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Stage 6 Food Technology

Core Study 4: Australian Food Industry

Student Name: _________________________________________________
Week Questions Date due Page
2 Question 1 Identify a sector within the Australian Food Industry 6
and outline a food that reflects this sector
Question 2 During 2020 the world faced a pandemic called Covid- 7
19. Outline how TWO sectors of the Australian Food Industry were
affected by this event.
3 Question 3 Identify and describe an emerging technology that you 8
have investigated in the Australian Food Industry
Question 4 Explain how consumers benefit from emerging 9
technologies in the Australian Food Industry, providing relevant
4 Question 5 Many consumers are concerned about the use of 10
genetically modified crops in their food. Discuss the potential risks
and benefits of genetically modified foods in food production and
Question 6 The demand for fresh organic vegetables produced in 11
Australia has increased during Covid-19. Outline the benefits of
organic produce, providing examples
5 Question 7 Identify ONE organisation within the Australian Food 13
Industry that you have studied and its level of operation
Question 7a Describe the research and development activities that 13
are carried out within the organisation you identified in question 7.
6 Question 7b Outline a quality assurance activity carried out by the 14
organisation you identified in question 7.
Question 7c Describe how consumer demands impact the 15
organisation, providing relevant examples.
7 Question 7d Using the organisation that you identified in question 7, 16
evaluate the impact of this business on the environment.
Question 7e Explain how the organisation identified in question 7, 17
contributes to the Australian economy, providing relevant examples.

8 Question 8 Identify an advisory group and outline their role in 19

formulating and implementing policy and legislation.
Question 9 Clarify a career opportunity in each of the sectors of the 20
Australian Food Industry.
9 Question 10 Outline the current legislative requirements for food 21
labelling in Australia.
Question 11 Describe how the Australian Food Industry is impacted 22
by government policy and legislation. Use examples to support your
10 Question 12 The global pandemic of Covid-19 has meant that many 23
sectors of the Australian Food Industry have endured shut-downs
and forced isolation. Evaluate how sectors of the Australian Food
Industry have responded to these changes and hygiene concerns.

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Learning Intentions:

● To grasp a deeper knowledge of the Food Technology syllabus.

● To practice your skills applying that knowledge to short and extended response

Success Criteria:

1. Please answer each question with wholehearted effort.

2. Box the key term in every question and check its meaning in the glossary. Circle
the s to remind you that you need to provide more than one e.g. sector s ,
examples. See question 2 for an example of circle the s.

3. Write the meaning above the key term. The first one has been done for you.

4. Use the key term metalanguage for e.g. Describe: Use the words characteristics
and features in your answer. For e.g. Explain: Use the words cause and effect in your
answer and use linking words to demonstrate relationships.

5. Highlight the link to the syllabus in the question.

6. Do not rewrite the question.

7. Add relevant example/s where possible.

This symbol indicates the outcome that we are working towards.

This symbol indicates the syllabus dot points (Students learn about: Students
learn to) that we are working towards.

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email

© Copyright Teacher Professional Development 2020 All rights reserved
This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
Key Term Definition
Account Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of:
narrate a series of events or transactions
Analyse Identify components and the relationship between them;
draw out and relate implications
Apply Use, utilise, employ in a particular situation
Appreciate Make a judgement about the value of
Assess Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size
Calculate Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information
Clarify Make clear or plain
Classify Arrange or include in classes/categories
Compare Show how things are similar or different
Construct Make; build; put together items or arguments
Contrast Show how things are different or opposite
Critically Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and
(analyse/evaluate) understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to
Deduce Draw conclusions
Define State meaning and identify essential qualities
Demonstrate Show by example
Describe Provide characteristics and features
Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against
Distinguish Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different
from; to note differences between
Evaluate Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of
Examine Inquire into
Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between
things evident; provide why and/or how
Extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details
Extrapolate Infer from what is known
Identify Recognise and name
Interpret Draw meaning from
Investigate Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about
Justify Support an argument or conclusion
Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information
Propose Put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument,
suggestion) for consideration or action
Recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences
Recommend Provide reasons in favour
Recount Retell a series of events
Summarise Express, concisely, the relevant details
Synthesise Putting together various elements to make a whole

