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Father Saturnino Urios University


Butuan City

Market Acceptability of the Current Product Offerings and Factors

Affecting Market Acceptance of the New Products to be Offered in
Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza

A Marketing Research Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of Business Administration Program

Father Saturnino Urios University

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Marketing Research


Losanez, Niceden Rel P.

Timbal, Jonalene B.
Sinajon, Neil Zedric
Asidera, Jose Franco
Barneso, Kim Vincent
Trinos, Alex
Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Chapter 1 Table of Contents

Title Page ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-5

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………………………………… 6

Research Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Review of Related Literature ……………………………………………………………………… 8-11

Research Methodology

1.1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

1.2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

1.3 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

1.4 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

1.5 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

1.6 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

1.7 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16-17

Research Limitations ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19-21

Surbey Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 22-28

Page 1
Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City


Sean's Brick Oven Pizza is a popular restaurant that has been

serving delicious meals to its customers for over five years. The

establishment specializes in freshly made pizzas, but also offers

a wide range of other food and beverage options such as pastas,

breads, sweets, main dishes, and drinks. Sean's Brick Oven Pizza

has built a loyal customer base over the years by providing high-

quality food and excellent customer service.

To maintain its competitive edge in the market, Sean's Brick

Oven Pizza is continuously seeking to improve its menu offerings.

The restaurant aims to introduce new dishes that will cater to

the varying tastes and preferences of its customers. However,

before launching any new product, the establishment needs to

ensure that the product will be well received by its customers.

Furthermore, the restaurant needs to identify which of its

current products are popular among its customers and should be

retained on the menu.

Hence, the objective of this research is to evaluate the market

acceptability of the current product offerings as well as the

factors affecting market acceptance of the products to be offered

in Sean's Brick Oven Pizza. The research will focus on gathering

data from the restaurant's customers on their food and beverage

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

preferences and satisfaction levels with the current

offerings. The data will be analyzed to identify which dishes and

drinks are popular among the customers and which new products are

likely to be accepted.

The results of this research will provide valuable insights to

the restaurant's management and guide their decision-making

process regarding the product offerings. It will help them

determine which dishes and drinks to retain on the menu, which

products to discontinue, and which new products to introduce.

Ultimately, this research will help Sean's Brick Oven Pizza

maintain its competitive edge and continue to provide its

customers with delicious and satisfying meals and beverages.

In conclusion, the market acceptability of the current product

offerings and factors affecting market acceptance of the new

products to be offered in Sean's Brick Oven Pizza is a crucial

aspect of the restaurant's growth and sustainability. This

research aims to evaluate the popularity of the current products

and assess the potential acceptance of new products among the

restaurant's customers.
Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Statement of the Problem:

Management-Decision Problem Marketing Research Problem

1.) What important factor To determine the Market

that must be consider Acceptability of the Current

if offering a new Product Offerings and Factors

product in the current Affecting the Market

menu is feasible? Acceptance of the Products to

be Offered in Sean’s Brick

Oven Pizza.

To address the management decision problem, the corresponding

marketing research problem is to determine the market

acceptability of the current product offerings and identify

factors that may affect the acceptance of the new products to be

offered. This research problem can be addressed through market

research methods of conducting a research survey questionnaire.

By gathering insights into the customer’s perceived value and

current market competition, the researchers can provide valuable

information to inform the management decision on whether or not

to introduce a new product to the menu.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Research Objectives:

The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the market

acceptability of the current and new products to be offered in

Sean's Brick Oven Pizza. This will be achieved through the

following specific objectives:

1. To identify the most popular dishes and drinks currently

offered by Sean's Brick Oven Pizza.

2. To evaluate the level of market acceptance of the current

product offerings in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.

3. To determine or identify the factors influencing the

customers’ acceptance of the new products to be offered in

Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.

4. To provide recommendations to the restaurant's management

regarding the product offerings.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Review of Related Literature

Sean's Brick Oven Pizza is a popular restaurant that has been

serving high-quality food and beverages to its customers for over

five years. To maintain its competitive edge, the restaurant

needs to continuously evaluate its menu offerings and introduce

new products that cater to the changing preferences of its

customers. The aim of this research is to evaluate the market

acceptability of the current and new products to be offered in

Sean's Brick Oven Pizza. This literature review will provide an

overview of the relevant literature on market acceptability, the

factors that influence customer acceptance of new products, and

the ways of measuring market acceptance in terms of new products

to be offered.

