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2D Materials


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2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001


Phosphorene—an emerging two-dimensional material: recent

advances in synthesis, functionalization, and applications
24 November 2021 Vivek Chaudhary1,2,∗, P Neugebauer3, O Mounkachi2,4, S Lahbabi2,5 and A El Fatimy1,3,∗
19 April 2022 Institute of Applied Physics, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid, Ben Guerir 43150, Morocco
Modeling, Simulation and Data Analysis (MSDA), Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid, Ben Guerir
43150, Morocco
6 May 2022 3
Central European Institute of Technology, CEITEC BUT, Brno University of Technology, Purkyňova 123, Brno 61200, Czech Republic
Laboratoire de Matière Condensée et Sciences Interdisciplinaires (LaMCScI), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University in Rabat,
20 May 2022
Rabat 1014, Morocco
Equipe Modélisation, Applications, Mathématiques et Informatiques (EMAMI), Laboratoire de Recherche en Ingénierie, ENSEM,
Original content from Hassan II University of Casablanca, Casablanca 20000, Morocco
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Authors to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
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Any further distribution Keywords: 2D materials, van der Waals materials, black phosphorous, phosphorene, synthesis techniques
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Two-dimensional (2D) materials are the focal point of intensive research efforts due to their
unique properties and ability to reveal fascinating new phenomena. As an analog to graphene,
phosphorene is a monolayer of black phosphorus crystals. Phosphorene obtained a special place
among the family of 2D semiconducting materials because of its fascinating features such as high
optical absorption, high carrier mobility, and several other attractive features having an exceptional
interest in electronic and optoelectronic applications. The anisotropic orthorhombic crystal
structure of phosphorene provides remarkable mechanical, electronic, optical, and transport
properties. This review summarizes phosphorene’s chemical and physical properties and highlights
the recent progress made in the synthesis. The application of phosphorene-based devices in
high-speed electronics and optoelectronics has been surveyed. Also, sufficient emphasis has been
given to emerging biomedical applications. Finally, phosphorene’s remaining challenges and
potential applications are outlined.

1. Introduction (h-BN) [11], MXenes [12, 13], carbon nitride [14],

transition metal oxides [15], elemental 2D materials
The breakthrough discovery of graphene in 2004 similar to graphene (i.e. germanene, silicene, stanene)
has revolutionized the world of materials science. [16], and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
Novoselov and Geim have successfully isolated a [17–28] have been discovered and developed as post
monolayer of carbon atoms having hexagonal lat- graphene 2D materials. These materials have gained
tice from graphite [1]. In 2010, this pioneering dis- enormous attention due to their ubiquitous physical,
covery received Nobel Prize in Physics. Graphene chemical, and electronic properties. Also, the ongoing
has extraordinary properties such as excellent elec- research activities on 2D materials have opened a new
trical conductivity, thermal conductivity, high trans- avenue for developing post-silicon device techno-
parency, and high mechanical strength [2–4]. Since logy. Among the family of 2D materials, molybdenum
its discovery, graphene has demonstrated excess- disulfide (MoS2 ) is one of the most explored 2D
ive promise in numerous applications in electron- materials having a tunable bandgap from 1.8 eV for
ics, photovoltaics, energy storage devices, and bio- monolayer to 1.2 eV for the bulk state [29]. Although
medical science [5–10]. The promising success of MoS2 provides a commendable ON/OFF ratio up
graphene has instated a rapid surge in the quest to 108 in resulting devices and amends the zero-
for two-dimensional (2D) materials. Several class bandgap weakness of graphene, it suffers from the low
of 2D materials such as hexagonal boron nitride charge carrier mobility compared to graphene [30].

© 2022 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 1. Representation of various allotropic forms of the phosphorous.

The bandgap of a semiconductor material plays a phosphorus, BP is harmless and exhibits the highest
crucial role in the overall performance of field-effect structural and thermodynamic stability. BP is one of
transistors (FETs) devices. The high ON/OFF ratio is the fascinating allotropes of phosphorous having an
a prerequisite for exploiting FETs in digital logic cir- orthorhombic crystal structure and was first synthes-
cuits. The On-state current does not directly depend ized by Bridgman [32]. After its discovery, BP has
on the bandgap (Eg ). However, the OFF-state current received very marginal research interest almost for
is governed by thermionic emission of charge carri- a century. It has gained a blooming consideration
ers through the metal/semiconductor Schottky bar- since 2014 when the monolayer of BP named ‘phos-
rier. Therefore, the OFF-state current is proportional phorene’ was successfully exfoliated by two independ-
to exp (−eφB /kb T), where e is the electronic charge, ent research groups [33, 34]. Phosphorene was first
φB is Schottky barrier height, kb is the Boltzmann exfoliated from bulk BP crystal via the scotch-tape
constant, and T is the temperature. Further, consider- microcleavage method [33]. The most exciting prop-
ing the work functions of metal contact and semicon- erty of BP includes (a) layer dependent bandgap ran-
ductor,(the OFF-state
) current would be proportional ging from 0.3 eV for bulk to 2.0 eV for monolayer
to exp −Eg /nkb T , where n is related to the differ- [35, 36], (b) unlike other TMDs 2D materials, BP
ence between work functions of metal and semicon- nanosheets always have direct band structure for any
( This makes
) the ON/OFF ratio proportional to number of layers [35, 37], (c) BP nanosheets demon-
exp Eg /nkb T [31]. Thus, for the lowest acceptable strate a high degree of in-plane anisotropy resulting in
on/off ratio, i.e. up to three to four orders of mag- angle-dependent optical and electrical conductivity
nitude at room temperature, the bandgap should be [38]. In addition, it has been reported that few-layer
at least 0.4 eV for digital logic applications. phosphorene (thickness 10 nm) assimilated remark-
Therefore, an ideal 2D material should have high able field-effect mobility of 1000 cm2 V−1 s−1 and
charge mobility and a suitable bandgap. In recent drain current modulation up to 105 at room temper-
years, black phosphorus (BP) has acquired a niche in ature, which is much higher than 2D TMDs while
the elemental 2D materials family and can bridge the less than graphene [34]. Also, the quantum Hall effect
gap between graphene and TMDs. Phosphorus is one has been observed on few-layer phosphorene samples
of the most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust, with Hall mobility approaching 6000 cm2 V−1 s−1 at
occupying about 0.1% volume. Phosphorus mainly temperatures below 30 K [39]. Apart from highly
exists in the form of four allotropes, namely white tunable direct bandgap, high charge carrier mobil-
phosphorus (WP), red phosphorus (RP), violet phos- ity, and in-plane anisotropy, few-layer phosphorene
phorus (VP), and BP. Figure 1 expresses different has other distinctive features such as nominal electric
allotropic phases of phosphorous. WP is composed of resistance, excellent mechanical strength, large sur-
four phosphorous atoms forming a cubic lattice and face area, and high thermal stability. These remark-
is extremely unstable under ambient conditions. RP able properties explain that BP or few-layer phos-
is an amorphous network of phosphorous atoms con- phorene can be employed as an eligible candidate in
nected via covalent bonds, whereas VP is constituted various electronic devices like FETs, photodetectors,
in monoclinic structure. Among all the allotropes of solar cells, terahertz imaging, batteries, etc [40–52].

