Ghansali Pumping Water Supply Scheme

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1) Water requirement : Year Discharge P I P E D A T A
Initial 2025 1.700 mld PIPE MATERIAL MS ERW
Intermediate 2040 2.210 mld
Ultimate 2055 3.315 mld
2) Length of pumping main 78.0 m 65 4.8 MS ERW 100 1306.31
3) Static head for pump incl CWR
17.0 m 80 5.5 MS ERW 100 1872.65
height & Residual Head
4) Design period 30 yrs 100 5.6 MS ERW 100 2440.32
5) Combined eff. of pump set 60 % 125 5.6 MS ERW 100 3048.07
6) Cost of pumping unit 20000 Rs/kw 150 6.4 MS ERW 100 4166.05
7) Interest rate 10 % 200 6.4 MS ERW 100 5509.76
8) Life of elec. motors 15 yrs 250 7.1 MS ERW 100 5721.00
9) Energy charges 4.50 Rs/unit 300 7.1 MS ERW 100 6837.00
10) Pumping hours for discharge at the end of 15 years 16 hrs
11) Required discharge of pump for 1st stage 2302 LPM 14) Required discharge of pump for IInd st 3454 LPM
12) Discharge of available pump 2302 LPM 15) Discharge of available pump 3454 LPM
13) Actual pumping hours (Ist stage) 16 hrs 16) Actual pumping hours (IInd Stage) 16.00 hrs

1st 15 years 2nd 15 years
1) Discharge at installation 1.700 mld 2.210 mld
2) Discharge at the end of 15 years 2.210 mld 3.315 mld
3) Average discharge 1.955 mld 2.763 mld
4) Ave. hours of pumping ave. discharge 14.16 hrs 13.34 hrs
5) Kw required at above mentioned combined efficiency of 0.627 * H1 0.941 * H2
6) Annualset
cost (Rs) of electrical energy 23273.093 * Kw1 21925.358 * Kw2
7) Pump cost capitalized factor Y1 4.177
8) Energy charges capitalized Y2 7.606

Length of pipe (in m) 78
Formula used: Hazen- William Static Head (in m) 17.0
Frictional Head Loss per
Velocity in m/s Total Head for complete length of pipe incl static head (in m)
1000 m
Ist Stage IInd Stage
IInd Stage Ist Stage Flow in
Pipe Size Flow in Flow in Ist Stage Flow IInd Stage Flow
SL. No. Flow in MLD MLD
in mm MLD MLD
Frictional Other losses Total Frictional Total
2.210 3.315 2.210 3.315 losses
loss( in m) @20% H1 loss( in m) H2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 65 2990.027 6333.568 11.567 17.354 233.23 46.65 296.88 494.02 49.41 560.43
2 80 1087.715 2304.031 7.636 11.457 84.85 16.97 118.82 179.72 17.98 214.70
3 100 366.914 777.207 4.887 7.333 28.62 5.73 51.35 60.63 6.07 83.70
4 125 123.769 262.172 3.128 4.693 9.66 1.94 28.60 20.45 2.05 39.50
5 150 50.933 107.888 2.172 3.259 3.98 0.80 21.78 8.42 0.85 26.27
6 200 12.548 26.578 1.222 1.834 0.98 0.20 18.18 2.08 0.21 19.29
7 250 4.233 8.966 0.782 1.174 0.34 0.07 17.41 0.70 0.07 17.77
8 300 1.742 3.690 0.543 0.815 0.14 0.03 17.17 0.29 0.03 17.32
>>> * Other losses = 20% of frictional loss
Ist Stage Flow in MLD IInd Stage Flow in MLD Cost of Cost of
2.210 3.315 pipe per complete
Pipe size Thickness Total head Pump Total head unit
Sl. No.
(in mm) of pipe H1 KW reqd plus 50% cost H2 KW reqd plus
Pump cost length pipe line *
standby (Rs. in 50% standby (Rs. in (in Rs./ (Rs. in
(in m) (in m)
thous) thous) m) thous)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 65 4.8 296.88 280 5600 560.43 800 16000 1306.31 113
2 80 5.5 118.82 120 2400 214.70 310 6200 1872.65 161
3 100 5.6 51.35 50 1000 83.70 120 2400 2440.32 210
4 125 5.6 28.60 30 600 39.50 60 1200 3048.07 262
5 150 6.4 21.78 30 600 26.27 40 800 4166.05 358
5 200 6.4 18.18 20 400 19.29 30 600 5509.76 473
5 250 7.1 17.41 20 400 17.77 30 600 5721.00 491
5 300 7.1 17.17 20 400 17.32 30 600 6837.00 587



Ist Stage Flow in MLD 2.210 IInd Stage Flow in MLD 3.315 Grand Total
Cost of Cost of Annual Capitalized Capitalized Total Cost of Annual Capitalized Initial Capitalized
complet Pump set Energy Energy Cost Cost Pump set Energy Energy Cost investment for cost for 30
e pipe Cost (CC1=Y2*CR (1+2+4) Cost (CC2=Y2*CR pumps and Years Pipe dia
of pipe
line * (CR1) 1) (CR2) 2) Annual Energy


(Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in

(Rs. in thous) (Rs. in thous) (in mm) (in mm)
thous) thous) thous) thous) thous) thous) thous) thous)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11
113 5600 4333 32957 38670 16000 11563 87949 24887 63557 65 4.8
161 2400 1734 13189 15750 6200 4430 33695 9552 25302 80 5.5
210 1000 750 5705 6915 2400 1727 13136 3720 10635 100 5.6
262 600 418 3180 4042 1200 815 6199 1772 5814 125 5.6
358 600 318 2419 3377 800 542 4123 1179 4556 150 6.4
473 400 266 2024 2897 600 398 3028 869 3766 200 6.4
491 400 255 1940 2831 600 367 2792 813 3644 250 7.1
587 400 251 1910 2897 600 358 2723 796 3693 300 7.1

Provide 250 mm dia MS 7.1 mm thick pipe.

Rising main which is most economical size for given data.


