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Research paper on chatbot

1.) 2021507825 Kushagra Singh
2.) 2021828544 Samadesh Poudel
Nowadays most people own a smartphone
with instant messaging or social networking
applications on them and they may use these
applications to interact with merchants and
Nowadays most people own a smartphone
with instant messaging or social networking
applications on them and they may use these
applications to interact with merchants and
Nowadays most people own a smartphone
with instant messaging or social networking
applications on them and they may use these
applications to interact with merchants and
Nowadays most people own a smartphone
with instant messaging or social networking
applications on them and they may use these
applications to interact with merchants and
Nowadays most people own a smartphone with instant messaging or
social networking applications on them and they may use these
applications to interact with merchants and sellers, so it would be game
changing if, without spending much time sellers could respond to
customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A chat bot, also known as
chatterbot is a software that uses “instant messaging as the Application
Interface” and the messenger users can add the name of the bot to
their contact list in the same manner that they add friends and

Conversation is an interesting type of interaction because they close the

gap between human-computer interaction (HCI) and human-human
interaction (HHI).This kind of communication can be implemented for
commercial purposes and is used to describe this kind of applications.

Requiremen Techniques / Methods Input
ts /
The first chatbot Elizza I. Weizenbaum 1we can talk to a group Data We use NLP-NLU ELIZA simulated a A drawback of ELIZA is
(1966) of people without structures 1.) NLP(Natural psychotherapist’s operation, that its knowledge is
realizing that their processing returning the user’s sentences in limited, and therefore, it
interlocutor was Language). the interrogative form  can discuss only in a
artificial. particular domain of
topics. Also, it cannot keep
long conversations and
cannot learn or discover
context from the
Chabot developed with (Jabberwacky, The chatbot was Cleverscript language. NLP-NLU The chatbot was designed to It cannot reply to high
knowledge of artificial 2019) designed to “simulate “simulate natural human chat in speed and work with a
intelligence massive number of users 
natural human chat in an interesting, entertaining and
an interesting, humorous manner”
entertaining and
humorous manner
A.L.I.C.E. (Artificial Wallace(2009) NLP-NLU
Linguistic Internet Natural language processing
Computer Entity)
Natural language uunderstanding

Siri-the chatbot Adam cheyer To create chat bot using Deep Neural Network NLP-NLU- It can bringing voice applications The model needs to be
(2010) AI and ML technology. (DNN) NLG into the mainstream consumer evaluated on different
market for good. datasets to improve its

Google Now Sundar Pichai Especially designed for AI(Artificial Intelligence) NLU It is workable with google mobile It can only work with google
(2012). google search mobile NLP(Natural language apps such as google maps,google apps not with any device and
apps Processing) dialer etc. machine.
ML(Machine learning)

Alexa Jeff Bezos To work with IoT devices AI(Artificial Intelligence) NLU-NLG it find its implementation on iot It’s functioning require iot
(2015) ML(Machine learning) devices and e-commerce website like devices connection.
amazon etc.

This research paper introduces chatbot which makes lots of process easier. The
main aim of this research is to make easier conversation between customer
and a business with no delay. The chatbot is basically order taking with minimal
user input and suggested for target markets that customers have little
knowledge of IT. It can be integrated into any platform with minimum
The core technology used in chatbot is natural language processing (“NLP”).
Further researches in machine learning have greatly improved the accuracy and
effectiveness of natural language processing, making chatbots worthier option
for many organizations and advances in industrialisation.
A simple chatbot can be created by loading an FAQ (frequently asked questions)
into chatbot software. The functionality of the chatbot can be improved by
integrating it into the organization’s enterprise software, allowing more
personal questions to be answered, like “What is my balance?”, or “What is the
status of my order?”.

Keywords: Natural language processing, Electronic Marketing, Chatbot, Chat-


Problem statement:-
Online companies require extra employee to reply their customers. Negotiating
with them also take a lot of time. It cost them very much as they usually need a
separate call center and employees for this purpose. The company need to hire
double the employees as they need to be active 24/7.

Here our chatbot will provide these companies with the perfect solution. It will
reply customers in real time, help them find the best product. It will also
convince them to buy our product and chat with them with a humanly manner.
It will save them cost and time. This will increase their productivity and

The dataset contains more than 60000 question and answer.

Related works: -
Chatterbots are not new programs in the
computer world and ELIZA, the first chatter
bot was
released in 1966 by [7] but most of the
existing chatbots are mainly for recreational
research purposes [3]
Chatterbots are not new programs in the computer world and ELIZA, the first
chatter bot was released in 1966 by Weizenbaum J but most of the existing
chatbots are mainly for recreational and research purposes .
Most notable chatbots that were designed with the purpose of conversational
commerce were released by the banking sector, for example DBS bank of
Singapore has created its own virtual assistant which is called Digi Bank. Digi
Bank is a voice and text enabled assistant with which customers can check their
transaction history, check interest rate and transfer money. In the same
manner, Bank of America, Ally Bank, Capital one and Barclays Africa have
created their own chatterbots as well. Their chatterbot is integrated with their
website which is coded in PHP and has a MYSQL database. To make the
chatterbot intelligent they used River Script.

Hardware and Software Requirements:-

1. Processor- 1.6GHz or faster processor.
2. Hard Disk- more than 10 GB.
3. Memory – at least 1 GB.
1. Windows 7 or above linux
2. C++
3. Chatterbox library
4. Firefox/Chrome/Internet Explorer

Data Structures:
The data structures used is
 Dynamic Arrays- it is a special type of array whose size can be
modified during execution of program, according to user
requirements.It can be implemented through using malloc(),calloc()
and free() in standard library functions(stdlib.h).

 Linked Lists- It is linear data structure which consist of nodes and each
node contains data value and reference(address) to the next node.And
your data is stored at non-contiguous memory location which makes
insertion and deletion operation easier.

 Hash Tables-Hash Table is a data structure which stores data in an

associative manner. In a hash table, data is stored in an array format,
where each data value has its own unique index value. Access of data
becomes very fast if we know the index of the desired data.
Algorithms used:
The algorithms used are
 Hash functions- A hash function which is responsible to converts a given
numeric or alphanumeric
 String filtering-Filter(String[],String,Boolean
CompareMethod) Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of
a String array based on specified filter criteria.
 Sorting- A technique to rearrange the list of elements in string to perfrom
filtering and lemmatization technique.
 Stemming-
 Lemmatization- A technique of grouping words together of different forms
of same words. It is used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) which is
indirectly base of chatbot evolution.

Mind map:
Results and Discussions

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