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Although recent studies and research suggest sev- configuration when viewed relative to the zigzag dir-
eral feasible advantages of phosphorene, the success- ection. The folded structure of phosphorene maxim-
ful experimental demonstration of phosphorene at izes the separation between electron pairs of each P
the device scale is still limited due to synthesis and atom located in either plane, reducing the degree of
stability challenges. orbital hybridization.
The development of BP and phosphorene has The dotted lines in figure 2(c) represent a unit
been systematically and comprehensively demon- cell of monolayer phosphorene. It has been found
strated in the present review. A general overview of BP that phosphorene has different lattice constants along
and phosphorene’s properties with their benefits and the two perpendicular directions. Also, the lat-
a detailed study on the synthesis methods currently tice constant varies as: a = 4.52 ± 0.05 Å and
being used and their challenges are presented. This b = 3.31 ± 0.03 Å (the directions of ‘a’ and ‘b’ are
review outlines the progress achieved so far in various depicted in figure 2(c)) with respect to the number of
areas of science and technology through the applica- layers [33, 38, 63, 64]. It should be noted that bulk
tion of phosphorene or BP. Based on the suitability BP and phosphorene have the same in-plane sym-
of atomic structure and elemental properties, phos- metry with the base-centered orthorhombic struc-
phorene and its derivatives employed in emerging ture. Based on the first principle calculations by Qiao
electrical devices such as solar cells, FETs, sensors, and et al [38], the lattice parameter ‘a’ increases from
biomedical applications have been explored. Finally, 4.47 Å (bulk BP) to 4.58 Å (monolayer phosphorene),
discussing the current challenges in phosphorene syn- whereas the lattice parameter ‘b’ decreases from
thesis, the review elucidates critical future directions 3.34 Å (bulk BP) to 3.32 Å (monolayer phosphorene).
for high-quality phosphorene synthesis and its applic- Moreover, two different bond angles/lengths exist
ations in various science and technology regimes. concerning in-plane and out-plane atomic arrange-
ment, as illustrated in figure 2(d). The angle between
2. Structure and fundamental properties P atoms on the same plane is designated as θ2 (hinge
angle), while the angle between atoms on different
BP crystals appear black and flaky, just like graph- planes is represented as θ1 (dihedral angle). A slight
ite, as shown in figure 2(a). BP has a layered struc- effect of layer number is observed on the dihedral (θ1 )
ture analogous to graphite. The layered structure and hinge (θ2 ) angles. The dihedral/hinge angles vary
of multilayer BP in the AB-stacking pattern has from 102.42◦ /96.16◦ to 103.51◦ /96.00◦ , respectively
been demonstrated in figure 2(b). The interlayer dis- for bulk BP and monolayer phosphorene [38]. In the
tance between the consecutive stacked layers of BP same analogy, the bond lengths between P atoms on
is 5.3 Å [53, 54]. The distance between the lay- the same plane are defined as R2 and those on differ-
ers in BP is significantly greater than the length of ent planes as R1 . However, it has been observed that
the P–P covalent bonds (∼2.2 Å) [55], which indic- there is no prominent effect of the layer number on
ates that the BP layers are packed together through the bond length. Two of the three nearest P atoms
a non-bonding van der Waals interaction. Further, lying in the same plane have a bond length of 2.224 Å
the cohesive energy of BP layers is found to be (R2 ), whereas the third P atom lying out of the plane
∼20 meV atom−1 [33], resembling that of graphite has a bond length of 2.244 Å (R1 ) [55].
and hBN (∼30 meV atom−1 ) [56, 57]. As a semiconductor, phosphorene is a promising
The structure of BP was first studied by Hultgren material due to its extraordinary physical and chem-
et al [58] and further modified by Brown et al [59]. ical properties, as depicted in table 1. In comparison
The high structural stability of BP arises from its to other 2D layered materials, phosphorene demon-
orthorhombic crystalline structure and contains eight strates the enormous potential for several applica-
atoms per unit cell. In BP, phosphorus (P) atoms have tions. The physical properties of phosphorene and
sp3 hybridization, and each P atom forms covalent other most explored 2D materials such as graphene,
bonds with three adjacent atoms, out of which two MoS2 , WSe2 , and h-BN have been compared (table 1)
lie on the same plane while the third one lies on the to establish their importance. It can be concluded
neighboring plane with one-electron pair [60]. This from table 1 that phosphorene does not exhibit the
hybridization gives rise to a quadrangular pyramid best values for all the physical quantities, but it equi-
structure analogous to puckered honeycomb-like librates the properties of the 2D family.
structure, and consequently, the asymmetric band For example, the forefather graphene exhibits
structure evolves with peculiar anisotropic proper- the highest carrier mobility (∼105 cm2 V−1 s−1 ),
ties [61, 62]. The top and side view of monolayer thermal conductivity, and mechanical strength; how-
phosphorene is illustrated in figure 2(c), where the ever, it suffers from a meager ON/OFF ratio due
atom in different colors demonstrates atoms located to zero bandgap. On the contrary, MoS2 and WSe2
in different planes. It is evident from figure 2(c) that demonstrate a very high ON/OFF ratio because of
phosphorene exhibits a puckered structure relative to their band structure and have good applicability
the armchair direction but looks like a bilayer atomic in thermoelectric devices. However, these materials’

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 2. (a) Image of bulk BP crystal. Reproduced with permission from (b) Perspective side view of
multilayer BP (c) top and side view of monolayer phosphorene. ‘a’ and ‘b’ represents the lattice parameters. (d) Representation of
structural arrangement of the atoms illustrating dihedral/hinge angles and bond lengths. The different color of P atoms in each
figure represents the P atoms located in different planes.

Table 1. Comparison of fundamental properties of various 2D materials.

Parameters Graphene MoS2 WSe2 h-BN Phosphorene

Nature Semimetal Semiconductor Semiconductor Insulator Semiconductor

Bandgap (eV) 0 1.2–1.8 1.2–1.7 5.9 0.3–2.0
Carrier type Ambipolar n-type Ambipolar — Ambipolar
Mobility 2 × 105 10–200 150–500 — 103
(cm2 V−1 s−1 )
ON/OFF ratio 5–50 106 –108 104 –106 — 103 –105
Thermal 5 × 103 34–52 10 250–360 10–36
(W m−1 K−1 )
Young’s modulus 103 270–400 75–200 200–900 35–166
References [3, 65–71] [65, 72–78] [65, 72, 79–85] [65, 86–88] [33, 34, 89–92]

substandard charge transport and carrier mobil- electronic properties such as non-equilibrium band
ity limit their widespread applications in several broadening, bandgap inversion and renormalization,
fields. Further, h-BN provides a versatile platform for electronic work function modulation, and intentional
research and advancement in water electrolysis, fuel defect formation as well as their anisotropic migra-
cells, etc. Also, the electrically insulating behavior of tion, which are very beneficial for (Opto)electronic
h-BN makes it a potential candidate as encapsula- device applications [93–97].
tion and gate dielectric material. Undoubtedly, 2D The material’s energy bandgap plays a crucial role
phosphorene provides many intriguing optical and in device applications, particularly in optical sensors

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 3. (a) Variation of the bandgap of phosphorene with the number of layers calculated by different theoretical and
experimental methods. Reprinted figure with permission from [36], Copyright (2014) by the American Physical Society. (b) The
bandgap values of conventional and 2D layered semiconductors with their maximum variation range. The bottom of the figure
shows various possible applications depending on the bandgap. Reprinted with permission from [101]. Copyright (2015)
American Chemical Society.

and solar cells [98, 99]. Phosphorene offers a highly optical absorption of phosphorene emerges from the
tunable bandgap ranging from 0.3 to 2.0 eV depend- symmetry-forbidden selection rule. Therefore, the
ing on the number of layers and stacking pattern, as phosphorene exhibits linear dichroism, i.e. the optical
depicted in figure 3(a). The bandgap range of phos- absorption properties of phosphorene vary with the
phorene is remarkably higher than that of graphene change of direction, showing different properties in
and almost similar to that of layered 2D chalco- different directions (armchair and zigzag) and also
genides, making phosphorene an ideal material for depend on the state of polarization of incident light.
diverse applications [33, 34, 63, 100]. Apart from Qiao et al [38] studied the absorption behavior of
highly tunable bandgap, phosphorene exhibits direct differently polarized light in phosphorene and bulk
band nature for all thicknesses, which attracts great BP and concluded that the absorption energy edges
interest because other 2D layered semiconductors decrease with increasing the number of layers in
possess indirect band structure in their multiple lay- both armchair and zigzag directions. However, the
ers [35, 37]. Gomez et al [101] established the exclus- decreasing rate in the armchair direction is much
iveness of phosphorene by comparing the bandgap higher than that in the zigzag direction. Ling et al
value of various 2D layered and compound semicon- [102] established that the light polarized in the arm-
ductors. Figure 3(b) demonstrates the highest degree chair direction was more easily absorbed than that
of bandgap tunability of phosphorene in comparison in the zigzag direction. Figure 4(a) demonstrates the
with other 2D materials, which provides the possibil- calculated coefficient of optical absorption (α) for
ity to achieve the desired bandgap value that is essen- zigzag and armchair polarized light with respect to
tial for a particular application. Due to this unique layer thickness. The variation of α with incident
bandgap structure, phosphorene can be considered a energy reveals that the absorption starts at much
suitable candidate for potential use in various applic- lower energy for the armchair polarized light in com-
ations, as depicted at the bottom of figure 3(b). parison to that of zigzag polarized light. Also, there is
The recent studies on phosphorene and bulk no significant effect of the layer numbers on the α for
BP reveal that phosphorene exhibit a high degree the same polarized light, indicating that absorbance
of anisotropy in optical absorption. Since the crys- should be increased with increasing thickness.
tal structure of phosphorene possesses an inver- Further, the measured optical absorption spec-
sion symmetry and mirror reflection symmetry only tra of a thin and thick BP sheet for armchair and
along the zigzag direction, the anisotropy in the zigzag polarized light are presented in figure 3(b),