Effective thickness of pipe after allowing

12.5% thickness tolerance & 12.5% bend

2.0mm (1.0 mm each for internal and

Allowable Fiber Stress of Pipe in

Total Losses in m including 10%

external side) corrosion allowance ,

Rate of MSERW Pipe including

P2 = Operating Head + Water

P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head
Laying, jointing & cartage

Friction Loss per 1000 m

Length of Rising Main
Velocity of water (V0)

Induced fiber Stress

Thickness of pipe

Outer Dia. of Pipe

Inner Dia. of Pipe

losses in bends

Operating Head
Water Hammer

Static Head

Max. Head
Wt. of Pipe


Sl. No.


in in in in Rs. per
in m/s in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in mm in Mpa in Mpa
mm mm mm Kg./m M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 65.0 4.00 73.0 6.81 835.00 1311.88 17.354 2320.73 78.0 6333.6 543.42 17.0 616.46 925 2938 2938 1.00 1072.4 174 UNSAFE
2 65.0 4.40 73.8 7.44 915.00 1320.05 17.354 2335.18 78.0 6333.6 543.42 17.0 616.46 925 2952 2952 1.30 837.9 174 UNSAFE
3 65.0 4.80 74.6 8.07 978.00 1326.98 17.354 2347.44 78.0 6333.6 543.42 17.0 616.46 925 2964 2964 1.60 691.0 174 UNSAFE
4 65.0 5.20 75.4 8.69 1077.00 1332.92 17.354 2357.95 78.0 6333.6 543.42 17.0 616.46 925 2975 2975 1.90 590.3 174 UNSAFE
5 65.0 5.50 76.0 9.16 1137.00 1336.86 17.354 2364.92 78.0 6333.6 543.42 17.0 616.46 925 2982 2982 2.13 532.0 174 UNSAFE
6 65.0 6.40 77.8 10.51 1313.00 1346.60 17.354 2382.15 78.0 6333.6 543.42 17.0 616.46 925 2999 2999 2.80 416.7 174 UNSAFE
7 80.0 3.20 86.4 6.76 828.00 1266.41 11.457 1479.03 78.0 2304 197.69 17.0 236.16 355 1716 1716 0.40 1853.3 174 UNSAFE
8 80.0 4.00 88.0 8.37 1030.00 1291.80 11.457 1508.68 78.0 2304 197.69 17.0 236.16 355 1745 1745 1.00 767.8 174 UNSAFE
9 80.0 4.40 88.8 9.17 1130.00 1301.42 11.457 1519.92 78.0 2304 197.69 17.0 236.16 355 1757 1757 1.30 600.1 174 UNSAFE
10 80.0 4.80 89.6 9.95 1229.00 1309.60 11.457 1529.47 78.0 2304 197.69 17.0 236.16 355 1766 1766 1.60 494.5 174 UNSAFE
11 80.0 5.50 91.0 11.31 1402.00 1321.32 11.457 1543.16 78.0 2304 197.69 17.0 236.16 355 1780 1780 2.13 380.2 174 UNSAFE
12 80.0 6.40 92.8 13.02 1622.00 1332.92 11.457 1556.70 78.0 2304 197.69 17.0 236.16 355 1793 1793 2.80 297.1 174 UNSAFE
13 80.0 7.10 94.2 14.23 1785.00 1340.06 11.457 1565.04 78.0 2304 197.69 17.0 236.16 355 1802 1802 3.33 254.9 174 UNSAFE
14 100.0 2.80 105.6 7.70 927.00 1216.68 7.333 909.47 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1002 1002 0.10 5290.6 174 UNSAFE
15 100.0 3.20 106.4 8.77 1057.00 1236.68 7.333 924.42 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1017 1017 0.40 1352.6 174 UNSAFE
16 100.0 3.60 107.2 9.83 1187.00 1252.93 7.333 936.57 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1029 1029 0.70 787.9 174 UNSAFE
17 100.0 4.00 108.0 10.88 1315.00 1266.41 7.333 946.64 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1039 1039 1.00 561.1 174 UNSAFE

Effective thickness of pipe after allowing

12.5% thickness tolerance & 12.5% bend

2.0mm (1.0 mm each for internal and

Allowable Fiber Stress of Pipe in

Total Losses in m including 10%

external side) corrosion allowance ,

Rate of MSERW Pipe including

P2 = Operating Head + Water

P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head
Laying, jointing & cartage

Friction Loss per 1000 m

Length of Rising Main
Velocity of water (V0)

Induced fiber Stress

Thickness of pipe

Outer Dia. of Pipe

Inner Dia. of Pipe

losses in bends

Operating Head
Water Hammer

Static Head

Max. Head
Wt. of Pipe


Sl. No.

in in in in Rs. per
in m/s in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in mm in Mpa in Mpa
mm mm mm Kg./m M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
18 100.0 4.40 108.8 11.92 1444.00 1277.76 7.333 955.13 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1048 1048 1.30 438.6 174 UNSAFE
19 100.0 4.80 109.6 12.96 1572.00 1287.46 7.333 962.38 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1055 1055 1.60 361.3 174 UNSAFE
20 100.0 5.20 110.4 13.99 1700.00 1295.84 7.333 968.64 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1061 1061 1.90 308.3 174 UNSAFE
21 100.0 5.60 111.2 15.01 1827.00 1303.16 7.333 974.12 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1067 1067 2.20 269.7 174 UNSAFE
22 100.0 6.00 112.0 16.02 1953.00 1309.60 7.333 978.93 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1071 1071 2.50 239.9 174 UNSAFE
23 100.0 6.40 112.8 17.03 2079.00 1315.32 7.333 983.21 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1076 1076 2.80 216.7 174 UNSAFE
24 100.0 7.10 114.2 18.77 2298.00 1323.91 7.333 989.63 78.0 777.21 66.68 17.0 92.05 139 1082 1082 3.33 185.5 174 UNSAFE
26 125.0 3.20 131.4 10.90 1317.00 1202.30 4.693 575.17 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 619 619 0.40 1016.7 174 UNSAFE
27 125.0 4.00 133.0 13.94 1668.00 1236.68 4.693 591.61 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 636 636 1.00 422.9 174 UNSAFE
28 125.0 4.80 134.6 16.16 1962.00 1261.30 4.693 603.39 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 647 647 1.60 272.1 174 UNSAFE
29 125.0 5.60 136.2 18.74 2282.00 1279.82 4.693 612.25 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 656 656 2.20 203.1 174 UNSAFE
33 150.0 2.80 155.6 11.43 1382.00 1145.41 3.259 380.52 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 424 424 0.10 3298.7 174 UNSAFE
34 150.0 3.20 156.4 13.03 1577.00 1170.64 3.259 388.90 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 433 433 0.40 846.5 174 UNSAFE
35 150.0 3.60 157.2 14.62 1771.00 1191.47 3.259 395.82 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 440 440 0.70 494.1 174 UNSAFE
36 150.0 4.00 158.0 16.21 1966.00 1208.95 3.259 401.63 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 446 446 1.00 352.3 174 UNSAFE
37 150.0 4.40 158.8 17.78 2159.00 1223.84 3.259 406.57 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 451 451 1.30 275.5 174 UNSAFE
38 150.0 4.80 159.6 19.35 2352.00 1236.68 3.259 410.84 78.0 262.17 22.49 17.0 43.44 66 455 455 1.60 226.9 174 UNSAFE
43 200.0 3.20 206.4 17.04 2080.00 1114.17 1.834 208.30 78.0 26.578 2.28 17.0 21.21 32 230 230 0.40 593.4 174 UNSAFE
44 200.0 4.00 208.0 21.22 2594.00 1158.66 1.834 216.61 78.0 26.578 2.28 17.0 21.21 32 238 238 1.00 247.5 174 UNSAFE
57 250.0 7.10 264.2 46.57 5721.00 1218.89 1.174 145.87 78.0 8.966 0.77 17.0 19.55 30 166 166 3.33 65.9 174 SAFE

