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Title: The Dog and the Bone

Author: Aesop
Lesson Learned: If we constantly envy what others have, we will lose what we already have, much
like the greedy dog.
Reflection: Envy is a terrible sin. Sometimes we can't help but be envious of our neighbors. Yet we
must put an end to it since it is a sin against God. We must also be satisfied with where we are in
life. Let us not be overcome by jealousy, but rather inspire the better self to move forward in life.

Title: The Musical Donkey
Author: Panchatantra
Lesson Learned: Consider your options before acting.
Reflection: Sometimes we need to stop and ponder before we act. It can sometimes be a cause of
annoyance for our neighbors. It is also necessary to think before doing in order to understand the
positive and negative implications. This story teaches us something. Before we act, we should
consider what might happen.

Title: The Lion Who Resurrected
Author: N/A
Lesson Learned: Never Give up.
Reflection: Do you ever feel like you want to abandon your life? Surrender is merely a brand you
use when you're feeling weak. I don't believe we can accomplish anything if we give up easily amid
life's hardships. The narrative teaches us to be brave in the face of adversity. With any trial, we
must be courageous.
Title: An Old Man Lived in the Village
Author: N/A
Lesson Learned: Do not seek happiness. Have a good time with your life.
Reflection: If we want to be happy, we don't want to be happy. We must create our own happiness
if we are to be happy. It is preferable to convey our emotions to ourselves. May this world's
inhabitants find happiness. And I hope they have a good time in their own lives.


Title: The Midas Touch
Author: N/A
Lesson Learned: Don’t be greedy; be happy with what you have.
Reflection: Greed is one of the world's most heinous sins. We can't dispute that we have a
voracious appetite for food. But we must put a stop to it because it is harmful. We must be content
with what we have now. We must learn to be considerate of our neighbors.


Title: Karen Lee
Author: N/A
Lesson Learned: Be careful when dealing with strangers.
Reflection: For a long time, my parents advised me not to associate with strangers. But, based on
this account, I believe they are correct. It's dangerous to be with whomever individuals are since we
never know what will happen next. We can teach our younger siblings this lesson. This manner,
they will discover that being with strangers is quite dangerous.
Title: The Three Little Pigs
Author: N/A
Lesson Learned: Hard work pays off.
Reflection: Our patience is overflowing with good things. Patience is an excellent strategy to reach
our goals. This anecdote also reminds us not to rush through life in order to be ahead of others.
We need to learn how to live our dreams. We should not be so eager to realize our ambitions.


Title: The Camel and the Pig
Author: N/A
Lesson Learned: It is always best to be yourself.
Reflection: Being ourselves is preferable to hiding it. We should not be ashamed of it or try to hide
it. We should not be embarrassed about it. We are ourselves, so we must act accordingly. We eat
as individuals, laugh as individuals, and so on. We learn to present ourselves in front of a large
group of people. We are, and nothing will deter us.


Title: The Emperor’s New Clothes
Author: Hans Christian Andersen
Lesson Learned: Speak up for the truth and what’s right.
Reflection: Speaking the truth is beneficial because it allows us to assist our neighbors. This is also
a wonderful thing because you have a lot of people interested in you. It is better to tell the truth
because God loves you. We should always tell our neighbors the truth. And I hope we can keep
doing it without being compensated.

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