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 4. (a) Variation of absorption coefficient in mono/bi/tri/ten-layer phosphorene and bulk BP with respect to laser energy.
(b) Typical optical absorption spectra of thin and thick BP nanosheets with incident light polarized along with armchair and
zigzag directions. Reprinted with permission from [102]. Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society.

which manifest a similar anisotropic behavior to the of that in the armchair direction [104, 105]. Also,
calculated one. Furthermore, He et al [103] repor- the electron–photon interaction becomes more pro-
ted that armchair direction possesses 16 times higher nounced for the incident light polarized in the arm-
photon diffusion efficiency and ten times more signi- chair direction. Due to its unique anisotropic optical
ficant absorption coefficient than that in zigzag direc- properties and wide absorption range, phosphorene
tion. The anisotropic structure of phosphorene also holds a promising application in (opto)electronics,
demonstrates crystal orientation-dependent charge linear/nonlinear optics, and photocatalysis.
carrier recombination. It is reported in the literat- Electrical conductivity is one of the essential para-
ure that the exciton wave function of monolayer meters to determine the quality of semiconductors.
phosphorene exhibits direction-dependent probabil- Bridgman first studied the electrical conductivity of
ity density [36, 104]. The probability density of the BP in 1921. The early studies demonstrated that the
exciton wave function is much more dispersed in resistivity of BP ranges from 0.48 to 0.77 Ω cm at
the armchair direction than that in the zigzag dir- room temperature [106]. The high carrier mobility is
ection. The photoluminescence spectra of monolayer an outstanding inherent property of bulk or few-layer
phosphorene exhibit enhanced emission when recor- BP, which has attracted the attention of researchers
ded in armchair direction, i.e. the emission from to this new material. Recently, massive efforts have
phosphorene is highly dependent on the induced been made to develop practical applications of this
polarization. The phosphorene shows photolumines- material. Like optical properties, phosphorene exhib-
cence emission with the highest intensity when the its anisotropy in electrical transport also. Since charge
excitation and detection polarization is in the arm- mobility is a function of the effective mass of the
chair direction, while at the same time, the emis- charge carriers, the effective mass of charge carriers
sion intensity in the zigzag direction is only 3% in phosphorene is found to be direction-dependent.

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 5. (a) Variation of electron effective mass with respect to spatial direction pristine phosphorene and (b) after applying 5%
biaxial strain. Reprinted with permission from [91]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society. (c) Variation in DC
conductivity (solid dots) and polarization-resolved relative extinction coefficient (hollow squares) along six different directions
separated by 30◦ on the same phosphorene sheet. Inset shows an optical image of the phosphorene sheet. Reproduced from [100],
with permission from Springer Nature.

Due to phosphorene’s orthorhombic puckered struc- is also a layered material having individual atomic
ture, the effective mass of charge carriers has been sheets bonded together by weakly interacting van
found to be ten times lesser in armchair direction der Waals force. In BP, the interlayer stacking dis-
than that in the zigzag direction, which justifies that tance depends on the stacking pattern and is found
the armchair direction is much more favorable for to be ∼5.3 Å, as demonstrated in figure 2(b) [53, 54].
charge transport [54]. The range and pattern of interlayer stacking of indi-
Fei et al [91] established that strain engineer- vidual layers on BP crystals provide a possibility
ing could also significantly tune the electrical con- to obtain atomically thin phosphorene sheets util-
duction of phosphorene. Under the application of izing simple top-down exfoliation techniques. On
suitable uniaxial/biaxial strain on phosphorene, the the contrary, the bottom-up methods such as wet
anisotropy of effective mass of the electrons and chemical synthesis and chemical vapor deposition
their mobility can be rotated to 90◦ as described (CVD), etc, result in the direct growth of materials via
in figures 5(a) and (b). Also, the effective mass of chemical reactions.
electrons in the zigzag direction decreases signific-
antly and abruptly increases in the armchair direc- 3.1. Top-down routes
tion, notifying that the zigzag direction offers favor- The top-down route for nanomaterials synthesis
able electron transport in this case. However, the involves breaking bulk material into nanoscale struc-
anisotropy of the effective mass of holes remains tures or particles. It follows an inherently straight-
unchanged for any applied stress or strain. The angle- forward mechanism of removal or division of bulk
resolved DC conductivity measurements on phos- material to their respective nanometer-sized atomic
phorene nanosheets are presented in figure 5(c). The configuration. However, the top-down route offers a
results very nicely demonstrate the direction depend- facile preparation process for the phosphorene and
ence of electrical conductivity/mobility in the phos- other 2D materials but lacks precise control on the
phorene layer. Further, the ratio of charge mobility in lateral dimension and layer number in the obtained
two different directions has been observed to be 1.5 structures/thin films. Inspired from the mechanical
[100]. The phosphorene’s highly anisotropic charge exfoliation of graphite to graphene sheets, a similar
transport features imply a big room for further under- sticky-tape microcleavage analogy has been employed
standing and development of practical applications on BP crystal to obtain mono/few-layer nanosheets of
where the anisotropic charge transport is desired. BP. It has been established from the quantum chem-
ical simulations that the energy for BP exfoliation is
3. Synthesis routes and challenges approximately 151 meV atom−1 [108]. This amount
of exfoliation energy infers that BP can be peeled off
Generally, the synthesis of atomically thin 2D nan- to its mono/few-layer nanostructures via the applic-
omaterials can broadly be divided into two meth- ation of different driving forces. For the first time in
ods, namely the ‘top-down method’ and the ‘bottom- 2014, Liu et al [33] demonstrated the exfoliation of BP
up method’. It has been well established that 2D crystal via mechanical cleavage and obtained atom-
layered materials are bonded by weak interplanar ically thin mono/few-layer phosphorene over SiO2 /Si
van der Waals force and strong in-plane covalent substrate. At the same time, Zhang et al [34] reported
bonding. For example, graphite is a distinguished the mechanical exfoliation of BP down to 10 nm using
class of materials composed of weakly stacked planer sticky-tape method. The mechanical cleavage tech-
graphene sheets [107]. Analogous to graphite, BP nique has produced high-quality 2D phosphorene

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 6. Schematic growth of phosphorene sheet via metal-assisted exfoliation. Reproduced from [112] with permission from
the Royal Society of Chemistry.

