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Tarea 3: Palabras y frases

Encontrar en el texto seleccionado ejemplos de las siguientes unidades/estructuras

gramaticales y enviarlas en formato documento de MS WORD, con carátula donde figuren los
nombres de cada integrante del grupo. Envía sólo un (a/e) integrante por grupo.

 3 Verbos lexicales (MARRON)

 Move, cut, turn
 3 Sustantivos (VERDE)
 Mechatronics, sensor, robots
 3 Adjetivos (ROJO)
 Faster, very, little
 3 Adverbios (GRIS)
 Hugely, Quickly, Actually
 3 Conjunciones (VIOLETA)
 But, Through, And
 3 Pronombres (AZUL)
 The, She, Her
 3 Frases verbales (NARANJA)
 come across, considering becoming, move independently
 3 Frases nominales (CELESTE)
 One of the most famous robots in the world,
 These robotic arms can come in sizes bigger,
 The result is that the tire slows down at the same rate as the car
 3 frases preposicionales (CANELA)
 Of that new technology
 To that famous computer brain
 To various parts of her body
TP 1

10 Amazing Inventions Made Possible by Mechatronics

April 10, 2020

By Sarah Dimock

So, you’ve come across the term mechatronics, maybe you’re even considering becoming a
mechatronics engineer, but what do mechatronics engineers actually do? It turns out, you may
be more familiar with mechatronics than you think. The combination of mechanical and
electrical engineering with computer programming, mechatronics is increasingly everywhere.
And we bet you’ve heard of some of these famous inventions that have only become possible
through mechatronics unique combination of skills.

1. Sophia the Robot

Developed by Hanson Robotics, Sophia is one of the most famous robots in the world for her
interactions with people based on an artificial intelligence. She’s become an ambassador for
AI, with her creators exploring and pushing the boundaries of that new technology every day.
But did you know that Sophia also uses mechatronics to operate? She moves, talks, and needs
power to run in addition to that famous computer brain. According to her, “I… have IK solvers
and path planning for controlling my hands, gaze, and locomotion strategy. My walking body
performs dynamic stabilization for adaptive walking over various terrain.”

Sophia’s social skills would be less impressive if she didn’t understand that she should look at
you by tilting her head, or that she should move her mouth according to the timing of her
speech. She chooses to send power to various parts of her body to move when her
programming tells her to, or in other words, she functions via mechatronics.


Developed by Hanson Robotics, Sophia is one of the most famous robots in the world
for her interactions with people based on an artificial intelligence. She’s become an
ambassador for AI, with her creators exploring and pushing the boundaries of that new
technology every day. But did you know that Sophia also uses mechatronics to operate? She
moves, talks, and needs power to run in addition to that famous computer brain. According to
her, “I… have IK solvers and path planning for controlling my hands, gaze, and locomotion
strategy. My walking body performs dynamic stabilization for adaptive walking over various

Sophia’s social skills would be less impressive if she didn’t understand that she should look at
you by tilting her head, or that she should move her mouth according to the timing of her
speech. She chooses to send power to various parts of her body to move when her
programming tells her to, or in other words, she functions via mechatronics.

2. NASA’s Curiosity Rover

“In some sense, the Mars Science Laboratory rover's parts are similar to what any living
creature would need to keep it "alive" and able to explore,” says NASA. They describe Curiosity
as having a computer brain, a battery and power for energy, and wheels for mobility. It can
also move its arm and hand to collect samples and analyze its environment and communicate
with NASA back on Earth with further instruments on board.

Many astronautical projects employ mechatronics engineering as well. From robots on other
planets to probes and satellites, if it moves, needs power, and is directed by a computer it’s

3. Anti-lock Brakes

This is one we bet you didn’t think of, but mechatronics engineers are responsible for a lot of
the functions of your car. Anti-lock braking systems, or ABS, work via sensors that detect the
speed of your wheels in addition to an algorithm that tells the car when your wheels are
turning faster even though you are trying to brake. When your wheels lock up the ABS
activates and tries to keep your wheels from skidding while you slow down. It lets you
continue to be able to steer the car while it helps you stop.

How Stuff Works says, “The ABS controller knows that such a rapid deceleration is impossible,
so it reduces the pressure to that brake until it sees an acceleration, then it increases the
pressure until it sees the deceleration again. It can do this very quickly, before the tire can
actually significantly change speed. The result is that the tire slows down at the same rate as
the car, with the brakes keeping the tires very near the point at which they will start to lock

4. i-Limb

Biomechatronics is a newer field, but a fascinating one. Mechatronics engineers are making
machines to support, or in the case of a loss to replace, the natural functions of the human
body. One of the most sophisticated examples of this today is i-Limb, a prosthetic hand with
bionic components to aid amputees. i-Limb uses sensors placed on the wearer’s skin that allow
them to control the movement of the hand and fingers through muscle signals. Each finger has
its own motor so that wearers can move every part of the hand in a way that mimics the
body’s natural motor control. As this field expands we can almost certainly expect to see more
and more lifelike prosthetic options, wearable tech, and possibly even mechanical organs or
sophisticated aides for internal body parts like the heart.