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H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australian Food Industry
Students Learn About

● sectors of the agri-food chain in the Australian Food Industry, including agriculture
and fisheries, food processing/manufacturing, food service and catering, food retail

Students Learn To

● identify sectors within the Australian Food Industry

Question 1

Identify Recognise and name Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
Identify a sector within the Australian Food Industry and outline a food that reflects
this sector: 3



Marking Criteria Marks

• Correctly recognises and names a sector of the AFI 3

• Sketches in general terms a relevant food example
• Recognises and names a sector of the AFI and/or provides relevant 1-2
food example(s)
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
Effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

© Copyright Teacher Professional Development 2020 All rights reserved
This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australian Food Industry
Students Learn About

● sectors of the agri-food chain in the Australian Food Industry, including agriculture
and fisheries, food processing/manufacturing, food service and catering, food retail

Students Learn To

● identify sectors within the Australian Food Industry

Question 2

During 2020 the world faced a pandemic called Covid-19. Outline how TWO sector s
of the Australian Food Industry were affected by this event. 4

Marking Criteria Marks

• Sketches in general terms TWO sectors of the Australian Food Industry 4

affected by this event.
• Sketches in general terms a sector of the Australian Food Industry 3
affected by this event.
• Provides relevant information. 1-2

Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australian Food Industry
Students Learn About

● emerging technologies in food production, manufacturing and packaging

including biotechnology in genetically modified foods, ecologically sustainable
production methods, such as organic farming

Students Learn To

● investigate an emerging technology in ONE sector of the Australian Food Industry

Question 3
Identify and describe an emerging technology that you have investigated in the
Australian Food Industry 4

Marking Criteria Marks

• Correctly recognises and names an emerging technology in one 4

sector of the AFI.
• Provides characteristics and features of the emerging technology.
• Sketches in general terms an emerging technology in one sector of 3
the AFI.
• Provides relevant information about a technology. 1-2

Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

© Copyright Teacher Professional Development 2020 All rights reserved
This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australian Food Industry
Students Learn About

● emerging technologies in food production, manufacturing and packaging

including biotechnology in genetically modified foods, ecologically sustainable
production methods, such as organic farming

Students Learn To

● investigate an emerging technology in ONE sector of the Australian Food Industry

Question 4

Explain how consumers benefit from emerging technologies in the Australian Food
Industry, providing relevant examples. 8

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
Marking Criteria Marks
• Shows a detailed relationship between the benefit of emerging 7-8
technologies and their effect on consumers.
• Provides relevant examples of emerging technologies and the
consumer benefit.
• Shows a relationship between the benefit of emerging technologies 5-6
and their effect on consumers.
• Provides example/s of emerging technologies
• Provides general information about the benefits of emerging 3-4
technologies on consumers.
• Provides example/s of emerging technologies
• Provides relevant information about a technology. 1-2
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort Circle the s term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australian Food Industry
Students Learn About

● emerging technologies in food production, manufacturing and packaging

including biotechnology in genetically modified foods, ecologically sustainable
production methods, such as organic farming

Students Learn To

● discuss the potential risks and benefits of using emerging technologies in food
production and manufacture

Question 5

Many consumers are concerned about the use of genetically modified crops in their
food. Discuss the potential risks and benefits of genetically modified foods in food
production and manufacturing. 6

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
Marking Criteria Marks
• Identifies issues and provides points for and/or against the use of 5-6
genetically modified crops in food production and manufacturing
• Sketches in general terms the use of genetically modified crops in food 3-4
production and manufacturing.
• Recalls relevant information about genetically modified food 1-2
production and manufacturing

Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort Circle the s term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australian Food Industry
Students Learn About

● emerging technologies in food production, manufacturing and packaging

including biotechnology in genetically modified foods, ecologically sustainable
production methods, such as organic farming

Students Learn To

● discuss the potential risks and benefits of using emerging technologies in food
production and manufacture

Question 6

The demand for fresh organic vegetables produced in Australia has increased
during Covid-19. Outline the benefits of organic produce, providing examples. 4