sheets, but the yield was poor. Also, the contamina- mechanical cleavage has been proven to be an effect-
tion in the form of adhesive residue over the phos- ive method to get mono/few layers of phosphorene
phorene surface hinders its practical application. Fur- with larger domain size, the degradation of mechan-
ther, the shape, size, and thickness of the resulting 2D ically cleaved phosphorene under an ambient envir-
nanosheets could not be controlled via the mechan- onment is a severe drawback. Despite these restric-
ical cleavage method. Since the most important and tions, considerable efforts have been made to prepare
peculiar features of 2D phosphorene depend on the phosphorene via mechanical exfoliation to explore
layer thickness, the focus has been shifted to alternat- the possible applications and study the degradation
ive ways that can produce high-quality phosphorene mechanism [100, 113–121].
sheets with control over the layer thickness. Liquid exfoliation is another versatile technique
In this quest, Gomez et al [109, 110] modified that is being extensively used to produce atomically
the traditional exfoliation technique using an inter- thin 2D nanosheets of layered materials [122, 123].
mediate viscoelastic polydimethylsiloxane surface to In this technique, the final materials are produced
peel off the phosphorene layer from the bulk BP crys- in liquid dispersions with a large amount of 2D
tal. This technique significantly increased the pro- nanosheets. The liquid phase exfoliation is an inter-
duction yield of the phosphorene sheet, and the esting method for 2D materials flake exfoliation
obtained layers were free from chemical contamina- and is compatible with the requirement of indus-
tion of adhesive traces. Lu et al [111] introduced the trial production. In liquid exfoliation, ultrasound
combination of traditional mechanical cleavage fol- waves create microscopic bubbles in the liquid, and
lowed by the Ar+ plasma thinning process and could the average size of bubbles can be optimized with
achieve stable phosphorene sheets ranging from 1 to the ultrasound waves’ frequency and power. These
5 layers. Furthermore, Gaun et al [112] reported a microscopic bubbles contract at a high-pressure cycle,
metal-assisted mechanical cleavage method to peel expand at low pressure, and further explode violently
off phosphorene sheets. In their work, the authors during the pressure change, leading to the cavitation
used a few nm metals (Au/Ag) deposited substrates effect [122]. The cavitation effect instantaneously
(SiO2 /Si) and pasted a blue tape with BP onto the generates a very high pressure of more than 100 MPa
substrate, followed by heating. After that, the blue within a hotspot. The continuous explosion of these
tape was torn off from the substrate, followed by microscopic bubbles near the surface of 2D materi-
metal layer etching. The schematics of metal-assisted als exerts shear force by forming microjets that punch
mechanical cleavage method are presented in figure 6. on the surface. The sheer force and microjet punch-
This technique could produce phosphorene layers ing on the surface of 2D materials weakens the van
with a grain size of more than 50 µm. Although der Waals force and promotes the separation of layers,

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 7. (a) Schematics of liquid exfoliation of BP into phosphorene nanosheets in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) assisted by
NaOH and corresponding AFM image of obtained nanosheets. [124]. John Wiley & Sons. Copyright (2015) WILEY-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (b) Liquid exfoliation of BP in ionic liquid and corresponding AFM image of obtained
nanosheets. Reprinted with permission from [125]. Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society. (c) Schematics of solvothermal
assisted liquid exfoliation of BP in acetonitrile and corresponding AFM image of obtained nanosheets. Reprinted from [126],
Copyright (2018) The Chinese Ceramic Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.

causing the exfoliation of material to mono or few lay- in the suspensions. Also, the obtained phosphorene
ers. The liquid exfoliation technique provides several sheets were resistant to degradation and demon-
advantages, such as the possibility of thin-film forma- strated remarkable electrical properties compared to
tion over any substrate from rigid to flexible, produc- mechanically exfoliated BP. Hanlon et al [129] exfoli-
tion of composite/hybrid materials, and feasibility of ated BP in N-cyclohexyl-2-pyrrolidone and obtained
the roll-to-roll fabrication process. In general, liquid high-grade few-layer phosphorene with control over
exfoliation is based on ion exchange/intercalation or size distribution and enhanced photoluminescence.
surface passivation by the solvent molecules and pro- The phosphorene sheets thus obtained were enclosed
duces a very high yield of 2D nanosheets with a with a solvation shell which avoided corrosion caused
straightforward and cost-effective approach. by oxygen or moisture. Guo et al [124] introduced
Brent et al [127] were the first to report the liquid the NMP/NaOH mixture as an excellent solvent and
exfoliation of BP down to three-to-five-layer phos- obtained a high phosphorene dispersion yield down
phorene with a lateral size of 200 nm via bath ultra- to ∼5 layers, as shown in figure 7(a). The phos-
sonication of BP in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) phorene nanosheets thus obtained were stable even
for 24 h. It has been observed that BP can be effi- in water.
ciently exfoliated into mono/bilayer phosphorene by Besides liquid solvents, Zhao et al [125] used
prolonged ultrasonication (up to 48 h); however, it the ionic liquid to prepare a highly concentrated
significantly reduces the lateral flake size to 20 nm. and stable dispersion of phosphorene. Figure 7(b)
Yasaei et al [128] reported the exfoliation of BP demonstrates the schematics of BP exfoliation in
in dimethyl sulfoxide and dimethylformamide. The ionic liquid. The exfoliation of BP in ionic liquid
inert and polar nature of the solvents produced resulted in phosphorene layer thickness down to
highly dispersed atomically thin phosphorene sheets 3.58 nm, as evident from the atomic force microscopy

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

(AFM) image (figure 7(b)). The prepared phos- charge carriers and showed high photostability. Tian
phorene dispersion was stable under the ambient con- et al proposed another facile approach for syn-
ditions for almost 30 d without any noticeable aggreg- thesizing few-layer phosphorene nanosheets via wet
ation or sedimentation. The solvothermal-assisted chemical method using WP and ethylenediamine
liquid-phase exfoliation in the presence of acetonitrile [149, 150]. These wet-chemical methods of produ-
was proposed by Yan et al [126] to obtain very thin cing phosphorene exhibit the potential for scalable
(∼2 nm) phosphorene sheets (figure 7(c)) with a lat- production with multiple perspectives such as uni-
eral size of more than 10 µm. In this method, bulk form size, controllable thickness, and high through-
BP and acetonitrile were mixed in an autoclave and put, which is essential for successful application.
subjected to heating at 200 ◦ C for 24 h. The obtained Besides wet-chemical routes for the bottom-up
product was subjected to ultrasonication followed by synthesis of 2D materials, CVD offered a grand prom-
centrifugation to get the phosphorene layers. Very ise in the high-quality, large-scale production of
recently, Watts et al [130] reported the formation monolayer graphene, TMDs, and other elemental 2D
of phosphorene nanoribbons via Li-ion intercalation materials. The challenges such as the lack of adequate
followed by ultrasonication in NMP. The dimen- substrate and precursors restrict the large-scale CVD
sion of obtained ribbons was 690 nm in length and growth of phosphorene. However, a few approaches,
30 nm in width. Many other researchers have synthes- which are almost identical to CVD, should be dis-
ized stable phosphorene dispersion following liquid cussed in order to improve the synthesis methods and
phase exfoliation [131–144]. The liquid phase exfo- the quality of phosphorene. Li et al [153] were the first
liation technique provides a facile and environment- to propose the CVD-like synthesis of BP thin film on
ally friendly way to obtain mono to few-layer phos- a flexible substrate. They started with RP powder and
phorene, which is desired to study the fundamental deposited it on a flexible substrate at 400 ◦ C using
properties and practical applications of this novel thermal evaporation. After growth, it was subjected
material. to a multi-anvil cell at a pressure of 10 GPa to con-
vert the RP into BP. Thus obtained BP film was found
3.2. Bottom-up routes to have a thickness of 40 nm. Further, Smith et al
The bottom-up route is traditional to produce ultra- [154] synthesized few-layer phosphorene with an area
thin sheets of 2D materials via chemical reactions. ranging from 0.35 to 100 µm2 . In the typical pro-
In general, the wet chemical self-assembly methods cess, the RP was first deposited on SiO2 /Si substrate
and CVD method are the most reliable bottom-up at 600 ◦ C via thermal evaporation in a tube furnace
techniques for the large-scale synthesis of nanoma- under vacuum conditions. After the growth of homo-
terials [145, 146]. The bottom-up method involves genous RP thin film, it was placed in a centrifuge tube
the synthesis of nanostructures by stacking atoms or with Sn and SnI4 mineralizing agents, and then the
molecules onto each other, which forms nanoclusters whole system was placed in a pressure vessel reactor
of atoms or molecules on the substrate. Further, these filled with argon (27.2 atm) followed by heating at
nanoclusters stack on each other, resulting in a uni- 900 ◦ C. Very recently, Xu et al [151] reported growth
form thin film on the substrate. Also, the bottom-up of highly crystalline few-layer phosphorene on Au
method offers very precise control on the thickness coated SiO2 /Si substrate. The key idea was to use the
and lateral size of the resulting thin film or nanostruc- intermediate polyphosphate species (Au3 SnP7 ) as a
tures. Although wet chemical methods such as sol- nucleating layer for further growth of phosphorene. It
vothermal, hydrothermal, and template-assisted self- is evident from figure 8(a) that this method demon-
assembly/growth have resulted in mass production of strated excellent scalability over the lateral size (a
graphene, TMDs, and other 2D materials, the pres- few microns to sub-millimeters) and precise control
ence of high pressure, moisture, and oxygen in these over the thickness (few nm to hundreds of nm) of
methods imposes severe limitations on the growth of produced nanosheets.
phosphorene. However, the oxygen-free environment In the scenario of a bottom-up approach, other
such as boiling water and or organic solvents may lead methods like molecular beam epitaxy and pulsed
to the successful synthesis of phosphorene with these laser deposition have also been employed to grow
methods. In this approach, Zhang et al [147] success- phosphorene nanosheets [155]. Wu et al [152] fab-
fully synthesized phosphorene composite nanosheets ricated ultra-thin phosphorene sheets on mica sub-
via wet chemical synthesis using RP as starting pre- strate via pulsed laser deposition. They started with
cursor. The lateral dimension of obtained nanosheets bulk BP crystal as the source materials and freshly
was around 1.0 µm with thickness ranging from 0.5 exfoliated mica wafer as substrate and obtained
to 4 nm. Zhao et al [148] further modified this tech- centimeter-scale few-layer phosphorene under ultra-
nique by adding ammonium fluoride to the precursor high vacuum conditions (see figure 8(b)). Also, it has
mixture, followed by heating at 200 ◦ C for 16 h in been observed that the layer number in the result-
an autoclave. This synthesis protocol resulted in the ant films can be precisely controlled by varying the
formation of bilayer phosphorene sheets that were number of laser pulses during the growth process.
capable of efficiently separating the photoinduced These sequential studies on the bottom-up approach

