirements; consistently meets goals and objectives; accomplishments
occasionally made in areas outside normal job role.


Job Criteria
Abilities, Knowledge, and Skills

The degree to which the employee exhibits the knowledge and skills required to fulfil job duties,

As well as the techniques and tools used to do so.

Quality of Work

Does the employee complete his or her work with the expected degree of quality?

Is the employee attentive to detail? Does the employee actively seek out and correct quality-control issues?

Take into account accuracy of work, neatness, and adherence to standards.

Quality of Work

Does the employee complete his or her fair share of the assigned work load?

Are deadlines met consistently?

Also consider how well the employee manages time, and how well he or she manages simultaneous or
conflicting priorities.

Does the employee display a positive and cooperative attitude about the job role, assigned work and the

Are working relationships built and maintained by this employee?

Is the employee open minded and accepting of constructive feedback by peers?

Communication Skills
Does the employee communicate clearly and effectively within the role?

Does the employee clearly express them self both orally and in writing?

Does the employee listen well and respond appropriately?

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Are written and verbal reports clear and accurate?

Behavioural Characteristics
Does the employee work well with peers and supervisors?

Does the employee willingly contribute to the success of the team or department?

Does the employee exhibit consideration for others; a willingness to help; maintain a rapport with co-workers?


Does the employee follow through on commitments and job duties consistently?

Does the employee accept accountability for his or her work?

Does the employee properly follow instructions, directives, and procedures?


Does the employee actively seek out and assume additional responsibilities without being asked to do so?

Does the employee demonstrate an ability to encourage and/or inspire others?

Does the employee recognize and act upon new opportunities?

Attendance and Punctuality

Consider how often the employee is late on assigned working days,

Leaves early on assigned working days, and are sick or absent, all within the context of organizational policies.

Judgment and Analysis

How well does the employee effectively analyse and solve problems?

Does the employee clearly use sound judgment to do so? Is the employee decisive?

Does the employee act on decisions in a timely manner? Does the employee successfully overcome obstacles?


How well does the employee adjust to new directives, procedures, duties, supervisors, or working environments?

Does the employee accept new ideas with relative ease? Does the employee suggest new methods and approaches to

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Supervisory Criteria

Does the employee consistently demonstrate an ability to lead others?

Does the employee motivate others to perform better?

Does the employee have the respect of his or her work group?

Also consider the ability to direct others toward a common goal.

Organizational and Planning Abilities

How well does the employee plan and organize work duties?

Does the employee coordinate well the other works and departments?

Does the employee establish priorities appropriately and anticipate future needs?

Task Delegation

How well does the employee oversee the work and direction of subordinates?

Are duties assigned appropriately?

Does the employee select the right kind of staff as appropriate to the task at hand?

Administrative Skill

To what extent does the employee manage day-to-day administrative duties?

Does the employee ensure that organizational policies are adhered to?

Does the employee make the appropriate utilization of company budget, equipment, and resources?

Staff Management

Is the employee a positive role model for peers and/or subordinates?

Does the employee provide constructive guidance and feedback to others?

Does the employee assist other workers in accomplishing their own goals, duties, objectives?

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PART B – Report

Write a report that clearly outlines how you will implement the performance appraisal for your 3 staff. Your
report needs to include the following details:

a. Notification of staff and timelines of what will occur, how and when

This is part of our ongoing effort to grow our impact, support staff development, and promote fairness
and transparency. Here's what you need to know: Each year, all staff will go through the process of
self-evaluation and being evaluated by their manager on how well they met expectations around
outcomes and core competencies for the previous year. They are an opportunity for self-reflection,
feedback, and getting aligned with your manager on next steps and expectations for the coming year.

Here is the general timeline:

Meeting/Training. Face to face.