Market Acceptability

Market acceptability is an essential aspect of product

development and marketing. It refers to the extent to which a

product is accepted by its target market. According to Kotler and

Keller (2016) Kohli (2018) and Huang JJ (2018), market

acceptability is determined by various factors, including the

perceived value of the product, the level of competition in the

market, and the marketing efforts of the company. In the case of

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Sean's Brick Oven Pizza, market acceptability will depend on the

quality of the food and beverages offered, the level of

competition in the restaurant industry, and the restaurant's

marketing strategies.

In addition, Market acceptability is a crucial aspect of

product development, particularly in the food and beverage

industry. According to Al-Talib and Ahmad (2016) with Chen YC

(2018), customer satisfaction and acceptance of a new product are

influenced by various factors, including product quality, price,

brand loyalty, and marketing efforts. In a study conducted by

Nguyen and Nguyen (2018) on Vietnamese consumers' acceptance of

new food products, they found that taste, packaging, and health

benefits are essential factors that influence customer


Factors Influencing Customer Acceptance of New Products

Several factors influence customer acceptance of new products,

including product characteristics, consumer characteristics, and

environmental factors (Lamb et al., 2017) Chung (2019) and Nguyen

(2018). Product characteristics include the product's attributes,

design, and packaging. Consumer characteristics include

demographic factors such as age, gender, and income, as well as

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

psychographic factors such as personality and lifestyle.

Environmental factors include social and cultural influences,

economic conditions, and technological advancements.

In the context of Sean's Brick Oven Pizza, the factors that may

influence customer acceptance of new products include the taste

and quality of the new products, the restaurant's target market,

and the economic conditions in the restaurant industry.

In conclusion, market acceptability is an essential factor in

the success of Sean's Brick Oven Pizza. The factors that

influence customer acceptance of new products are complex and

multifaceted, and a thorough understanding of these factors is

necessary for the successful introduction of new products. By

conducting research to evaluate the market acceptability of the

current and new products to be offered, Sean's Brick Oven Pizza

can make informed decisions regarding its product offerings and

maintain its competitive

edge in the restaurant industry.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Ways to Measure the Market Acceptance in terms of New Products to

be Offered

Market acceptance of new products is an important aspect of a

successful product launch. Several studies have been conducted to

understand the factors that influence market acceptance and the

methods for measuring it. A literature review of the studies by

Homburg, Schwemmle, and Kuehnl (2020), Islam and Rahman (2019),

and Chen and Lin (2019) revealed that the factors that influence

market acceptance include product features, customer

characteristics, and marketing efforts.

Different methods have been used to measure market acceptance,

including conjoint analysis, customer surveys, focus groups,

social media analytics, and sales data analysis. The study by

Homburg et al. (2020) reviewed 172 empirical studies and found

that conjoint analysis and customer surveys were the most

commonly used and effective methods for measuring market

acceptance. Customer surveys were found to be effective in

measuring consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for new

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

products. Conjoint analysis was found to be useful in evaluating

the relative importance of different product features and

identifying the most desirable product configurations.

Islam and Rahman (2019) reviewed 68 studies and found that

customer surveys, focus groups, and sales data analysis were the

most commonly used methods for measuring market acceptance.

Customer surveys were found to be useful in understanding

customers' attitudes, opinions, and behaviors towards new

products. Focus groups were found to be effective in exploring

customers' emotions, beliefs, and motivations. Sales data

analysis was found to be useful in tracking sales performance,

identifying market trends, and evaluating the success of

marketing efforts.