Effective thickness of pipe after allowing

12.5% thickness tolerance & 12.5% bend

2.0mm (1.0 mm each for internal and

Allowable Fiber Stress of Pipe in

Total Losses in m including 10%

external side) corrosion allowance ,

Rate of MSERW Pipe including

P2 = Operating Head + Water

P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head
Laying, jointing & cartage

Friction Loss per 1000 m

Length of Rising Main
Velocity of water (V0)

Induced fiber Stress

Thickness of pipe

Outer Dia. of Pipe

Inner Dia. of Pipe

losses in bends

Operating Head
Water Hammer

Static Head

Max. Head
Wt. of Pipe


Sl. No.

in in in in Rs. per
in m/s in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in mm in Mpa in Mpa
mm mm mm Kg./m M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
58 250.0 7.80 265.6 51.03 6276.00 1233.02 1.174 147.56 78.0 8.966 0.77 17.0 19.55 30 168 168 3.85 58.0 174 SAFE
59 250.0 8.70 267.4 56.72 6987.00 1248.38 1.174 149.40 78.0 8.966 0.77 17.0 19.55 30 169 169 4.53 49.9 174 SAFE
60 250.0 9.30 268.6 60.50 7460.00 1257.23 1.174 150.46 78.0 8.966 0.77 17.0 19.55 30 171 171 4.98 46.1 174 SAFE
61 300.0 4.40 308.8 34.67 4257.00 1095.57 0.815 91.02 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 111 111 1.30 131.8 174 SAFE
62 300.0 4.80 309.6 37.17 4600.00 1114.17 0.815 92.56 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 112 112 1.60 108.4 174 SAFE
63 300.0 5.60 311.2 43.96 5407.00 1145.41 0.815 95.16 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 115 115 2.20 81.3 174 SAFE
64 300.0 6.40 312.8 50.11 6171.00 1170.64 0.815 97.26 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 117 117 2.80 65.4 174 SAFE
65 300.0 7.10 314.2 55.47 6837.00 1189.06 0.815 98.79 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 118 118 3.33 55.7 174 SAFE
66 300.0 7.90 315.8 61.56 7597.00 1206.92 0.815 100.27 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 120 120 3.93 48.2 174 SAFE
67 300.0 8.40 316.8 65.35 8070.00 1216.68 0.815 101.08 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 121 121 4.30 44.6 174 SAFE
68 300.0 8.70 317.4 67.62 8354.00 1222.10 0.815 101.53 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 121 121 4.53 42.4 174 SAFE
69 300.0 9.50 319.0 73.65 9110.00 1235.17 0.815 102.62 78.0 3.69 0.32 17.0 19.05 29 122 122 5.13 37.9 174 SAFE


1) Water requirement : Year Discharge P I P E D A T A
Initial 2025 1.564 mld PIPE MATERIAL MS ERW
Intermediate 2040 2.033 mld
Ultimate 2055 3.050 mld
2) Length of pumping main 765.0 m 65 4.8 MS ERW 100 1306.31
3) Static head for pump incl CWR
162.0 m 80 5.5 MS ERW 100 1872.65
height & Residual Head
4) Design period 30 yrs 100 5.6 MS ERW 100 2440.32
5) Combined eff. of pump set 60 % 125 5.6 MS ERW 100 3048.07
6) Cost of pumping unit 20000 Rs/kw 150 6.4 MS ERW 100 4166.05
7) Interest rate 10 % 200 6.4 MS ERW 100 5509.76
8) Life of elec. motors 15 yrs 250 7.1 MS ERW 100 5721.00
9) Energy charges 4.50 Rs/unit 300 7.1 MS ERW 100 6837.00
10) Pumping hours for discharge at the end of 15 years 16 hrs
11) Required discharge of pump for 1st stage 2118 LPM 14) Required discharge of pump for IInd st 3178 LPM
12) Discharge of available pump 2118 LPM 15) Discharge of available pump 3178 LPM
13) Actual pumping hours (Ist stage) 16 hrs 16) Actual pumping hours (IInd Stage) 16.00 hrs

1st 15 years 2nd 15 years
1) Discharge at installation 1.564 mld 2.033 mld
2) Discharge at the end of 15 years 2.033 mld 3.050 mld
3) Average discharge 1.799 mld 2.542 mld
4) Ave. hours of pumping ave. discharge 14.16 hrs 13.34 hrs
5) Kw required at above mentioned combined efficiency of 0.577 * H1 0.866 * H2
6) Annualset
cost (Rs) of electrical energy 23273.093 * Kw1 21925.358 * Kw2
7) Pump cost capitalized factor Y1 4.177