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 8. (a) (i) Schematic view of controlled growth of few-layer phosphorene nanosheets on Au coated SiO2 /Si substrate.
((ii)–(v)) The optical (top) and corresponding AFM (bottom) images of phosphorene nanosheets with their lateral size (several
microns to few millimeters) and thickness (few nm to hundred’s of nm) under controlled growth conditions. Reproduced from
[151]. CC BY 4.0. (b) (i) Schematics of controlled growth of phosphorene via pulsed laser deposition technique. AFM images of
(ii) monolayer phosphorene (iii) bilayer phosphorene. Reproduced from [152], with permission from Springer Nature.

of phosphorene synthesis pave the way to develop BP- redox probe anthraquinone. To obtain protective cap-
based wafer-scale devices with potential applications. ping over phosphorene nanosheets, it was redispersed
with anthraquinone in methanol. The coating of
anthraquinone over phosphorene not only prevents
4. Functionalization and stability it from degradation but also provides enhanced elec-
troactive functionality. Liang et al [162] applied hexa-
In general, 2D materials are functionalized to tune the methylenediamine self-assembled monolayer coating
physical and chemical properties that match a partic- over phosphorene, maintaining its elemental form
ular application’s desired features. For phosphorene, in the solution for more than 1 month. Further, an
functionalization is required to prevent the degrada- effortless and straightforward non-covalent encapsu-
tion caused by moisture, oxygen, and light. The lone lation technique of phosphorene using helical poly-
pair of electrons in phosphorene reacts with atmo- mers was proposed by Kumar et al [163]. This pas-
spheric oxygen forming Px Oy , and the exposure of sivation method is of particular importance since it
light increases the rate of this reaction [156, 157]. preserves the inherent intrinsic properties of phos-
The degradation mechanism of phosphorene is not phorene. The functionalization of phosphorene with
yet well understood and is currently being systemat- organoboron derivatives of a conjugated fluores-
ically investigated. Many functionalization methods cent molecule (pyrene) resulted in tremendous sta-
are presently being used to enhance the stability of bility for more than 6 months with the electronic
phosphorene. The strategies such as encapsulation, structure modification at phosphorene/conjugated
passivation using non-covalent interaction, forma- organic molecule through non-covalent stabilizing
tion of heterostructure with other 2D materials, and interactions mediated by boron atoms [164].
introduction of a thin oxidized protecting layer are The functionalization of phosphorene with metal
essential in stabilizing phosphorene thin films [158]. nanoparticles (NPs) resulted in exotic properties and
Diverse results are obtained based on the interaction has shown various potential applications in electronic
between phosphorene and the protective layer, for devices, catalysis, and the biomedical field. Several
example, covalent or non-covalent. Such as, the cova- research groups functionalized the phosphorene sur-
lent type of interaction between phosphorene and the face with Au NPs and documented enhanced per-
protective layer could alter the intrinsic properties, formance for optoelectronic devices, photocatalysis,
whereas the non-covalent type of interaction provides and cancer/tumor therapy [165–168]. The loading
an advantage of preventing fundamental properties. of Pt NPs on phosphorene nanosheets demonstrated
The functionalization of phosphorene is particularly excellent hydrogen sensing and attractive applicabil-
appealing in view of synthesizing heterojunctions for ity in photodynamic anticancer therapy [169–173].
optoelectronic, photonic, chemical sensing, and bat- The impact of functionalization of phosphorene with
tery applications [159, 160]. metal NPs in the sensing and biomedical field has
Gusmao et al [161] demonstrated the function- been thoroughly discussed in the application section
alization of exfoliated phosphorene nanosheets using of this review.

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

5. Applications Xu et al [151] recently realized a few-layer

phosphorene-based FETs via a gas-phase growth
Although research on phosphorene began in 2014, approach having layer thickness ∼5–10 nm. The fab-
this novel 2D material has achieved promising suc- ricated FET devices demonstrated Hall and field-
cess. The synthesis techniques available in the present effect mobility over 1400 and 1000 cm2 V−1 s−1
and excellent properties of phosphorene demon- at room temperature, respectively, as depicted in
strated potential applications in several fields of mod- figures 9(e) and (f). The array of 25 FETs on a
ern technology. In this section, various device applic- 5 nm thin centimeter-scale phosphorene layer has
ations of phosphorene, such as transistors, sensors, been fabricated by Wu et al [152]. The fabricated
and photodetectors, have been demonstrated. In devices yielded field-effect mobility up to 213 and
addition to electronic and optoelectronic applica- 617 cm2 V−1 s−1 at 295 K and 250 K (figures 9(g)
tions, the importance of phosphorene has also been and (h)). The performance of some of the pioneer-
shown in drug delivery and biomedical applications. ing studies on BP based FETs have been summar-
Also, the time-to-time advancement that has been ized in table 2. These interesting reports pave the
made to further improve phosphorene technology way for further development of wafer-scale few-layers
is discussed. phosphorene-based devices with broad applications
in versatile (opto)electronic devices and atomically
5.1. Electronic devices thin integrated circuits for the information industry.
As an application to electronic devices, few-layer Besides the quality and thickness of the semicon-
phosphorene was first used as a channel material ductor thin film, the contact resistance also substan-
in FETs by Li et al [33]. In this work, a mech- tially affects the performance of electronic devices. In
anically exfoliated phosphorene sheet of thickness particular, the high contact resistance due to Schottky
below 10 nm was used to fabricate FETs, which barrier formation and contamination at the metal/BP
demonstrated an ON/OFF ratio as high as 105 interface imposes severe limitations on the imple-
with mobility 1000 cm2 V−1 s−1 at room temperat- mentation of BP based devices for applications. The
ure (figure 9(a)). After the first successful demon- contact resistance has a more pronounced effect on
stration of few-layer phosphorene in FETs, many short-channel devices because the contact resistance
research groups started to explore the device applic- is more influential than the channel resistance, lead-
ations of this novel material [33, 100, 109, 120, 121]. ing the device performance to be limited by the
Although few-layer phosphorene has proven itself as contact resistance. Also, the different contact metals
a high-performing semiconductor material in FETs, demonstrate very different behavior of BP based FET
its devices exhibit significant fluctuations in current devices, such as tuning the carrier type from n-type to
due to the trapping/detrapping of charge carriers at p-type or vice versa [175]. Du et al [176] presented an
the interface. Na et al [174] applied a very thin Al2 O3 intensive study on metal/BP interface from the device
layer over the fabricated few-layer phosphorene FET perspective using high work function metals Ni and
devices to rectify this issue. The transport charac- Pd on BP based FETs. For the demonstration of the
teristics of both bare and passivated few-layer phos- contact resistance effect, several devices with channel
phorene FETs were studied using static and low- length scaling down from 3 µm to 100 nm have been
frequency noise analyses. The results demonstrated fabricated on the same BP flake (thickness 18.7 nm) as
that after passivation with Al2 O3 , the noise level of the demonstrated in figure 10(a). Although FET devices
drain current was drastically decreased over the whole fabricated using both Ni and Pd as source/drain elec-
operating region, as depicted in figures 9(b) and (c). trodes demonstrate Schottky behavior at BP/metal
Apart from reducing noise levels and current fluc- interface. FET devices with Pd as source/drain elec-
tuations, the Al2 O3 passivation layer also improves trodes exhibited lower contact resistance than Ni con-
the device’s stability against atmospheric degrada- tacts. Figure 10(b) exhibits the dependence of con-
tion. To establish this fact and understand the rela- tact resistance with respect to back gate voltage for
tionship between few-layer phosphorene and Al2 O3 , both Ni and Pd contacts. It has also been observed
Wood et al [120] studied the performance of few-layer that the characteristics of FET devices could be altered
phosphorene FETs with and without AlOx passivation from intrinsic p-type to n-type behavior by proper
layer concerning aging time. It has been observed that modulation of the channel length and bias. Perello
bare few-layer phosphorene FETs show a significant et al [177] demonstrated the transport behavior of
increase in threshold voltage followed by a 103 times FETs fabricated on BP flakes ranging from 3 to 13 nm.
decrease in ON/OFF ratio within 6 h after atmo- The effect of contact metal engineering on the BP
spheric exposure and the carrier mobility goes down devices has been described using low work function
to 10−2 cm2 V−1 s−1 within 50 h (figure 9(d)). How- metal Al and high work function metal Pd. The thin-
ever, the FETs encapsulated with AlOx layer are found ner BP flake (∼3.5 nm) shows unipolar n-type beha-
to maintain their performance for up to 2 weeks with vior due to Schottky junction formation and large
mobility approaching 100 cm2 V−1 s−1 . contact resistance at Al/BP. However, the thicker BP