Chen and Lin (2019) reviewed 62 studies and found that

customer surveys and focus groups were the most commonly used

methods for measuring market acceptance. Customer surveys were

found to be useful in collecting quantitative data on customers'

preferences and perceptions, while focus groups were found to be

effective in collecting qualitative data on customers' attitudes,

opinions, and behaviors.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

In summary, the literature suggests that market acceptance of

new products is influenced by product features, customer

characteristics, and marketing efforts. Different methods, such

as customer surveys, conjoint analysis, focus groups, social

media analytics, and sales data analysis, can be used to measure

market acceptance. Researchers should carefully select the most

appropriate method depending on the research objectives, the

characteristics of the target market, and the available

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Research Methodology

1.1 Research Design:

This quantitative research study will utilize Descriptive and

Causal research design as it is appropriate for this research

paper as it aims to study the market acceptability and the factor

influencing market acceptance. Causal research design is useful

given the fact that researchers want to establish a cause-and-

effect relationship between variables. On the other hand,

descriptive research design aids the researchers to understand

how consumers accept the product offerings in a certain

restaurant. Descriptive research design is also appropriate for

this study because it seeks to provide a comprehensive and

accurate portrayal of the current situation, including the market

acceptability and the factors affecting the market acceptance of

the new products to be offered in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

1.2 Data Collection Method:

Conducting face-to-face surveys are a highly effective and

efficient data collection method because they allow researchers

to directly interact with respondents and clarify any confusion

or misunderstandings in real-time. This method also has high

response rates and enables researchers to collect more detailed

and accurate data.

The following are the step-by-step procedures to gather data:

 Prepare a letter with a signature authorization from the

Owner or Management Team of Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.

 Design the survey questionnaire with questions related to

the research objectives.

 Select a representative sample population and determine the

sample size

 Gather respondents through random sampling method

 Conduct the survey in person.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

1.3 Sample:

Sampling Technique: A random sampling method will be used to

select the participants. Random sampling method involves

selecting respondents from a population at random, where each

member has an equal chance of being selected. The respondents in

this method are diverse and representative of the population

being studied. They may be of different ages, genders,

ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Random sampling

ensures that the sample is unbiased and that each respondent has

an equal chance of being selected, regardless of their

characteristics. This method is widely used in research studies

as it helps to ensure the generalizability of the

results to the larger population.

1.4 Sample Size:

The latest available data from Butuan, Philippines Metro Area

Population 2023, the total population of Butuan City is 385,000.

The researchers’ found out that the professionals living in

Butuan City is 9,199 from the latest statistic table in Butuan

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

City, Philippines.

The average daily number of customers in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza

is 100-150 persons per day. To get the sample size, the

researchers used the method of Slovin Formula.

The sample size of 311 customers of Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza will

be sufficient to draw conclusions about the Market Acceptability

of the Current Product Offerings and Factors Affecting the

Marketing Acceptance of the Products to be Offered in Sean’s


Oven Pizza.

1.5 Data Collection Period:

The data collection period will be two weeks. This time frame

will allow enough time to reach the participants and gather the

necessary data. Surveys will be conducted in-person interviews

and will take approximately 3 minutes to answer the survey


1.6 Survey Instrument

A researcher-made questionnaire will be used to gather data.

The questionnaire will be designed to gather information about

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

the determine the Market Acceptability of the Current Product

Offerings and Factors Affecting the Marketing Acceptance of the

Products to be Offered in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.The questions

will be clear and easy to understand.

The questionnaire has four parts:

(1) Demographics: This part includes questions about the

respondent's age, gender, education, occupation, and income.

These questions help to establish a profile of the typical

customer of Sean's Brick Oven Pizza.

(2) What are the popular products in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza:
This part includes questions about the respondent's choices or

what are popular products for them in terms of product offerings

of Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.

(3) To determine the level of acceptance of the new products to

be offered: This part includes questions about the respondent's

level of acceptance of the new products to be offered. The set of

questions in this part of the questionnaire will help the

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

management team to understand what are the preferences of the

consumers in order to venture a product that would be accepted in

the market.

(4) The factors influencing the customer’s level of acceptance:

This part includes questions about the factors that would

influence the customer’s level of acceptance in terms of the new

products to be offered in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.

1.7 Data Analysis:

Descriptive statistics will be used to analyze the data

collected from the survey.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Research Limitations

The research study entitled “Market Acceptability of the Current

Product Offerings and Factors Affecting the Market Acceptance of

the Products to be Offered in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza.” will solely

focus on exploring the intriguing correlation between Market

Acceptability and Factors Affecting the Marketing Acceptance of the

Products to be Offered in Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza. The study aims

to investigate the underlying factors influencing the customer’s

level of acceptance and to determine or identify the factors that

may influence customers’ acceptance. The ultimate goal is to

provide the management team with well-informed recommendations to

the restaurant's management regarding the product offerings.