8) Energy charges capitalized Y2 7.606

Length of pipe (in m) 765
Formula used: Hazen- William Static Head (in m) 162.0
Frictional Head Loss per
Velocity in m/s Total Head for complete length of pipe incl static head (in m)
1000 m
Ist Stage IInd Stage
Pipe Size IInd Stage Ist Stage Flow in
SL. No. Flow in Flow in Ist Stage Flow IInd Stage Flow
in mm Flow in MLD MLD
Frictional Other losses Total Frictional Total
2.033 3.050 2.033 3.050 losses
loss( in m) @20% H1 loss( in m) H2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 65 2562.611 5428.201 10.642 15.966 1960.40 392.08 2514.48 4152.58 415.26 4729.84
2 80 932.229 1974.676 7.025 10.540 713.16 142.64 1017.80 1510.63 151.07 1823.70
3 100 314.464 666.107 4.496 6.746 240.57 48.12 450.69 509.58 50.96 722.54
4 125 106.077 224.695 2.878 4.318 81.15 16.23 259.38 171.90 17.19 351.09
5 150 43.653 92.466 1.999 2.998 33.40 6.68 202.08 70.74 7.08 239.82
6 200 10.754 22.779 1.124 1.687 8.23 1.65 171.88 17.43 1.75 181.18
7 250 3.628 7.684 0.720 1.080 2.78 0.56 165.34 5.88 0.59 168.47
8 300 1.493 3.163 0.500 0.750 1.15 0.23 163.38 2.42 0.25 164.67
>>> * Other losses = 20% of frictional loss
Ist Stage Flow in MLD IInd Stage Flow in MLD Cost of Cost of
2.033 3.050 pipe per complete
Pump cost length pipe line*
Pipe size Thickness Total head Pump Total head
Sl. No.
(in mm) of pipe H1 KW reqd plus cost H2 KW reqd plus
50% standby (Rs. in 50% standby (Rs. in (in Rs./ (Rs. in
(in m) (in m)
thous) thous) m) thous)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 65 4.8 2514.48 2180 43600 4729.84 6150 123000 1306.31 1100
2 80 5.5 1017.80 890 17800 1823.70 2370 47400 1872.65 1576
3 100 5.6 450.69 400 8000 722.54 940 18800 2440.32 2054
4 125 5.6 259.38 230 4600 351.09 460 9200 3048.07 2565
5 150 6.4 202.08 180 3600 239.82 320 6400 4166.05 3506
5 200 6.4 171.88 150 3000 181.18 240 4800 5509.76 4637
5 250 7.1 165.34 150 3000 168.47 220 4400 5721.00 4815
5 300 7.1 163.38 150 3000 164.67 220 4400 6837.00 5754



Ist Stage Flow in MLD 2.033 IInd Stage Flow in MLD 3.050 Grand Total
Initial Capitalized
Cost of Annual Capitalized Annual Capitalized investment for cost for 30 Thickness
complet Cost of Capitalized Total Years Pipe dia
Energy Energy Cost Cost of Energy Energy Cost pumps and of pipe
e pipe Pump set Cost (5+9)
Cost (CC1=Y2*CR Pump set Cost (CC2=Y2*CR Annual Energy
line* (CR1) 1) (CR2) 2) Cost
(Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in
(Rs. in thous) (Rs. in thous) (in mm) (in mm)
thous) thous) thous) thous) thous) thous) thous) thous)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11
1100 43600 33766 256825 301525 123000 89808 683080 192981 494506 65 4.8
1576 17800 13668 103959 123335 47400 34628 263381 74403 197738 80 5.5
2054 8000 6053 46040 56094 18800 13720 104355 29485 85579 100 5.6
2565 4600 3484 26500 33665 9200 6667 50710 14343 48008 125 5.6
3506 3600 2714 20643 27749 6400 4554 34638 9825 37574 150 6.4
4637 3000 2309 17563 25200 4800 3441 26173 7416 32616 200 6.4
4815 3000 2221 16893 24708 4400 3199 24332 6879 31587 250 7.1
5754 3000 2194 16688 25442 4400 3127 23784 6748 32190 300 7.1

Provide 250 mm dia MS 7.1 mm thick pipe.

Rising main which is most economical size for given data.


internal and external side) corrosion

Allowable Fiber Stress of Pipe in

Total Losses in m including 10%

tolerance & 12.5% bend allowance

Rate of MSERW Pipe including

allowing 2.0mm (1.0 mm each for

P2 = Operating Head + Water

Effective thickness of pipe after

P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head
Laying, jointing & cartage

allowance , 12.5% thickness

Friction Loss per 1000 m
Length of Rising Main
Velocity of water (V0)

Induced fiber Stress

Thickness of pipe

Outer Dia. of Pipe

Inner Dia. of Pipe

losses in bends

Operating Head
Water Hammer

Static Head

Max. Head
Wt. of Pipe

Sl. No.

in in in in Rs. per
in m/s in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in mm in Mpa in Mpa
mm mm mm Kg./m M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 65 4.00 73.0 6.81 835.00 1311.88 15.966 2135.11 765.0 5428 4568 162.0 5202.81 7805 7338 7805 1.00 2848.83 174 UNSAFE
2 65 4.40 73.8 7.44 915.00 1320.05 15.966 2148.41 765.0 5428 4568 162.0 5202.81 7805 7352 7805 1.30 2215.42 174 UNSAFE
3 65 4.80 74.6 8.07 978.00 1326.98 15.966 2159.69 765.0 5428 4568 162.0 5202.81 7805 7363 7805 1.60 1819.54 174 UNSAFE
4 65 5.20 75.4 8.69 1077.00 1332.92 15.966 2169.36 765.0 5428 4568 162.0 5202.81 7805 7373 7805 1.90 1548.68 174 UNSAFE
5 65 5.50 76.0 9.16 1137.00 1336.86 15.966 2175.77 765.0 5428 4568 162.0 5202.81 7805 7379 7805 2.13 1392.44 174 UNSAFE
6 65 6.40 77.8 10.51 1313.00 1346.60 15.966 2191.62 765.0 5428 4568 162.0 5202.81 7805 7395 7805 2.80 1084.34 174 UNSAFE
7 80 3.20 86.4 6.76 828.00 1266.41 10.540 1360.65 765.0 1975 1662 162.0 2006.06 3010 3367 3367 0.40 3636.36 174 UNSAFE
8 80 4.00 88.0 8.37 1030.00 1291.80 10.540 1387.93 765.0 1975 1662 162.0 2006.06 3010 3394 3394 1.00 1493.36 174 UNSAFE
9 80 4.40 88.8 9.17 1130.00 1301.42 10.540 1398.26 765.0 1975 1662 162.0 2006.06 3010 3405 3405 1.30 1162.94 174 UNSAFE
10 80 4.80 89.6 9.95 1229.00 1309.60 10.540 1407.05 765.0 1975 1662 162.0 2006.06 3010 3414 3414 1.60 955.92 174 UNSAFE
11 80 5.50 91.0 11.31 1402.00 1321.32 10.540 1419.64 765.0 1975 1662 162.0 2006.06 3010 3426 3426 2.13 731.85 174 UNSAFE
12 80 6.40 92.8 13.02 1622.00 1332.92 10.540 1432.11 765.0 1975 1662 162.0 2006.06 3010 3439 3439 2.80 569.89 174 UNSAFE
13 80 7.10 94.2 14.23 1785.00 1340.06 10.540 1439.78 765.0 1975 1662 162.0 2006.06 3010 3446 3446 3.33 487.41 174 UNSAFE
14 100 2.80 105.6 7.70 927.00 1216.68 6.746 836.67 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1632 1632 0.10 8616.96 174 UNSAFE
15 100 3.20 106.4 8.77 1057.00 1236.68 6.746 850.42 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1646 1646 0.40 2189.18 174 UNSAFE
16 100 3.60 107.2 9.83 1187.00 1252.93 6.746 861.60 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1657 1657 0.70 1268.79 174 UNSAFE
17 100 4.00 108.0 10.88 1315.00 1266.41 6.746 870.87 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1666 1666 1.00 899.64 174 UNSAFE
18 100 4.40 108.8 11.92 1444.00 1277.76 6.746 878.67 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1674 1674 1.30 700.5 174 UNSAFE
19 100 4.80 109.6 12.96 1572.00 1287.46 6.746 885.34 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1681 1681 1.60 575.74 174 UNSAFE
20 100 5.20 110.4 13.99 1700.00 1295.84 6.746 891.10 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1686 1686 1.90 489.83 174 UNSAFE
internal and external side) corrosion

