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Student personal details:

I am a Nepalese citizen Samip Timalsena, a permanent resident of Ramdhuni Municipality ward no. 5,

Sunsari district Nepal born on 21 st September June 2003. My father’s name is Mr. Sanubabu Timalsena

and mother is Mrs. Deepa Timalsena(Deceased). I own a Nepalese passport of no. PA0635781 and I

wish to study the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from Torrens University,Australia. I am applying for

a student visa under the subclass 500 and I am a single applicant as I have not been married yet.

1. Academic details and reasons for not studying in Nepal:

I have completed my school level education from Green Peace Academy in 2020 with 2.85 GPA.
Next to this, I had done the intermediate level from Vishwa Aadarsha College in 2022 with 2.83
CGPA. Having the motive to study abroad, I appeared PTE examination on 28 th May 2022 and
scored overall score of 53 with Listening 59, Reading 50, Writing 57, Speaking 51.

Motives for choosing accounting studies:

I choose to study Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from Torrens University,Australia. There are many

reasons for me to choose this course. Starting with the first reason, I would like to state that accounting

is totally my field of interest. I wish to have a skilled knowledge regarding accounting fields and enhance

my career in the same. There are various institutes providing this course but I believe Torrens University

is the best fit for me. This course will be delivered through high class professors which will help me to

gain required information through them. As there are diverse and often rewarding careers in the

commerce accounting, I believe this course will be helpful for me in the future as well to contribute for
the economic as well as financial development of my country. Further, this course is highly flexible and

the skills I will be gaining will turn me into a highly sought-after accounting professional who can work

across teams in strategic roles. I also believe, this will help me in making business decisions through

tracking of income and expenditure and providing investors and government with quantitative financial

information. In addition, this course is affordable for me and I will be able to easily manage my tuition

fees. Accounting provides a numerous skills with advanced analytical and problem solving capabilities.

Through this, I will be having an opportunity to be competitive with the changing business environment.

Upon the completion of the core units, I will also be able to meet the entry requirement for various

professional accounting bodies. Thus, I choose to study the course.

1. Reasons for studying in Australia instead of other countries:

Studying in Australia is a dream come true for me as since a very young age, I was fascinated by
the education system there. I would always conduct research regarding Australia during my
leisure time which made me more and more attracted towards the country. This country
provides the best education to the students as there are top 43 universities of the world and
7/100 best universities. These universities provide a varied range of courses allowing the
students to choose one of their interests and establish their career. There are above 20,000
courses offers in 1100 institutions over here which is an attracting factor. Also, there are 5/30
best livable cities with good climatic condition and living cost. Moreover, the tuition fee in this
country is not as expensive as UK and USA and it provides the TPS (tuition protection service) to
the international students which makes sure that the fee of students are safe during their study
tenure. This makes Australia the third most popular destination for thousands of international
students from all around the globe. The presence of students from different parts has moreover
made this country multi-cultural and such an environment always provides new learning
opportunities. I, personally love making new friends from different countries hence, this
country is the perfect destination for me. in addition, the government here takes interest in
protecting the rights of international students through the ESOS ( education Service for
overseas students) act and makes sure that all the standards of educational qualification are
regulated through the AQF(Australian qualification Framework) act. This country also provides
the opportunity to work while studying which is the best part as the students can practically put
their theoretical knowledge into practice. Likewise, there is the PSW (post study work visa)
which allows any international students to gain work experience in an Australian environment
for up to two years after the course completion. In addition, the climatic condition of this
country suits me well as it is similar to my home country and yes the master’s degree can be
completed within one years while it normally takes 2 years in some countries. This will help me
save a year and also the time and cost which I can utilize for gaining work skills and then soon
start a career.
There are many study destinations for the international students like the UK, USA, Canada, New
Zealand etc. However, the cost of living and the tuition fee are very expensive in these
countries as compared to that of Australia. The American universities have the requirement for
the students to pass time consuming test such as GMAT, GRE, and SAT etc. This country has the
highest crime rates including gunshots and it is not safe for me. Also, the climatic condition
here is very different and I will have to encounter a lot of health related issues which I am not
ready for. Likewise, there is the UK; this country seems unaffordable due to the high difference
between the currencies of Nepal and Pound sterling. Studying here means facing a lot of mental
and financial pressure as the education cost is very high. The universities of this country are
among the top but the education system here forces the students to cover up a lot of contents
in limited time period. Furthermore, many international students return back due without the
course completion due to the frequent changes in the policies regarding foreign students.
Tuition protection service is also not provided and there is the high risk of financial losses. The
Canada has the worst climatic condition for me; the temperature here falls to -40 degree and I
will not be able to resist that. Also, the language barrier here will create difficulties for me in
coping with the day to day life as majority of the Canadians speak French. Furthermore,
obtaining visa for this country is a lengthy and rigorous process. Similarly, the New Zealand is
one isolated country and everything is expensive here including the transportation costs. The
food is also not so familiar to me and it will be every challenging for me to take care of my
health. Due to a proper research and the findings I have made the wise decision of not studying
in any countries except Australia.