5. The CNC Machine

CNC machines, or Computer Numerical Control devices, manipulate shop tools to help users
build prototypes. Typically, users use a software to tell the CNC machine what to do. For
example, a mechanic, engineer, or blacksmith might use CAD to draw up a design they want
cut out of sheet metal and the CNC machine will cut that shape precisely. Woodworkers can
use CNC machines to help them shape wood-based projects or to engrave or etch special
designs. Some of the earliest CNC machines were even used to make punch tape.

6. Roomba

The Roomba might be the only robot on this list that you’ve actually seen in person. This
hugely popular little vacuum was designed by Joe Jones in collaboration with Jack Shimeck and
originally hit homes in 2002 when it was released by iRobot. Several different upgraded
versions of the Roomba have been released since, and it only seems to be getting more
popular as time goes by. Who wants to vacuum their house when a little robot could do it for
you? You can even program it to run at certain times so you can set it and forget it.

The Roomba works by using a combination of computer algorithms, sensors, and a three-prong
spinner brush designed to help snag dirt even out of square corners. It has two motorized
wheels which move independently of one another to let the Roomba turn a full circle in place.
Fun fact, Jones built the original prototype for the Roomba out of Legos.

7. Robotic Arms for Automation

Not to be confused for number four on this list, these robotic arms can come in sizes bigger
than you are. Mechatronic engineers are in high demand in the manufacturing industry where
devices like robotic arms are being used on factory floor assembly lines to lift and assemble big
parts that are too heavy for people. The automotive industry frequently uses these arms to
help assemble cars, for example.

Besides just helping with tasks like heavy lifting or material removal, robotic arms can also
make precision tasks more accurate and efficient. The task of welding, for example, is being
moved away from human workers and more frequently placed in the steely hands…er claws, of
these robots. Increasingly complex robots are currently being designed and implemented in
manufacturing, with many companies looking to increase production rates and improve
efficiency through mechatronics.

8. BLEXX Exoskeleton

Funded by DARPA, the BLEXX, or Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton, was cooked up in U.C.
Berkeley’s Human Engineering and Robotics Laboratory in the year 2000. BLEXX is another
example of biomechatronics, acting as a wearable system to increase the lifting capacity of a
normal human. It was designed to aid soldiers, first responders, disaster relief workers,
firefighters, and other emergency personnel with carrying critical supplies without getting
weighed down or exhausted. Berkley writes, “While wearing the exoskeleton, the wearer can
carry significant loads over considerable distances without reducing his/her agility, thus
significantly increasing his/her physical effectiveness. In order to address issues of field
robustness and reliability, the system is designed such that, should the device lose power (e.g.,
from fuel exhaustion), the exoskeleton legs can be removed with the machine becoming no
more than a standard backpack.”
The BLEXX has a power unit contained in the backpack area to which users can attach, or
detach in an emergency, the anthropomorphic legs. While its original purpose was military in
nature, the BLEXX has other potential applications including assisting people with lower
extremity or spinal injuries with mobility issues.

9. Boston Dynamics Big Dog

The robots coming out of Boston Dynamics right now are straight out of 3020. You’ve probably
seen their famous quadropedal robot Spot (see Spot run here!). Before Spot was a twinkle in
the Boston Dynamics teams eye, there was project Big Dog. Big Dog was the first robot from
Boston Dynamics to have legs. It was a major milestone for their team mechanically and used
sensors and a unique control system to navigate rough terrain. Originally designed for military
use in 2004, Big Dog was just a little too noisy to make the cut, but fortunately led the team to
explore the use of legs in other robotics projects. Like many of the robots on this list, Big Dog
was electrically powered, mechanical in nature, and relied on computer programming to
complete specific tasks.

10. Tesla’s Autopilot

Many modern cars incorporate IOS or computer technology to help you get around, but
nobody does it quite like Tesla. Tesla vehicles are in and of themselves amazing from both an
electrical and mechanical engineering stance – we could dedicate a whole article by itself to
Tesla’s revolutionary battery technology – but their self-driving technology is also nothing
short of cutting edge. It’s hard to describe it any better than Tesla’s Autopilot site, “All you will
need to do is get in and tell your car where to go. If you don’t say anything, the car will look at
your calendar and take you there as the assumed destination or just home if nothing is on the
calendar. Your Tesla will figure out the optimal route, navigate urban streets (even without
lane markings), manage complex intersections with traffic lights, stop signs and roundabouts,
and handle densely packed freeways with cars moving at high speed. When you arrive at your
destination, simply step out at the entrance and your car will enter park seek mode,
automatically search for a spot and park itself. A tap on your phone summons it back to you.”

Their cars autosteer, navigate traffic amidst the unpredictability of human drivers, and have a
feature that allows you to summon the car to you like the tech wizard you are, but self-driving
cars don’t just have to be street smart. The computer has to tell them everything from how to
move or pump the brake to how much power to use to accelerate to a specific speed. The
electrical and mechanical pieces of the Tesla have to constantly communicate and work in
conjunction with the car’s computer in order to make the autopilot possible – making Tesla a
mechatronics pioneer.

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