Allowable Fiber Stress of Pipe in

Total Losses in m including 10%

tolerance & 12.5% bend allowance

Rate of MSERW Pipe including

allowing 2.0mm (1.0 mm each for

P2 = Operating Head + Water

Effective thickness of pipe after

P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head
Laying, jointing & cartage

allowance , 12.5% thickness

Friction Loss per 1000 m
Length of Rising Main
Velocity of water (V0)

Induced fiber Stress

Thickness of pipe

Outer Dia. of Pipe

Inner Dia. of Pipe

losses in bends

Operating Head
Water Hammer

Static Head

Max. Head
Wt. of Pipe

Sl. No.

in in in in Rs. per
in m/s in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in mm in Mpa in Mpa
mm mm mm Kg./m M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
21 100 5.60 111.2 15.01 1827.00 1303.16 6.746 896.14 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1691 1691 2.20 427.36 174 UNSAFE
22 100 6.00 112.0 16.02 1953.00 1309.60 6.746 900.57 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1696 1696 2.50 379.9 174 UNSAFE
23 100 6.40 112.8 17.03 2079.00 1315.32 6.746 904.50 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1700 1700 2.80 342.43 174 UNSAFE
24 100 7.10 114.2 18.77 2298.00 1323.91 6.746 910.41 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1706 1706 3.33 292.53 174 UNSAFE
25 100 7.90 115.8 20.73 2547.00 1332.02 6.746 915.98 765.0 666 560.5 162.0 794.78 1193 1711 1711 3.93 252.08 174 UNSAFE
26 125 3.20 131.4 10.90 1317.00 1202.30 4.318 529.21 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 916 916 0.40 1504.53 174 UNSAFE
27 125 4.00 133.0 13.94 1668.00 1236.68 4.318 544.34 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 931 931 1.00 619.12 174 UNSAFE
28 125 4.80 134.6 16.16 1962.00 1261.30 4.318 555.18 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 942 942 1.60 396.23 174 UNSAFE
29 125 5.60 136.2 18.74 2282.00 1279.82 4.318 563.33 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 950 950 2.20 294.07 174 UNSAFE
30 125 6.60 138.2 21.92 2678.00 1297.38 4.318 571.06 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 958 958 2.95 224.4 174 UNSAFE
31 125 7.10 139.2 23.50 2875.00 1304.51 4.318 574.20 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 961 961 3.33 200.86 174 UNSAFE
33 150 2.80 155.6 11.43 1382.00 1145.41 2.998 350.04 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 737 737 0.10 5733.86 174 UNSAFE
34 150 3.20 156.4 13.03 1577.00 1170.64 2.998 357.76 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 744 744 0.40 1454.52 174 UNSAFE
35 150 3.60 157.2 14.62 1771.00 1191.47 2.998 364.12 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 751 751 0.70 843.27 174 UNSAFE
36 150 4.00 158.0 16.21 1966.00 1208.95 2.998 369.46 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 756 756 1.00 597.24 174 UNSAFE
37 150 4.40 158.8 17.78 2159.00 1223.84 2.998 374.01 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 761 761 1.30 464.8 174 UNSAFE
38 150 4.80 159.6 19.35 2352.00 1236.68 2.998 377.94 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 765 765 1.60 381.54 174 UNSAFE
39 150 5.60 161.2 22.47 2737.00 1257.70 2.998 384.36 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 771 771 2.20 282.47 174 UNSAFE
40 150 6.40 162.8 25.55 3119.00 1274.18 2.998 389.40 765.0 225 189.1 162.0 386.19 580 776 776 2.80 225.59 174 UNSAFE
43 200 3.20 206.4 17.04 2080.00 1114.17 1.687 191.60 765.0 22.78 19.17 162.0 199.29 299 391 391 0.40 1008.78 174 UNSAFE
44 200 4.00 208.0 21.22 2594.00 1158.66 1.687 199.25 765.0 22.78 19.17 162.0 199.29 299 399 399 1.00 414.96 174 UNSAFE
45 200 4.80 209.6 25.37 3107.00 1191.47 1.687 204.89 765.0 22.78 19.17 162.0 199.29 299 405 405 1.60 265.28 174 UNSAFE
46 200 5.60 211.2 29.48 3616.00 1216.68 1.687 209.23 765.0 22.78 19.17 162.0 199.29 299 409 409 2.20 196.32 174 UNSAFE

Sl. No.

Inner Dia. of Pipe

Thickness of pipe

mm mm
Outer Dia. of Pipe

Wt. of Pipe

55 250 5.60 261.2 36.94

54 250 4.80 259.6 31.76
53 250 4.00 258.0 26.54
Rate of MSERW Pipe including

Rs. per Laying, jointing & cartage


4527.00 1179.43
3887.00 1150.88
3244.00 1114.17

Velocity of water (V0)

in m/s

Water Hammer
in M


Length of Rising Main

in M


Friction Loss per 1000 m

in M

Total Losses in m including 10%

129.85 765.0 7.684 6.47

126.70 765.0 7.684 6.47
122.66 765.0 7.684 6.47
in M

losses in bends

Static Head
in M


Operating Head
in M


P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head

in M

P2 = Operating Head + Water




Max. Head
in M in M

Effective thickness of pipe after

allowing 2.0mm (1.0 mm each for

internal and external side) corrosion

in mm

allowance , 12.5% thickness

tolerance & 12.5% bend allowance

Induced fiber Stress


Allowable Fiber Stress of Pipe in



in Mpa in Mpa


internal and external side) corrosion

Allowable Fiber Stress of Pipe in

Total Losses in m including 10%

tolerance & 12.5% bend allowance

Rate of MSERW Pipe including

allowing 2.0mm (1.0 mm each for

P2 = Operating Head + Water

Effective thickness of pipe after

P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head
Laying, jointing & cartage

allowance , 12.5% thickness

Friction Loss per 1000 m
Length of Rising Main
Velocity of water (V0)