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 9. (a) The transfer characteristics of a 5 nm thin phosphorene FET device with channel length and width equal to 1.6 and
4.8 µm, respectively. The inset shows optical image of a multi-terminal phosphorene device. Reproduced from [34], with
permission from Springer Nature. (b) Transfer characteristics of the few-layer phosphorene FET encapsulated with Al2 O3 layer.
(c) The mean normalized drain spectral density represents the effect of Al2 O3 passivation on noise reduction as a function of the
drain current. Reprinted with permission from [174]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society. (d) The variation in charge
carrier mobility in encapsulated and unencapsulated phosphorene FETs with respect to the ambient exposure time. Reprinted
with permission from [120]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society. (e) Variation of field-effect carrier mobility and
current ON/OFF ratio of the fabricated phosphorene FETs with temperature. (f) Variation of Hall mobility and carrier
concentration of 8 nm thin BP film with respect to temperature. Inset shows AFM image of Hall-bar device. Reproduced from
[151]. CC BY 4.0. (g) Variation of field-effect mobility and ON/OFF ratio resulting of different FET devices as a function of film
thickness. (h) Three-dimensional mapping of carrier mobility at 250 K obtained from device array having 25 FETs fabricated on
same 5 nm phosphorene layer. The bottom shows the optical image of the fabricated device array on 1 × 1 cm2 . Reproduced from
[152], with permission from Springer Nature.

Table 2. The summary of BP based FETs, including active layer thickness, performance parameters, and operating temperature.

Mobility Operating
Active layer/thickness (nm) (cm2 V−1 s−1 ) ON/OFF ratio temperature References

BP/10 984 105 RT [34]

BP/10 286 104 RT [33]
BP/5 205 105 RT [100]
BP/8 1200 105 RT [151]
1250 108 10 K
BP/5 213 103 295 K [152]
617 103 250 K
BP/3 BP/13 275 105 RT [177]
630 107 80 K
950 104 RT
BP/18.7 170 102 RT [174]
BP/8.5 400 103 RT [186]
BP/6.7 227 104 RT [179]
BP/15 310 104 RT [187]

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 10. (a) Schematic view of device configuration with Ni and Pd contacts. (b) The variation of contact resistance for both Ni
and Pd contacts metals under various gate biases. Reprinted with permission from [176]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical
Society. (c) The variation of total device resistance with respect to channel length under different hydrogen concentrations.
(d) The variation of contact resistance with respect to hydrogen concentration. Reprinted with permission from [178]. Copyright
(2017) American Chemical Society.

flake (∼13 nm) demonstrates graphene-like ambi- reports have also described the lowering of contact
polar transport with mobility up to 950 cm2 V−1 s−1 resistance either by contact doping or thermal anneal-
at 300 K. On the other hand, high work function ing [180–182]. These reports illustrate the import-
metal Pd behaves as the same as in previous reports, ance of selecting the right metal electrode and pro-
i.e. p-type behavior for thick flakes and symmetric cessing analogy to understand the potential aspect of
ambipolar transport for thin flakes with reduced con- BP in high-performance FETs.
tact resistance. Further, Ma et al [178] reported the Although, few-layer phosphorene demonstrates
ultralow contact resistance at the Pd/BP interface by commendable results in terms of carrier mobility
exposing the contacts to hydrogen mixed argon. In the ∼1000 cm2 V−1 s−1 at room temperature for micro
report, it has been argued that the hydrogen exposure and macro-scale devices but still lower than that in
of Pd contacts forms Pd–H alloy, which significantly bulk BP, where the mobility approaches 15 000 and
increases Pd’s work function and reduces the Schottky 50 000 cm2 V−1 s−1 , respectively, for electrons and
barrier height at the Pd–H/BP interface. Figures 10(c) holes at low temperatures [33, 34, 60, 177]. How-
and (d) demonstrates the lowering of contact resist- ever, the monolayer phosphorene demonstrated
ance by increasing the hydrogen exposure concentra- very disappointing results. Cao et al [183] studied
tion. This strategy has reduced the contact resistance the transport properties of BP ranging from 20 lay-
from ∼7.10 to ∼1.05 Ω mm for 5% hydrogen expos- ers to monolayer and reported the room temper-
ure. Chang et al [179] described the lowering of con- ature hole mobility ∼1200, 80, and 1 cm2 V−1 s−1 ,
tact resistance down to 0.365 kΩ µm for germanium respectively for tri layers, bilayers, and mono-
doped metallic contacts. In the typical procedure, layer. Using numerical simulations, Rudenko et al
Ge/Au contacts (10/60 nm) were evaporated on a [184] reported an upper limit of carrier mobil-
few layers BP followed by rapid thermal annealing to ity in monolayer phosphorene. The simulation
250 ◦ C. The rapid annealing resulted in the forma- was based on single- and two-phonon charge car-
tion of PGex alloy, which converted the Schottky con- rier scattering and resulted in the maximum elec-
tact at the metal/BP interface to the Ohmic. Other tron/hole mobility ∼700/250 cm2 V−1 s−1 . Further,