1. Reasons for choosing Torrens University instead of others:

I have carefully researched and finalized to study at Torrens University instead of other

education providers providing similar/same course of my choice like: RMIT University, CQ

University, Victoria University, Monash University and Western Sydney University. Over several

universities, I have preferred to study at Torrens University because it offers the course in a

multicultural environment with all the modern tools and resources for studies. Besides, while

most of the education providers have the same type of teaching patterns it was the Torrens

University that distinguished its course with the internship option. The professional practice

experience helps to get exposed to real-world scenarios, and have opportunities to apply our

discipline knowledge to the scenarios student experience. The skills, knowledge and experience

gained through this professional practice experience enhance our work readiness and career

opportunities when we graduate. Furthermore, Torrens University also has better facilities to

offer to international students like me with better support program and mentorship. The fee

structure is also affordable. In a nutshell, it has all the facilities that I was searching at my place

of study. Thus I am determined to study at Torrens University instead of others.

Future plans after study:

I believe that international experiences accompanied by an international degree are like hot cakes in

every part of the world. As I have no intentions of staying or settling in Australia, I will build my career
and future in Nepal itself. However what I know is employers back home would seek international

experience too which I intend to earn under the Post Study Work (PSW) visa after the completion of my

studies. During this time, I will engage into some accounting firms of Australia and add some

international work experience to my profile and then return back to Nepal.

I know that there is a broad scope of accounting in my country itself. Nepal is in need of skilled

accountants for the successful operations of business. The scope here leads to many areas of

specialization such as general budget, cost, and property systems, forensic and tax accounting. I will be

able to make proper decisions and contribute in the field of accounting in Nepal through the proper

understanding of logic, set of methods and orders that I receive as a part of education from Australia at

CIM. With the degree I will be able to be employed in many top companies in Nepal like Chaudhury

Group, Jyoti group, Laxmi Group, Golchha Organization and other Government organizations. I will be

skilled enough to hold the positions like Senior Accountant, Financial Accountant, Financial Analyst,

Managerial Accountants, and Government Accountants etc. I believe that I will be able to earn a good

salary with an starting of NRS. 60,000 – 70,000 monthly and have a good standard of living in Nepal

itself. I am fully indebted towards the love of my parents and I wish to stay with them for the rest of my

life by helping them financially and emotionally as they grow old.

1. Career plan after studies:

I can have an ample of opportunities in business sector after the completion of the degree from
Torrens University,Australia . The employment field in this sector is varied and provides
continuous growth opportunities. Being a business graduates I can pursue a range of career
such as Business Development Manager, Arbitrator, Business Advisor, Business Analyst, Sales
Supportive Executive, Graduate Sales Executive and such others. This do not remain limited in
these fields and is extended to project Manager, Human Resource Specialist, Book Keeping,
Accounting, General Managers, Account Manager and many others. With an international
bachelor degree, I would drop my resume in several organizations such as Nepal Life Insurance,
Laxmi Microfinance, Mutual Trading Company, Himalayan Agriculture Pvt. Ltd, Prime Life
Insurance and banking institutions such As Laxmi Bank, Mega Bank, Siddhartha Bank, SBI Nepal,
NIC Asia, Nabil Bank etc. working in such organizations can help e earn around NRS 60,000-
70,000 per month which is a good salary income in the Nepalese household. I wish to save my
salaries and then start a new business of my own after I get enough work and market
knowledge. I believe I will have a luxurious life in Nepal with an international degree and be
successful in making my parents proud.


In context of arranging my financial, my parents have arranged an educational loan of NRP

50,00,000 from Nabil Bank Ltd. Sunsari, Jhumka Branch. Which is equivalent to AUD 57,339.98
(AUD 1= 88.1800 exchange rate dated 04.12.2023). My father mortgaged his property in the
bank for educational loan and also provides house rent . From there, he earns NRP 20000 per
month which is equivalent to a yearly income NRP 240000. Further, my parents and uncle are
capable and happily willing to support me for my abroad studies, living expenses and other
general expenses from their annual income. Hence, I will not have any financial problems for
my stay in Australia till the completion of my Bachelors Degree. My father works at Rauta
Professional Skill Development Pvt. Ltd and has good annual income of NRP 540,000. My father
owns a land that is leased and it provides a good annual income of 3,00,000 . Another sponsor,
My Brother is a teacher and he has a good income of 31000 monthly. His annual income is

Moreover, my Uncle is retired and he as governmental benefits and his monthly pension is
30630. His annual income is NRP 3,66,560.he also has an apartment in rent and it provides him
with 15000 monthly which is 1,80,000 on an annual basis. He always has been my supporter as I
have spent my most of childhood in his care. he is very much close to our family and she always
encourage me. He has promised me to support me financially for my studies. So, total annual
income of my family is 19,98,560 which is equivalent to AUD 22,919.36 as per today exchange
rate of Nepal Rastra Bank.

2. Immigration history and visa conditions:

I declare that this is my first application for abroad studies and I never have any immigration
history. I have also researched upon the Visa Subclass 500 through which I will be applying for
the student visa. Under this visa, I have also read and understood the following concerns:
i. Students must have 80%-90% of attendance in their enrolled course.
ii. Students must have a valid insurance during their stay in Australia.
iii. Students must inform their contact details to the education provider.
iv. Students are not allowed to work more than 48 hours per fortnight and vice versa


Samip Timalsena
Address: Ramdhuni Ward no.5, Sunsari, Nepal
Contact No: +9779827333987
Email ID:

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