Induced fiber Stress

Thickness of pipe

Outer Dia. of Pipe

Inner Dia. of Pipe

losses in bends

Operating Head
Water Hammer

Static Head

Max. Head
Wt. of Pipe

Sl. No.

in in in in Rs. per
in m/s in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in M in mm in Mpa in Mpa
mm mm mm Kg./m M
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
56 250 6.40 262.8 42.09 5165.00 1202.30 1.080 132.36 765.0 7.684 6.47 162.0 185.32 278 318 318 2.80 149.23 174 SAFE
57 250 7.10 264.2 46.57 5721.00 1218.89 1.080 134.19 765.0 7.684 6.47 162.0 185.32 278 320 320 3.33 126.94 174 SAFE
58 250 7.80 265.6 51.03 6276.00 1233.02 1.080 135.75 765.0 7.684 6.47 162.0 185.32 278 322 322 3.85 111.07 174 SAFE
59 250 8.70 267.4 56.72 6987.00 1248.38 1.080 137.44 765.0 7.684 6.47 162.0 185.32 278 323 323 4.53 95.33 174 SAFE
60 250 9.30 268.6 60.50 7460.00 1257.23 1.080 138.41 765.0 7.684 6.47 162.0 185.32 278 324 324 4.98 87.38 174 SAFE
64 300 6.40 312.8 50.11 6171.00 1170.64 0.750 89.50 765.0 3.163 2.66 162.0 181.13 272 271 272 2.80 151.93 174 SAFE
65 300 7.10 314.2 55.47 6837.00 1189.06 0.750 90.91 765.0 3.163 2.66 162.0 181.13 272 273 273 3.33 128.79 174 SAFE
66 300 7.90 315.8 61.56 7597.00 1206.92 0.750 92.27 765.0 3.163 2.66 162.0 181.13 272 274 274 3.93 110.09 174 SAFE
67 300 8.40 316.8 65.35 8070.00 1216.68 0.750 93.02 765.0 3.163 2.66 162.0 181.13 272 275 275 4.30 101.3 174 SAFE
68 300 8.70 317.4 67.62 8354.00 1222.10 0.750 93.43 765.0 3.163 2.66 162.0 181.13 272 275 275 4.53 96.34 174 SAFE
69 300 9.50 319.0 73.65 9110.00 1235.17 0.750 94.43 765.0 3.163 2.66 162.0 181.13 272 276 276 5.13 85.81 174 SAFE

1 1 Sl. No.

1 1 Stage

1 1 Stretch of stage

0 0 from

765.00 78.00 to

765 78 Length of stretch

901.32 893.27 lower end / Lowest Point
Maximum Elevation for

1055.14 901.32

8.05000000000007 Effective Static Head

250.00 250.00 Inner Dia. of Pipe

264.20 264.20 Outer Dia. of Pipe

46.57 46.57 Thickness of Pipe

mm mm
11 12 13

1218.89 1218.89 "a"


1.0800 1.1740 Velocity of water (V0)



134.19 145.87 Water Hammer

Length of Rising Main

765.0 78.0
(for friction Loss)

7.684 8.966 Friction Loss per 1000 m


Total Losses in m including 10%


6.47 0.77
losses in bends

153.82 8.05 Static Head


176.32 10.00 Operating Head


265.00 15.00 P1 = 1.5 x Operating Head

P2 = Operating Head + Water


311.00 156.00

311.00 156.00 Max. Head

m m
23 24

MS ERW MS ERW Grade of Pipe


174.00 174.00 fiber Stress


2.36 1.18 Effective Thickness Required


5.81 4.24 Total Thickness Required

Mpa mm mm

7.10 7.10 Available Thickness

Laying and jointing of MSERW PIPE (For Different Dia & Different Thickness)

Uttarakhand Peyjal Nigam SOR- 2019 - 2020

Supply, Carting, Laying, Jointing, fixing and Testing of following sizes of MSERW Pipe grade Yst 210 with specials & fitting in trenches under ground
including cutting, laying jointing by welding etc. complete.

MS ERW PIPE Basic Rates , Thickness (in mm)

3.2 3.6 3.9 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.5 5.6 6.0 6.4 6.6 7.0 7.1 7.6 7.8 7.9 8.2 8.7 9.3 9.5
50 - - 649 - 729 792 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e
65 - - - 835 915 978 1077 1137 - - 1313 - - - - - - - - -
80 828 - - 1030 1130 1229 - 1402 - - 1622 - - 1785 - - - - - - m
Dia (in mm)

100 1057 1187 - 1315 1444 1572 1700 - 1827 1953 2079 - - 2298 - - 2547 - - -
125 1317 - - 1668 - 1962 - - 2282 - - 2678 - 2875 - - 3188 - - -
150 1577 1771 - 1966 2159 2352 - - 2737 - 3119 - - 3452 - - 3824 - - -
200 2080 - - 2594 0 3107 - - 3616 - 4125 - 4504 - - - 5071 5260 5574 6073
250 - - - 3244 - 3887 - - 4527 - 5165 - - 5721 - 6276 - - 6987 7460 -
300 - - - - 4257 4600 - - 5407 - 6171 - - 6837 - - 8585 - - - 9110
Supply, Carting, Laying, Jointing, fixing and Testing of following sizes of MSERW Pipe grade Yst 210 with specials & fitting in trenches under ground including cutting, 0
laying jointing by welding etc. complete. m
Site Rates with Cost Index & LOP @ 33.57% Index 33.57% 1.3357 m
MS ERW PIPE Thickness (in mm)
3.2 3.6 3.9 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.5 5.6 6.0 6.4 6.6 7.0 7.1 7.6 7.8 7.9 8.2 8.7 9.3 9.5 d
50 - - 867 - 974 1058 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a
65 - - - 1115 1222 1306 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
80 1106 - - 1376 1509 1642 - 1873 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dia (in mm)

100 1412 1585 - 1756 1929 2100 2271 - 2440 2609 2777 - - 3069 - - 3402 - - - -
125 1759 - - 2228 - 2621 - - 3048 - - 3577 - 3840 - - 4258 - - - -
150 2106 2366 - 2626 2884 3142 - - 3656 - 4166 - - 4611 - - 5108 - - - -
200 2778 - - 3465 - 4150 - - 4830 - 5510 - 6016 - - - 6773 7026 7445 - 8112
250 - - - 4333 - 5192 - - 6047 - 6899 - - 7642 - - - - - - -