Through a comprehensive analysis of the data collected, this study

hopes to uncover the essential insights that can help Sean's Brick

Oven Pizza obtain information about the important factors that must

be consider if offering a new product in the current menu is

feasible. The participants of this study will be limited to 311

random customers from Sean’s Brick Oven Pizza. The participants

involved in this study limit to those partakers within the country.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

The data results from this study will only be quantified from the

instruments stipulated by the researchers.


Al-Talib, M. S., & Ahmad, S. (2016). Factors affecting consumer

acceptance of new food products: A review. Journal of Food and

Nutrition Research, 4(4), 245-256.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management. Pearson

Education Limited.


Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. (2017). Essentials of

marketing. Cengage Learning.

Nguyen, T. D., & Nguyen, T. N. (2018). Factors influencing

consumers' acceptance of new food products in Vietnam. Journal of

Asian Business Strategy, 8(3), 22-29.
Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Jiang, Y., & Benbasat, I. (2017). The effects of presentation

mode and product type on consumer product evaluations. Journal of

Business Research, 80, 82-93. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.05.015

Kuo, P. Y., Wu, C. H., & Lu, H. P. (2016). The impact of

innovation attributes on innovation adoption: a study of iPhone

users. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5475-5480.


Wang, Y., Wang, L., & Jiang, H. (2017). An empirical study on the

effects of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase

intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 35, 101-

107. doi:10.1016/j.jretconser.2016.11.004

Grewal, D., Roggeveen, A. L., & Nordfält, J. (2017). The future

of retailing. Journal of Retailing, 93(1), 1-6.


Fang, Y. H., Hsu, Y. L., & Cheng, C. M. (2015). Developing

customer-oriented new product development success factors for

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

high-tech industry. International Journal of Innovation

Management, 19(03), 1550021. doi:10.1142/S1363919615500212

Homburg, C., Schwemmle, M., & Kuehnl, C. (2020). New product

acceptance: A meta-analysis of its antecedents. Journal of

Product Innovation Management, 37(6), 790-816.


slam, T., & Rahman, Z. (2019). Factors influencing market

acceptance of new products: A review. Journal of Marketing

Communications, 25(5), 482-499. doi:10.1080/13527266.2017.1412838

Chen, Y. J., & Lin, Y. S. (2019). Assessing market acceptance of

new products: A literature review. Asia Pacific Journal of

Marketing and Logistics, 31(2), 380-399. doi:10.1108/APJML-07-

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Survey Questionnaire

Note: Thank you for participating in this survey. Please be assured

that all your answers will be kept confidential and will be used for

research purposes only. Your honest responses are highly valued as

they will help us gain insight into the factors that influence

customer acceptance of new food and beverage offerings in Sean's Brick

Oven Pizza. In the 3rd and 4th part of the questionnaire, please rate

your answers on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being

the highest. Thank you for your time and participation.

Part I- Demographics

Directions: Please respond to the following questions by placing

a check mark (/) in the lined space that corresponds to your

response and/or fill out the blank where indicated

1. What is your age range?

( ) 18-24 ( ) 25-34 ( ) 35-44 ( ) 45-59 ( ) 60 and above

2. What is your gender identity?

( ) Male ( ) Female ( ) Binary ( ) Non-binary

( ) Prefer not to say

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

3. What is your highest educational attainment?

( ) Elementary graduate ( ) High school graduate

( ) College graduate ( ) Post-graduate degree

( ) Vocational graduate

4. What is your current employment status?

( ) Employed ( ) Self-employed ( ) Unemployed

( ) Retired ( ) Student

5. What is your monthly household income?

( ) Below Php 10,000 ( ) Php 10,000-Php 20,000

( ) Php 20,001-Php 30,000 ( ) Php 30,000-Php 50,000

( ) 50,000 above

Part II Popular Products:

1. What is your usual order at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza? (you can

choose 2 or more)

