Lesson 5

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to college?

Q: What do you think is the main cause of constant rise of depression and anxiety among young

Q: What do you think are the most profitable jobs?

Q: The first advantages is that when you go to the college you can posess a new knowledge and it is
really important because when you want to get a dream job for example, you have to get a degree.
Another is that you can meet new people and ofc it is important because you can have new contacts
which you can use in future. Maybe when you for example choose wrong course it will be a difficult
time for you because you will have to learn things that you don’t like.

Q: The first thing is school’s environment because I think when I was a child children were not so
cruel as today. This is the main reason why young poeple have depression so fast. Children pay
attention to how much money you have, what clothes do u were, etc. Really important is a situation
at you home when parents are arguing all the time, it makes children sad and it can cause


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