Dia (in
300 - - - - 5686 6144 - - 7222 - 8243 - - 9132 - - 11467 - - - 12168


A Data (11.25 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 8
2 p (kg/sqcm) 8
3 Alpha 11.25
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 50.24
sin 5.625 0.098
F (Tonnes) 0.08

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.3mX0.3mX0.3m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.06
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0015
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.03
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.09
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.03

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.07 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.048

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.15

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.08

(f) Factor of safety 1.91 which is OK

A Data (22.5 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 8
2 p (kg/sqcm) 8
3 Alpha 22.5
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 50.24
sin 11.25 0.195
F (Tonnes) 0.16
(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust
Try a thrust block of size 0.4mX0.4mX0.4m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.15
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0020
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.03
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.18
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.06

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.17 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.048

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.28

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.16

(f) Factor of safety 1.80 which is OK

B Data (45 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 8
2 p (kg/sqcm) 8
3 Alpha 45
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 50.24
sin 22.5 0.383
F (Tonnes) 0.31

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.55mX0.55mX0.55m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.38
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0028
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.05
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.43
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.14

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.45 Assuming C=0
Lateral resistance of soil when
(c) the thrust block is free to yield

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.64

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.31

(f) Factor of safety 2.09 which is OK

C Data (90 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 8
2 p (kg/sqcm) 8
3 Alpha 90
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 50.24
sin 45 0.707
F (Tonnes) 0.57

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.7mX0.7mX0.7m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.79
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0035
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.06
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.85
Total force available considering
friction resistance of soil (Tonnes)


(b) Lateral resistance of soil against 0.93 Assuming C=0

the block (Tonnes)
(c) Lateral resistance of soil when
the thrust block is free to yield 0.026667
(d) (Tonnes)
Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 1.24

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.57

(f) Factor of safety 2.18 which is OK


A Data (11.25 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 10
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.9
3 Alpha 11.25
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.9
C/S area (A, sqcm) 78.50
sin 5.625 0.098
F (Tonnes) 0.12

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.35mX0.35mX0.35m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.10
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0027
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.04
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.14
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.05

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.12 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.06

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.22

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.12

(f) Factor of safety 1.83 which is OK

A Data (22.5 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 10
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.9
3 Alpha 22.5
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.9
C/S area (A, sqcm) 78.50
sin 11.25 0.195
F (Tonnes) 0.24
(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust
Try a thrust block of size 0.5mX0.5mX0.5m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.29
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0039
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.05
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.35
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.12

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.34 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.06

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.51

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.24

(f) Factor of safety 2.12 which is OK

B Data (45 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 10
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.9
3 Alpha 45
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.9
C/S area (A, sqcm) 78.50
sin 22.5 0.383
F (Tonnes) 0.47

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.65mX0.65mX0.65m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.63
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0051
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.07
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.71
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.24

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.74 Assuming C=0
Lateral resistance of soil when
(c) the thrust block is free to yield

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 1.04

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.47

(f) Factor of safety 2.19 which is OK

C Data (90 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 10
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.9
3 Alpha 90
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.9
C/S area (A, sqcm) 78.50
sin 45 0.707
F (Tonnes) 0.88

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.8mX0.8mX0.8m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 1.18
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0063
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.09
Total weight (Tonnes) 1.27
Total force available considering
friction resistance of soil (Tonnes)


(b) Lateral resistance of soil against 1.38 Assuming C=0

the block (Tonnes)
(c) Lateral resistance of soil when
the thrust block is free to yield 0.026333
(d) (Tonnes)
Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 1.83

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.88

(f) Factor of safety 2.09 which is OK


A Data (11.25 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 12.5

2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.8
3 Alpha 11.25
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 122.66
sin 5.625 0.098
F (Tonnes) 0.19

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.4mX0.4mX0.4m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.15
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0049
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.05
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.21
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.07

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.17 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.075

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.32

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.19

(f) Factor of safety 1.69 which is OK

A Data (22.5 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 12.5

2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.8
3 Alpha 22.5
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 122.66
sin 11.25 0.195
F (Tonnes) 0.37
(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust
Try a thrust block of size 0.6mX0.6mX0.6m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.50
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0074
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.08
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.59
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.20

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.58 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.075

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.85

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.37

(f) Factor of safety 2.29 which is OK

B Data (45 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 12.5

2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.8
3 Alpha 45
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 122.66
sin 22.5 0.383
F (Tonnes) 0.73

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.75mX0.75mX0.75m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.97
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0092
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.10
Total weight (Tonnes) 1.08
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.36

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 1.14 Assuming C=0
Lateral resistance of soil when
(c) the thrust block is free to yield

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 1.57

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.73

(f) Factor of safety 2.15 which is OK

C Data (90 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 12.5

2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.8
3 Alpha 90
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.8
C/S area (A, sqcm) 122.66
sin 45 0.707
F (Tonnes) 1.35

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.85mX0.85mX0.85m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 1.41
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0104
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.11
Total weight (Tonnes) 1.54
Total force available considering
friction resistance of soil (Tonnes)


(b) Lateral resistance of soil against 1.66 Assuming C=0

the block (Tonnes)
(c) Lateral resistance of soil when
the thrust block is free to yield 0.026000
(d) (Tonnes)
Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 2.20

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 1.35

(f) Factor of safety 1.62 which is OK


A Data (11.25 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 15
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.7
3 Alpha 11.25
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.7
C/S area (A, sqcm) 176.63
sin 5.625 0.098
F (Tonnes) 0.27

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.5mX0.5mX0.5m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.29
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0088
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.08
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.38

Total force available considering friction resistance of

soil (Tonnes) 0.13

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.34 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.09

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.55

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.27

(f) Factor of safety 2.08 which is OK

A Data (22.5 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 15
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.7
3 Alpha 22.5
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.7
C/S area (A, sqcm) 176.63
sin 11.25 0.195
F (Tonnes) 0.53
(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust
Try a thrust block of size 0.65mX0.65mX0.65m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.63
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0115
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.11
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.75
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.25

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.74 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.09

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 1.08

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.53

(f) Factor of safety 2.04 which is OK

B Data (45 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 15
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.7
3 Alpha 45
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.7
C/S area (A, sqcm) 176.63
sin 22.5 0.383
F (Tonnes) 1.04

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.85mX0.85mX0.85m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 1.41
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0150
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.14
Total weight (Tonnes) 1.57
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.52