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Gaddemane et al [185] studied the transport prop- junction-FETs with ZnO-wire/phosphorene het-
erties of monolayer phosphorene using Monte Carlo erojunction as the channel and demonstrated an
and density functional theory (DFT) and reported ON/OFF ratio as high as 104 . Following the great
the mobility only up to 30 cm2 V−1 s−1 . promise of ZnO-wire/phosphorene heterojunction
The issue of low mobility in very thin or mono- in nanoelectronics, FET devices based on hetero-
layer phosphorene may be resolved using ultra-small structures of phosphorene and other semiconductors
device geometry, i.e. reducing the channel length to would be of significant potential. In addition,
nanometric scale, which can enable ballistic quantum van der Waals heterojunctions of 2D atomic crys-
transport. Miao et al [188] fabricated a few layers tals have drawn enormous interest because of
BP based FETs with channel length 20 nm, and the their excellent properties and potential electronic
device exhibited an ON-state current of 174 µA µm−1 applications. In the same order, Li et al [117]
at V d 100 mV. Other studies with short channel designed phosphorene/h-BN/MoS2 heterojunction
length BP nano devices demonstrated similar res- and demonstrated the floating-gate-based FET device
ults, i.e. a fair on state current up to 300 µA µm−1 with an appreciable program/erase ratio with tolerant
[176, 186]. Li et al [189] simulated the device per- performance. Also, the complementary metal oxide
formance limit of the monolayer BP tunneling FETs semiconductor (CMOS) inverter based on 2D BP
at 5 nm scale using ab initio quantum transport has been realized by constructing heterostructures
calculations and predicted a high ON-state current with other 2D materials like graphene and MoS2
∼1113 µA µm−1 with a subthreshold swing around [33, 196, 197]. Another breakthrough study came
101 mV dec−1 . The comprehensive theoretical invest- with selective deposition of copper on phosphorene
igation of ballistic quantum transport in monolayer flakes to generate the n-type channel, which enabled
BP based FETs devices demonstrates higher cur- the realization of a complementary inverter entirely
rent density and faster switching speed than con- based on few-layer phosphorene [198].
ventional 2D TMDs based devices [190, 191]. In a In addition, few-layer phosphorene FETs demon-
recent report, a record-high drive current of ∼1.2 strate intriguing features such as the velocity modu-
and 1.6 mA µm−1 has been achieved in BP tran- lation effect [199], Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations,
sistors with 100 nm channel length at room tem- etc [200–204]. Also, few-layer phosphorene can be
perature and 20 K, respectively [192]. The highest used in flexible and wearable electronics due to
hole saturation velocity at room temperature was its unique mechanical properties, such as excellent
found to be 1.5 × 107 cm s−1 . The ballistic trans- flexibility. The flexible ambipolar transistors of BP
port properties of this device have demonstrated a with amplitude modulation and demodulation have
record-high 36% and 79% ballistic efficiency at room been reported by Zhu et al [187]. The encapsu-
temperature and 20 K, respectively. Yin et al [193] lated BP-based ambipolar FETs on flexible polyim-
used atomistic quantum transport simulations and ide substrate exhibited maximum carrier mobility
the small-signal circuit model to optimize the fre- ∼310 cm2 V−1 s−1 with modulation exceeding three
quency limit of BP based FETs. The self-consistent orders of magnitude. The obtained carrier mobil-
non-equilibrium Green’s function simulation estab- ity is much higher than other TMDs and flexible
lished that BP based FETs demonstrate saturation organic transistors.
behavior with an increase in drain voltage, in con-
trast to graphene FET, which results in >10 THz fre- 5.2. Optoelectronic devices
quencies for intrinsic f T and f max . Also, the contact The layer thickness-dependent direct electronic
resistance, parasitic capacitance, and channel length bandgap makes phosphorene a promising material
significantly affect both f T and f max . The simulation for nanophotonic and optoelectronic applications as
results suggested that with precise engineering of FET well [100, 205–207]. Phosphorene fills the gap left by
architecture parameters and contact resistance, BP other 2D materials such as graphene and TMDs as
based FETs may approach near THz frequency range well as the electronic band structure of phosphorene
(f T = 900 GHz; f max = 1.2 THz). However, the BP can be changed through local mechanical geometry
based high-frequency FETs are still in infancy state modification for a more comprehensive spectral cov-
and, so far, experimentally demonstrate the frequency erage [208–211]. Due to its attractive properties,
response only up to f T = 17.5 GHz; f max = 14.5 GHz BP and phosphorene have been utilized as a versed
for a short channel length of 250 nm [194]. Also, material in many optoelectronic devices. The tunable
few-layer phosphorene FETs demonstrated the giga- bandgap with optical anisotropy and substantial car-
hertz frequency operation with a cut-off frequency rier mobility allows few-layer BP and or phosphorene
of 12 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency of to be suitable for light sensing and optical imaging.
20 GHz [186]. Buscema et al [43] demonstrated the photo-
Two-dimensional layered heterostructure-based detection behavior of phosphorene FETs from the
materials have played a crucial role in a vari- visible region of the spectrum to 940 nm with
ety of nanoelectronics devices because of their a rise time of about 1 ms. They could achieve
multifunctional properties. Jeon et al [195] fabricated a maximum photoresponsivity of 4.8 mA W−1

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Table 3. The summary of photodetectors realized on BP and its heterostructures including active layer thickness, performance
parameters, and operating wavelength.

Operating Specific detectivity

Active layer (thickness) wavelength (nm) Responsivity (A W−1 ) (Jones) References

BP (8 nm) 640 4.8 × 10−3 103 [43]

BP/MoS2 (22/0.65 nm) 633 0.418 — [196]
BP/ReS2 (5/12 nm) 532 8 — [49]
BP (5 nm) 405 9 × 104 1013 [206]
BP (12 nm) 532 82 — [211]
BP (7 nm) 830 0.018 — [212]
MoS2 /BP/WSe2 532 6.32 1.25 × 1011 [226]
(34/40/43 nm) 1550 1.12 2.21 × 1010
BP (8 nm) 633 4.3 × 106 — [227]
BP/MoS2 (10/4.8 nm) 532 0.17 — [228]
BP/MoS2 (22/12 nm) 532 22.3 3.1 × 1011 [229]
1550 153.4 2.13 × 109

for 640 nm illumination. Wu et al [206] repor- employed in multilayer excitonic solar cells. The
ted few-layer phosphorene phototransistors having application of liquid exfoliated phosphorene sheets
extremely high photoresponsivity (∼9 × 104 A W−1 ) in single-walled carbon nanotube/Si heterojunction
at a source-drain voltage of 3 V in the ultravi- excitonic solar cells has drastically improved the
olet spectral region. Another few-layer phosphorene- power conversion efficiency (9.37%) by enhancing
based phototransistor operating in the mid-infrared the rate of exciton formation and charge carrier sep-
range with a responsivity of 82 A W−1 was repor- aration [224]. Recently, Wang et al [225] reported the
ted by Guo et al [211]. The noise measurements role of BP on the photostability of methyl ammonium
showed that this phototransistor could sense mid- lead iodide (MAPbI3 ) perovskite solar cells. The
infrared radiation even in the pico-watt range. Fur- MAPbI3 /BP solar cells retained 94% of their initial
ther, single-pixel phosphorene photodetectors have performance up to 1000 h of continuous illumina-
also been fabricated for near-infrared imaging [212]. tion under the N2 atmosphere. Also, BP inhibited the
Engel et al [213] developed multispectral high- defect formation caused by Pb and slowed down the
resolution imaging devices using few-layer phos- charge recombination rate. These few reports of phos-
phorene. This device was able to produce diffraction- phorene/BP related to photovoltaics suggest its signi-
limited optical images with submicron resolution. ficance for further improvement to get even higher
An exciting application of few-layer phosphorene has performance with a broadband response.
been observed in waveguide-integrated gate-tunable
photodetectors with a telecom band’s response band- 5.3. Sensors
width of more than 3 GHz [214]. Due to the aniso- Due to the large surface to bulk ratio, the 2D mater-
tropic properties of few-layer phosphorene, it has ials have been intensively investigated for gas sens-
been successfully exploited in polarization-sensitive ing applications. Compared to other competitors like
photodetection as vertical p–n junction assembly and graphene and MoS2 , phosphorene is enriched by its
heterostructure with other conventional 2D semicon- high carrier mobility, direct bandgap, and lone elec-
ductors [215–218]. The performance of photodetect- tron pair, which pave the way for efficient sensing
ors based on BP and its heterostructures with other properties. In theoretical reports, it has been estab-
2D materials has been presented in table 3. lished that phosphorene has a very high tendency to
Phosphorene can be employed as an efficient bind with NO and NO2 molecules, making it suitable
material in solar cells due to its broadband light- for sensing these highly toxic gases [230]. In general,
absorbing properties. In particular, it has been used the gases cause molecular doping on the phosphorene
with other semiconductor materials in van der Waals surface mediated by the charge transfer interaction
heterostructure configuration to fabricate hetero- between the guest molecule and phosphorene surface,
junction excitonic solar cells [216–221]. However, which leads to a measurable resistance change in the
interfacial band alignment is difficult to achieve phosphorene film.
when phosphorene is used in solar cells, although Abbas et al [231] reported the chemical sens-
few interesting reports are available on the hetero- ing of NO2 using a multilayer BP FET device as
structures of phosphorene with MoS2 and GaAs for a sensor. The fabricated sensing device exhibited
solar cells [220, 221]. Theoretically, the monolayer increased conduction upon NO2 exposure and clas-
phosphorene/TiO2 heterostructure showed excellent sic sensitivity for NO2 detection down to 5 ppb.
photovoltaic properties leading to good power con- Cui et al [170] developed a FET sensor device
version efficiency at the device scale [222, 223]. In using phosphorene nanosheets of thickness 4.8 nm
some reports, few-layer phosphorene has also been (figure 11(a)). The sensor demonstrated an ultrahigh