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Marking Criteria Marks
• Sketches in general terms benefits of organic produce. 4
• Provides relevant examples.
• Identifies benefit/s of organic produce. 3
• Provides relevant example/s.
• Provides relevant information about organic farming or produce. 1-2
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort Circle the s term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

H3.1 investigates operations of one organisation within the Australian Food Industry.
Student Learn about
• operation of organisations within the Australian Food Industry with particular
attention to:
− levels of operation and mechanisation, including household, small business,
large companies, multinationals
− research and development
− quality assurance
− consumer influences such as value-added foods
− impact on the
− environment including waste management, packaging practices, production
techniques, and transportation
− economy, e.g. generation of profit and changes in employment society
including lifestyle changes, career opportunities and working conditions

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Student Learn to
• describe the activities carried out in ONE organisation within the food industry

Question 7

Identify ONE organisation within the Australian Food Industry that you have studied
and its level of operation: 2

Marking Criteria Marks

• Recognises and names an organisation within the Australian Food 2
• Correctly identifies the organisation’s level of operation.
• Provides relevant information about the level of operation or 1
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

Question 7 (a)

Describe the research and development activities that are carried out within the
organisation you identified in question 7. 3

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Marking Criteria Marks
• Provides characteristics and features of research and development 3
activities carried out within the organisation.
• Provides relevant information about the organisation OR research and 1-2
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort Circle the s term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

Question 7 (b)

Outline a quality assurance activity carried out by the organisation you identified in
question 7. 4

Marking Criteria Marks

• Sketches in general terms, indicating the main features of a quality 3-4
assurance activity carried out by the identified organisation.
• Names a quality assurance activity carried out by the identified 1-2
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
Question 7 (c)

Describe how consumer demands impact the organisation, providing relevant

examples. 4

Marking Criteria Marks

• Provides characteristics and features of how consumer demands 4
impact the organisation.
• Provides relevant examples
• Provides characteristics and features of consumer demand/s impact 2-3
on the organisation.
• Provides relevant example/s
• Provides general information about consumer demands 1
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort Circle the s term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

H1.4 evaluates the impact of the operation of an organisation within the Australian
Food Industry on the individual, society and environment.
Student Learn about
• operation of organisations within the Australian Food Industry with particular
attention to:

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
− levels of operation and mechanisation, including household, small business,
large companies, multinationals
− research and development
− quality assurance
− consumer influences such as value-added foods
− impact on the
− environment including waste management, packaging practices, production
techniques, and transportation
− economy, e.g. generation of profit and changes in employment society
including lifestyle changes, career opportunities and working conditions
Student Learn to
• evaluate the impact of the operation of an organisation on individuals, society
and the environment

Question 7 (d)

Using the organisation that you identified in question 7, evaluate the impact of this
business on the environment. 4

Marking Criteria Marks

• Makes a judgement based on the impact the identified business has on 4
the environment.
• Sketches in general terms the impact the identified business has on the 2-3
• Provides relevant information about the business or the environment. 1
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

© Copyright Teacher Professional Development 2020 All rights reserved
This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.4 evaluates the impact of the operation of an organisation within the Australian
Food Industry on the individual, society and environment.
Student Learn about
• operation of organisations within the Australian Food Industry with particular
attention to:
− levels of operation and mechanisation, including household, small business,
large companies, multinationals
− research and development
− quality assurance
− consumer influences such as value-added foods
− impact on the
− environment including waste management, packaging practices, production
techniques, and transportation
− economy, e.g. generation of profit and changes in employment society
including lifestyle changes, career opportunities and working conditions
Student Learn to
• evaluate the impact of the operation of an organisation on individuals, society
and the environment

Question 7 (e)

Explain how the organisation identified in question 7, contributes to the Australian

economy, providing relevant examples. 8

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Marking Criteria Marks
• Clearly states cause and effect of organisations contribution towards 7-8
the Australian economy making the relationships evident.
• Provides relevant examples which illustrate how the organisation
contributes to the economy.
• Identifies the organisations contribution towards the Australian 5-6
economy recognising links.
• Provides relevant example/s which illustrate how the organisation
contributes to the economy.
• Sketches in general terms the impact the identified organisation has on 3-4
the economy.
• Provides relevant example/s
• Provides relevant information about the organisation or the economy. 1-2
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort Circle the s term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

© Copyright Teacher Professional Development 2020 All rights reserved
This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australia Food Industry.
Student Learn about

• advisory groups that have a role in formulating and implementing policy and
Student Learn to

• explain career opportunities and working conditions, including gender issues within
the Australian Food Industry.