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 1.66 Assuming C=0
Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free
to yield (Tonnes)
(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 2.27

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 1.04

(f) Factor of safety 2.18 which is OK

C Data (90 Bend)
1 Dia (cm) 15
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.7
3 Alpha 90
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.7
C/S area (A, sqcm) 176.63
sin 45 0.707
F (Tonnes) 1.92

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 1mX1mX1m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 2.30
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0177
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.16
Total weight (Tonnes) 2.48
Total force available considering
friction resistance of soil (Tonnes)

Lateral resistance of soil against
(b) 2.70 Assuming C=0
the block (Tonnes)

Lateral resistance of soil when

(c) the thrust block is free to yield
(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 3.55

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 1.92

(f) Factor of safety 1.85 which is OK


A Data (11.25 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 20
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.4
3 Alpha 11.25
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.4
C/S area (A, sqcm) 314.00
sin 5.625 0.098
F (Tonnes) 0.46

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.6mX0.6mX0.6m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.50
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0188
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.13
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.65
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.22

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.58 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.12

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 0.92

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.46

(f) Factor of safety 2.02 which is OK

A Data (22.5 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 20
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.4
3 Alpha 22.5
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.4
C/S area (A, sqcm) 314.00
sin 11.25 0.195
F (Tonnes) 0.91
(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust
Try a thrust block of size 0.8mX0.8mX0.8m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 1.18
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0251
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.17
Total weight (Tonnes) 1.38
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.46

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 1.38 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.12

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 1.96

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.91

(f) Factor of safety 2.16 which is OK

B Data (45 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 20
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.4
3 Alpha 45
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.4
C/S area (A, sqcm) 314.00
sin 22.5 0.383
F (Tonnes) 1.78

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 1mX1mX1m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 2.30
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0314
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.22
Total weight (Tonnes) 2.55
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.85

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 2.70 Assuming C=0
Lateral resistance of soil when
(c) the thrust block is free to yield

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 3.67

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 1.78

(f) Factor of safety 2.06 which is OK

C Data (90 Bend)
1 Dia (cm) 20
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.4
3 Alpha 90
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 1800
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 600
9 Cohesion 0
Horizontal Thrust (F)
F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.4
C/S area (A, sqcm) 314.00
sin 45 0.707
F (Tonnes) 3.29
(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust
Try a thrust block of size 1.25mX1.25mX1.25m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 4.49
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0393
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.27
Total weight (Tonnes) 4.80
Total force available considering
friction resistance of soil (Tonnes)

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against 5.27 Assuming C=0

the block (Tonnes)

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when

the thrust block is free to yield

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 6.90

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 3.29

(f) Factor of safety 2.10 which is OK


A Data (11.25 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 25
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.2
3 Alpha 11.25
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 2040
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 0
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.2
C/S area (A, sqcm) 490.63
sin 5.625 0.098
F (Tonnes) 0.69

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 0.65mX0.65mX0.65m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 0.63
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0319
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.00
Total weight (Tonnes) 0.66
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.22

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 0.84 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.17

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 1.23

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 0.69

(f) Factor of safety 1.78 HENCE SAFE

A Data (22.5 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 25
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.2
3 Alpha 22.5
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 2040
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 0
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.2
C/S area (A, sqcm) 490.63
sin 11.25 0.195
F (Tonnes) 1.38
Note* : Thrust Block design is as per CPHEEO
(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust
Try a thrust block of size 0.85mX0.85mX0.85m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 1.41
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0417
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.00
Total weight (Tonnes) 1.45
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 0.48

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 1.88 Assuming C=0

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free

to yield (Tonnes) 0.17

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 2.53

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 1.38

(f) Factor of safety 1.84 HENCE SAFE

B Data (45 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 25
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.2
3 Alpha 45
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 2040
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 0
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.2
C/S area (A, sqcm) 490.63
sin 22.5 0.383
F (Tonnes) 2.70

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 1.25mX1.25mX1.25m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 4.49
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0614
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.00
Total weight (Tonnes) 4.55
Total force available considering friction resistance of
soil (Tonnes) 1.52

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against the block (Tonnes) 5.98 Assuming C=0
Lateral resistance of soil when
(c) the thrust block is free to yield

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 7.66

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 2.70

(f) Factor of safety 2.83 HENCE SAFE

C Data (90 Bend)

1 Dia (cm) 25
2 p (kg/sqcm) 7.2
3 Alpha 90
4 Density of concrete (kgs/cum) 2300
5 Density of soil (kgs/cum) 2040
6 Density of water (kgs/cum) 1000
7 Fiv (Angle of internal friction of soil30
8 Cover (mm) 0
9 Cohesion 0

Horizontal Thrust (F)

F (Tonnes) 2 pA sin (Alpha/2)
p (kgs/sqcm) 7.2
C/S area (A, sqcm) 490.63
sin 45 0.707
F (Tonnes) 5.00

(a) Lateral resistance to counteract the horizontal thrust

Try a thrust block of size 1.5mX1.5mX1.5m Cube
Weight of Thrust block (Tonnes) 7.76
Weight of water in the pipe (Tonnes) 0.0736
Weight of earth (Tonnes) 0.00
Total weight (Tonnes) 7.84
Total force available considering
friction resistance of soil (Tonnes)

(b) Lateral resistance of soil against 10.33 Assuming C=0

the block (Tonnes)

(c) Lateral resistance of soil when

the thrust block is free to yield

(d) Total lateral resistance (Tonnes) 12.96

(e) Total Horizontal thrust (Tonnes) 5.00

(f) Factor of safety 2.59 HENCE SAFE


Bends Thrust Block Centerin

Dia. (Cube) m Cube Steel
Sl. g and Earthwork
of Vol. (0.4%) RCC (m3)
No. shutteri (cum)
Pipe (m3) m3
22.5o 45o 90o 22.5o 45o 90o ng
1 250 11 0 17 0.85 1.25 1.50 184.224 63.8053 0.255 63.550 190.41

2 200 0 0 0 0.80 1.00 1.25 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.00

3 150 20 0 31 0.65 0.85 1.00 157.081 36.2497 0.145 36.105 165.40

4 125 23 0 34 0.60 0.75 0.85 131.439 25.8824 0.104 25.779 143.41

5 100 19 0 29 0.50 0.65 0.80 93.5733 17.2647 0.069 17.196 105.31

6 80 2 0 2 0.40 0.55 0.70 5.8712 0.94874 0.004 0.945 7.04

Total :- 572.19 144.15 0.58 143.57 611.57


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