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1.With regard to the Jewish belief in God, what was the "supreme achievement of Jewish thought"?

The supreme achievement of Jewish thought was not in its monotheism as such, butin the character it ascribed to the God it intuited as One. God is a God
ofrighteousness, whose loving-kindness is from everlasting to everlasting and whosetender mercies are in all his works. This is extreme precious that time, most of
thegods in the ancient time were amoral and hostile to the people.The supreme God,Yahweh, acted so differently. He looked after the orphans and widows. He sent
theprophet to save his people from slavery.

2.Explain the importance of 'revelation' in Jewish thought. Your explanation should make reference to the Law, Prophets, and to the experience of suffering.
Revelation refers to an act in which God conveys a message, teaching, or truth to humanity or to a group of human beings. A person who receives a revelation that
he or she is to proclaim to a larger community is known as a prophet, and thus the topics of revelation and prophecy are intertwined, especially in religions that are
based on revelation, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (Revelation may be distinguished from mystical experience in Judaism, in which a human being
experiences divine presence without receiving some specific message or teaching to bring to other people.) The notion of revelation is central to the Jewish religion
because the authority of the Bible and rabbinic tradition and hence of Jewish law goes back to revelations God vouchsafed to various prophets. 

3.What do you think is the most important contribution of Jews/Judaism in present times.Cite examples and where are they being observed at present.
Judaism marked the beginning of a revolutionary idea that laid the groundwork for social reform: humans have the ability and therefore the responsibility to stop
injustices in the world. The Jews were the first to decide that it was their responsibility as the Chosen People to fight against inequality in the world.

4.Why do you think Judaism is seldom practice at present?What are the threats on them?Suggest on solutions to prevent it 
Their god praises good deeds while punishing wrongdoing, and he speaks to believers through prophets. 
Most Jews, with the exception of a small number of organizations, have the belief that their Messiah will one day arrive even though he hasn't yet. The parties in a
relationship have obligations to each other. Jewish tradition suggests not only the importance of the Jewish people’s commitments to God, but also the covenant
made with all humanity and the covenanting among members of the Jewish community because we see ourselves as containing a spark of the divine, we
understand that every person has infinite worth; therefore, no human being should be treated merely as an object, and we should always attempt to see the
humanity in those we encounter. 

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