Question 8

Identify an advisory group and outline their role in formulating and implementing
policy and legislation. 6

Marking Criteria Marks

• Recognises and names one advisory group. 5-6
• Sketches in general terms and correctly indicates the main features of
the advisory groups role in formulating and implementing policy and
• Recognises and/or names one advisory group. 3-4
• Attempts to sketch in general terms and indicates some features of the
advisory groups role in formulating and/or implementing policy and/or
• Recognises or names one advisory group. 1-2

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• Mentions the advisory groups role in formulating or implementing policy
or legislation.

Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australia Food Industry.

Student Learn about

• advisory groups that have a role in formulating and implementing policy and

Student Learn to

• explain career opportunities and working conditions, including gender issues within
the Australian Food Industry.

Question 9

Clarify a career opportunity in each of the sectors of the Australian Food Industry.
Australian Food Industry Career
Agriculture and Fisheries

Food Processing/Manufacturing

Food Service and Catering

Food Retail

Marking Criteria Marks

• Makes clear or plain one correct career opportunity for each sector of 2
the Australian Food Industry.
• Names a career in each sector of the AFI 1
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australia Food Industry.

Student Learn about

• government policies and legislation (local, state, federal) that impact on the
Australian Food Industry including legislative requirements for labelling

Student Learn to

• identify significant government policies and legislation and explain their impact
upon the Australian Food Industry

Question 10

Outline the current legislative requirements for food labelling in Australia. 4

Marking Criteria Marks

• Sketches in general terms and indicates the main features of the 4
current legislative requirements for food labelling in Australia.
• Identifies some legislative requirements for food labelling. 2-3
• Provides some relevant information about legislation OR labelling. 1
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

© Copyright Teacher Professional Development 2020 All rights reserved
This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australia Food Industry.
Student Learn about

• government policies and legislation (local, state, federal) that impact on the
Australian Food Industry including legislative requirements for labelling

Student Learn to

• identify significant government policies and legislation and explain their impact
upon the Australian Food Industry

Question 11

Describe how the Australian Food Industry is impacted by government policy and
legislation. Use examples to support your answer. 6

Marking Criteria Marks

• Provides characteristics and features of the impacts of government 5-6
policy and legislation on the Australian Food Industry.
• Provides relevant examples.
• Identifies an impact of government policy and legislation on the 3-4
Australian Food Industry.
• Provides relevant example/s.
• Provides relevant information about policy or legislation. 1-2
Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
H1.2 examines the nature and extent of the Australia Food Industry.

Question 12 Extended Response

The global pandemic of Covid-19 has meant that many sectors of the Australian
Food Industry have endured shut-downs and forced isolation. Evaluate how sectors
of the Australian Food Industry have responded to these changes and hygiene
concerns. 15

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
© Copyright Teacher Professional Development 2020 All rights reserved
This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email
Marking Criteria Marks
• Makes a judgement about how sectors within the Australian Food 13 -15
Industry have responded to changes and hygiene concerns due to
• Uses correct terminology and presents a logical and cohesive
• Includes relevant examples
• Provides characteristics and features of how sectors within the 10 -12
Australian Food Industry have responded to changes and hygiene
concerns due to Covid-19.
• Uses some correct terminology
• Includes some relevant examples
• Sketches in general terms how sector/s within the Australian Food 7-9
Industry have responded to changes and hygiene concerns due to
• Includes example/s
• Names and recognises how some sectors within the Australian Food 4-6
Industry have responded to changes and hygiene concerns due to
• Includes example/s
• Provides general information about the Australian Food Industry 1-3
sectors OR hygiene considerations due to Covid-19.

Success Criteria
Wholehearted Box the term Write the key Use the term Highlight link to Do not rewrite Add examples
effort term meaning metalanguage syllabus in question where possible

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This is a licenced product. If you would like to share this resource with other teachers please purchase an additional or faculty licence at or email

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