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

Figure 11. (a) AFM images of phosphorene nanosheet sensor device. (b) The response curves of relative conductance change
versus time for NO2 sensing from 20 to 1000 ppb under drain-source voltage of 0.6 V. The dashed blue line represents the
‘ON/OFF’ cycle of NO2 gas. Reproduced from [170]. CC BY 4.0. (c) The sensing response of humidity sensor under multiple
exposures of water vapor. The blue curve represents the sensing response from the prepared device, and the red curve represents
the sensing response of the same device after 3 months of exposure to ambient conditions. (d) The drift behavior of the sensor
under prolonged exposure to 35% and 83% relative humidity (RH) at 25 ◦ C. Reprinted with permission from [233]. Copyright
(2015) American Chemical Society. (e) The sensing performance of pristine and Pt-functionalized BP for different gases
(1000 ppm toluene, hexane, ethanol, acetaldehyde, 1% H2 , and 100 ppm of NO2 ). (f) The response of Pt-functionalized BP and
pristine BP for various concentrations H2 gas. Reprinted with permission from [171]. Copyright (2017) American Chemical

Table 4. Gas sensing performance (NO2 gas) of BP based chemical sensors.

Active layer temperature (nm) Sensitivity (%) Response time (s) Recovery time (s) References

BP/NO2 RT — 280–350 840 [231]

BP/NO2 RT 190 — — [171]
BP/NO2 RT 95 200 — [232]
BP/NO2 RT 60 — 200 [238]
BP–In2 O3 /NO2 25 — 130 290 [239]
CuO–BP/NO2 RT 20 4 56 [240]
ZnO–BP/NO2 — — 2 16 [241]

sensitivity of ∼190% at 20 ppb for NO2 under [232]. The sensing parameters of BP based gas sensors
ambient conditions at room temperature, as demon- for NO2 gas have been listed in table 4.
strated in figure 11(b). In a comparative study of sens- Mayorga-Martinez et al [234] studied the vapor
ing properties of 2D materials, BP exhibited superior sensing properties of layered BP and presented an
sensing behavior for NO2 over graphene and MoS2 excellent methanol sensor by using electrochemical

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

impedance spectroscopy as the detection tool. The results in acute lymphoblastic leukemia therapy
device showed the capability of selective detection [251]. Apart from the drug-delivery and antibacterial
of methanol vapor down to 28 ppm. Further, Yasaei activity, phosphorene and its functionalized
et al [233] demonstrated an excellent humidity sensor derivatives revealed promising impressions in
based on BP with stability for as long as 3 months. biosensors [252–255].
Figures 11(c) and (d) presents the humidity sensing
response of the fresh and 3 months old devices. It has
been found that the sensing response of a 3 months 6. Summary and future scope
old device is almost the same as that of a freshly
prepared device. Also, a selective and ultrasensitive The present review comprehensively explored the
response for humid air was observed with a trace-level progress of phosphorene’s synthesis, properties, and
detection capability. The BP has also been explored application in various fields. In summary, it is clear
for hydrogen sensing, as illustrated in figures 11(e) that phosphorene and its derivatives play a signi-
and (f). The efficient hydrogen sensing devices based ficant role in the development of advanced mater-
on BP have been obtained via functionalization of BP. ials due to their excellent optical, electronic, and
with noble metals like Au and Pt [169, 170]. Besides mechanical properties that exhibit great potential in
chemical sensing, phosphorene has also shown out- many applications, including high-speed electronic,
class results in ion sensing and biosensing [235–237]. optoelectronic, sensor devices, and biomedical fields.
These studies open the way for using BP or phos- However, the research on the properties and applica-
phorene films in many potential chemical/biosensing tions of phosphorene is still at a very early stage; many
applications. important unresolved issues remain to be addressed
before successful practical applications of this mater-
5.4. Biomedical applications ial. There is still a need to develop the control on the
Two-dimensional nanomaterials have shown prom- layer number and the lateral size regarding the syn-
ising performance in optical imaging, targeted drug thesis. As an example, mechanical and liquid exfo-
delivery, phototherapy, biosensing, and other bio- liation are attractive methods of synthesizing phos-
medical fields because of their unique properties phorene. Still, the phosphorene sheet produced by
[242–249]. The layer-dependent tunable bandgap of these techniques has drawbacks such as partial glue
phosphorene makes it able to interact with a large retention, small flake size, and structural defects that
region of the electromagnetic spectrum, which may affect the overall device performance.
benefit cancerous cell apoptosis. Furthermore, the The wet-chemical and CVD techniques have
puckered layer structure of phosphorene provides played an essential role in manufacturing other
a suitable surface area that may interact with bio- 2D materials with high quality, but these methods
active molecules, several drugs, metal atoms, and have not yet been effectively used in phosphorene
fluorescent molecules. The non-covalent functional- synthesis. However, synthesizing high-quality phos-
ization of phosphorene with these bioactive materi- phorene by bottom-up routes will open a big room
als or drugs renders several advantages in the med- with several benefits for exploring the fundamental
ical field, such as biomolecule detection, targeted properties, applicability, and further device-scale
drug delivery, cell imaging, and cancer therapy [242]. modifications. Current research on phosphorene
Moreover, compared to other conventional 2D nan- needs a technological breakthrough in bottom-up
omaterials, phosphorene shows smaller cytotoxicity synthesis, which may produce wafer-scale high-
and enhanced biodegradability in the human body. quality monolayer phosphorene sheets. It may start
These versatile properties of phosphorene attracted new directions that have to be investigated for novel
the interest of scientists for its applicability in mul- physical phenomena and device development. Even
tifunctional biomedical applications. though research on phosphorene has just started, it
Sun et al [248] examined few-layer phosphorene is worth mentioning that phosphorene has already
for the antibacterial properties and found excel- been employed in several device applications such as
lent antimicrobial response for Escherichia coli (E. transistors, memory devices, optoelectronic devices,
coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Com- and sensors. After its discovery, phosphorene and its
pared to graphene and MoS2 , few-layer phosphorene derivatives have been successively harnessed in FETs
has shown noticeable antibacterial strength against thanks to their extensive range of desired features,
both E. coli and S. aureus with a killing ratio as high such as tunable bandgap and high mobility. The FETs
as 99.2%. Liu et al [250] functionalized the phos- based on few-layer BP have been realized on rigid
phorene nanosheets with Pt-based anticancer drugs and flexible substrates with excellent performance,
and demonstrated the application in chemo-cancer i.e. mobility up to 1000 cm2 V−1 s−1 and ON/OFF
therapy via self-stabilization of the drug. The phos- ratio of 103 –105 . Therefore, it can be expected that
phorene nanosheets encapsulated with polyethyl- few-layer BP or phosphorene-based FETs may per-
ene glycol exhibited multifunctional drug-delivery form even better by device architecture modifica-
with classic biocompatibility and manifested good tions, interface engineering, etc.

2D Mater. 9 (2022) 032001 V Chaudhary et al

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