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I go to the mall.

Tonsillitis. I have a fever. Medicine, medication.

● I hope you get better soon. = I hope you feel better soon.
● Get better soon. = Get well soon!
C-section. / Can…? / Is it possible…?
(?) Why do you like this movie?
Because it’s… // In a near future…
I haven’t eaten Peruvian food. Taste, try.
Expensive $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Cheap, inexpensive $
Affordable $$$
My friend’s brother = A friend’s brother.
What will happen next?
The boy/child will break the ball. The child will throw the ball.
The boy will eat the cookie. The boy will ride the dog.
collide = crash
The girl will crash with the furniture.
The man will drop the bowl. He will burn his hand.
The balloon will fall on the cake.
Today’s goals
Talking and writing statements about the future using
“will” and “going to”, applying new vocabulary.
Plans for the future
● Next few hours → Rosa and Valentina will sleep.
Javier will work tomorrow.
● Next few days → Wilbert will play soccer on Sunday.
Valentina will go to a birthday on Friday.
● Next few weeks → Luis will visit his daughter on November
19th, because she will have her birthday.
● Next few months →
● Next few years →
Rosa and Valentina will sleep in the next few hours.
(-) I won’t sleep in the next few hours. (won’t = will not)
(?) Will they sleep in the next few hours?
(+) Yes, they will (sleep in the next few hours).
(-) No, they won’t (sleep).
Dreams, aspirations, goals
Learn to do something new Your ideas:
Find a new job Buy a house
Write a book Travel to space
Create an app Travel to the USA
Get a diploma Travel to Europe
Become a black belt in Karate Buy a PlayStation
Paint your house/apartment Learn in Poliglota
Adopt a pet Build a house at the beach
Buy a car
Answer with your own ideas. Discuss.
● Will you…?
Yes, I will…
No, I won’t….

Mainly. Mostly.
Dreams, aspirations, goals
Your ideas:
Learn to do something new
Buy a house
Find a new job
Travel to space
Write a book
Travel to the USA
Create an app
Travel to Europe
Get a diploma
Buy a PlayStation
Become a black belt in Karate
Learn in Poliglota
Paint your house/apartment
Build a house at the beach
Adopt a pet Will you…?
Buy a car Yes, I will…
No, I won’t….
A university project. Classmate, partner.
Will you buy a PS?
What games will you buy?
Where will you buy a PS?
Fist and kick.
1. What kind of futuristic buildings will we see?
2. What will cities look like in the future?
3. What kind of homes will we live in in the future?
4. What kind of technology will we have?
5. How will we travel?
Challenge for next session
Write 3 "promises" to yourself that you will fulfill before the next class (it can
be anything you want to). Send these promises as audios to the WhatsApp
group, using "will".

Example: Before next session, I will go grocery shopping.

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