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Brigid of Ireland (DRAFT)

By: Sarah Behr 7C

Paragraph 1:
For my Assignment on St Brigid I have decided to use a poster to demonstrate the
qualities of St Brigid.
On my poster I have displayed some photos of St Brigid and pictures from her stories
and I also have written
some descriptions to describe the photos I used.
I have written some of St Brigids Miracles on the poster, so that I can explain how kind
Generous St Brigid was. The poster is bright yellow to emphasize the pictures even
Some of the miracles I have included are: St Brigids cross, St Brigids miracle/ heals man
I thought that it would be a good idea to do a poster on St Brigid so that it can explain
Of her values as she was a very determined woman.
All of the miracles and her kindness, Generosity of St Brigid inspire so many adults and
children today.

Paragraph 2:
St Brigid lived in Ireland 451 to 525. It is believed that God had formed many Miracles
through the
duration of St Brigids life. Brigid was born in the 5th Century. St Brigid was born a
slave, brought up
By her slave owners. When Brigid turned 18, she was forced to get married as she
would have had to devote her whole
Life to Christian ministry. Brigid was very beautiful she had deep Blue eyes and was
very attracting. She prayed to
God to take away her beauty so that people wouldn’t be so focused on her.
It's said that St Patrick had baptized Brigid and her parents.
St Brigid had a passion for helping poor, sick and elderly people.
The fact that she had that passion to help people shows that she is a thoughtful
There’re legends that say how Brigid healed a man by blessing him with water.

(Smith, EpicPew, 2017)

(Hopler W. , 2018)

(Catholic News Angency, n.d.)

(St Brigid .ie, n.d.)

(FINAL.wmv, 2011)

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