Date and time: 10/03/2021 and 09:00 am. Address: 29 Bellevue St, Surry Hills NSW 2010

b. Who will participate in the review process

The participant would be Restaurant Manager, Supervisor, bar attendants, and Employee, but
however, a third party may also come and join the review process.

c. How the review will be administered

Every performance review will be administered by the department heads with collaboration with
Human Relations (HR) department.

d. How you will identify performance problems based on your criteria which you have developed in PART A
To identify performance problems, we need a clear idea of what we consider good performance. We
should have quantifiable, measurable metrics in place for each employee and for different
departments or teams within our organization. Track how well the employees meet these metrics and
note when they exceeded expectations. Also, take note when any person or team falls short. If
someone or a group of staff members aren't living up to our expectations, or if we see a decline in
performance rather than continual improvement or at least steady results, we have an issue. Once we
have metrics in place, it is easy to identify when staff members or departments are not living up to
expectations. Be consistent with measuring performance on a weekly, monthly and annual basis so
you can spot problems quickly.

e. Provisions for training and professional development: How these are determined and which options
could be used to manage this effectively
Training. I will firstly review the employees to determine which employee which employee that
needs training and professional development. To train those employee, I will ask the ask a certified

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trainer or supervisor to train the employee according to the company's procedure, Then, I will do
review regularly to assess the employee.
Technical Assistance. A tailored guidance to meet the specific needs of a site or sites through
collaborative communication between a specialist and the sites. Technical assistance takes into
account site-specific circumstances and culture and can be provided through phone, mail, e-mail,
Internet, or in-person meetings.

Presentations. A speech or visual display tailored to specific audiences such as school administrators,
faculty, education and health professionals, adolescents, parents, college students, legislators, or
community groups.

f. Grievance procedures
Under this policy, the aggrieved employee is free to meet the top executives of the organization and
get his grievances redressed. Such a policy works well only in small organizations. However, in bigger
organizations, top management executives are usually busy with other concerned matters of the
company. Moreover, it is believed that open door policy is suitable for executives; operational
employees may feel shy to go to top management.

Under this policy, the aggrieved employee has to follow a step by step procedure for getting his
grievance redressed. In this procedure, whenever an employee is confronted with a grievance, he
presents his problem to his immediate supervisor. If the employee is not satisfied with superior's
decision, then he discusses his grievance with the departmental head. The departmental head
discusses the problem with joint grievance committees to find a solution. However, if the committee
also fails to redress the grievance, then it may be referred to chief executive. If the chief executive
also fails to redress the grievance, then such a grievance is referred to voluntary arbitration where the
award of arbitrator is binding on both the parties.

g. Informal and formal counselling options including options for problem solving techniques

Informal counselling is any situation where one person goes to another for advice and help. The
potent combination of partnering, compassion, and position still are in force, though in varying
degrees depending upon the situation. Nonetheless, they are present and cannot be dismissed as
having no effect.

Formal counselling may include a review of applicable standards and policies, actions which may be
expected if performance or conduct does not improve, and a reasonable time period established for
correction and review.

h. Provisions and options for recognising and rewarding outstanding performance

Performance is Exceptional. The employee delivers extraordinary accomplishments in their role as
measured by results, consistent work quality, quantity and timeliness in all areas of responsibility.
Achieving Outstanding Performance emphasises the importance of making the right decisions and
choices. We will also understand the role played by people, processes, and measures in order to meet

i. Procedures for disagreements of performance

In the event that the administrator being reviewed disagrees with the supervisor's overall assessment
of performance, and after discussing this with the supervisor or requesting changes, still disagrees

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with the final appraisal, the administrator who disagrees with the evaluation may request that the
performance evaluation be reviewed at the next administrative level (see below). An administrator
that refuses to sign the memo is not required to do so, but the supervisor shall note that a copy was
provided to the administrator and the date.

j. Documentation and record keeping requirements

Detailed Time and Attendance Record Keeping: Employees that habitually show up late for work or
engage in other types of time fraud can cost a company thousands of dollars on a yearly basis. Time
and attendance software not only make it easy to avoid "buddy punching" and other common types
of time fraud, but can also be useful when confronting employees with detailed evidence over their
work patterns. Performance Evaluations and Disciplinary Records: Keeping regular performance
evaluations on file can also help HR workers encourage their employees and find ways to boost their
productivity levels and engagement with the company. Disciplinary records kept on file can also be
useful should termination become a necessity.

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