( ) Sean’s Favorite Pizza ( ) Cheesy Spinach and Mushroom Pizza

( ) Pizza Margherita ( ) Pizza Meat Head

( ) Others (Please specify in the space provided) ______

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

2. Which type of pizza topping do you love at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

(you can choose 2 or more)

( ) Meat toppings (e.g. pepperoni, sausage, ham)

( ) Vegetable toppings (e.g. mushrooms, bell peppers, onions)

( ) Combination of meat and vegetable toppings

( ) Cheese-only toppings (e.g. four-cheese, ricotta, feta) e. Cheese-

only toppings (e.g. four-cheese, ricotta, feta)

( ) Others (Please specify in the space provided) ________

3. Which main dish do you usually order at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

(you can choose 2 or more)

( ) Garlic Parmesan ( ) Buffalo Style

( ) Honey Mustard ( )Chicken in White Sauce

( ) Others (Please specify in the space provided) ________

4. Which pasta dish do you usually order at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

(choose 2 or more)

( ) Creamy Carbonara ( ) Chicken Parmigiana

( )Spaghetti Al Nero ( ) Chicken Florentina Pasta

( ) Others (Please specify in the space provided) ________

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

5. Which appetizer do you usually order at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

(you can choose 2 or more)

( ) Spinach Dip ( ) Fried Calamari

( ) Dirty Fries ( ) Fries

( ) Others (Please specify in the space provided) ________

6. Which beverage do you usually order at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

(you can choose 2 or more)

( ) Coke in Can ( ) Royal in Can

( ) Four Seasons Juice ( ) Wine

( ) Others (Please specify in the space provided) ________

7. Which dessert do you usually order at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

(you can choose 2 or more)

( ) Mango Cake ( ) Sweet Hopia

( ) Bibingka Cheesecake ( ) Yema Cake

( ) Others (Please specify in the space provided) ______

Part III - Level of Acceptance (Current or Existing Products)

Directions: Please place a check (/) in the appropriate column

based on your honest perception and observation.

Legend: ( 1-Very poor 2-Poor 3-Neutral 4-Good

5-Excellent )
Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

1 2 3 4 5

1. How satisfied are you with the overall

quality of the food at Sean's Brick Oven


2. How likely are you to recommend Sean's

Brick Oven Pizza to others?

3. How does the taste and quality of Sean's

Brick Oven Pizza compare to other pizza


4.How satisfied are you with the variety of

options available on the menu at Sean's

Brick Oven Pizza?

5.How would you rate the pricing of the food

and beverages at Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

6.How satisfied are you with the level of

customer service provided at Sean's Brick

Oven Pizza?

7.How likely are you to return to Sean's

Brick Oven Pizza in the future?

8.On a scale of 1-5, how valuable is Sean’s

Brick Oven Pizza for you.

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

9.On a scale of 1-5, how much do you accept

Sean's Brick Oven Pizza as a good option for

satisfying your pizza cravings?

Part IV - Factors Influencing Customer’s Level of Acceptance.

Directions: Please place a check (/) in the appropriate column

based on your honest perception and observation.

Legend: ( 1-Not at all important 2-Somewhat important

3-Moderately important 4-Very Important

5-Extremely important )

1 2 3 4 5

1.To what extent do you believe that product

packaging influences your willingness to try

food and beverage to be offered at Sean's Brick

Oven Pizza?

2.How much does your personal taste preference

influence your acceptance of new products in

Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

3.How much does the price of the new products

influence your acceptance of them in Sean's

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Brick Oven Pizza?

4.To what extent does the reputation of Sean's

Brick Oven Pizza as a high-quality restaurant

affect your acceptance of new products?

5.How much does the perceived healthiness or

nutritional value of the new products influence

your acceptance of them in Sean's Brick Oven


6.How much does the promotion and marketing of

the new products by Sean's Brick Oven Pizza

influence your acceptance of them?

7. To what degree do marketing strategies and

efforts influence customer acceptance of new

products in Sean's Brick Oven Pizza?

8. To what extent does the quality of the food

and beverage influence your acceptance of new

products being marketed by Sean's Brick Oven

Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

Validated By: Ms. Maffi A. Titoy

Mrs. Bebelinda Sevilla

Validated By: Mrs. Daphne Celine Dy Ong

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