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Chapter 1


In the first episode of Tipon-Tipan sa PIA, Gov. Dax Cua has stressed the importance of

agriculture as the main source of livelihood of most Quirinians, that is why the provincial

government is continuously collaborating with various agencies that can provide assistance to the

agriculture industry in the province.

“We are closely working with the Department of Agriculture, Department of Agrarian Reform,

National Irrigation Administration, Carabao Center and Dairy Center in possible partnerships

that can add value to the products of the farmers.

Our main goal is to increase the income of our farmers for them to have a more comfortable and

decent life,” Gov. Cua said To achieve this, Gov. Cua said that the provincial government will

first strengthen its road network development program to lessen the expenses in bringing

products to the market, lessen losses during the transport, and maintain the good quality of the

products. “Second, we need to organize the farmers into cooperatives because these cooperatives

empower our farmers against traders,” Cua said. As members of cooperatives, the farmers,

according to the governor, will be equipped with negotiating power as producers.

To become bigger and more productive, the cooperatives will be assisted by the provincial

government in partnering with the DA. Furthermore, the provincial government will continue to

introduce new technologies for the farmers’ products to be globally competitive. “If our farmers’

products are world class, the prices are higher and they can be exported to other countries like

Japan and America,” Gov. Cua said.

In a partnership with the DOST, the provincial government is also investing in the production

of high-quality coffee, banana, rice, and other crops. Furthermore, the KOICA and Q-Life food

processing building in the capitol will soon process farmers products for value adding. “So, as

we move up the value chain, more jobs can be created, more involvement, more profit.” Cua

said. (JKC/TCB/PIA Quirino)

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