Pitch For FMP-Script

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Pitch for FMP:

Intro: Hi My name is Gabrielle, I’m going to pitch the idea of creating my own
trailer for a new film.

My idea: For My Final major project, I’m going to produce a trailer for a
comedy film. Firstly, I will create a list of codes and conventions of trailers and I
will write an analysis of existing products as well. Secondly, I will create a
synopsis for the new trailer for a comedy film. I will then gather my actors that
will act out the scenes for the film and shoot the different cinematography
shots. In addition, I will then edit the scenes in a non- chronological order so
that I compile the trailer together. Finally, I will watch my trailer to make sure
everything is how I want it to be and make changes if necessary.


I have taken inspiration from my favourite films which are: Home Alone 2 Lost
in New York and Toy Story 1. I like how comedy is used throughout both of the
films through the interactions between characters, the comedic timing and
humorous visuals.

Examples of Work:
Some of the examples of work that I am going to use will be from three
different trailers, these trailers include: Matilda, Home Alone and Toy Story 1.
Within these trailers I think there are different examples of ways that comedy
is shown for example: In home alone action comedy is used.
What am I going to Research?:

For my research, I am going to look at what makes an effective trailer for a new
film, Identifying the codes and conventions of existing film and analysing
existing film trailers. When planning my trailer, I will think about my target
audience and who I want to target it too. As well as this I will distribute a
questionnaire about what makes an effective trailer and what sort of things do
my audience want to see in my trailer. Finally, I will use screen grabs of each
question and make them into a pie chart commenting on my results.

My plan is as follows

By the 5th May, I will have completed all the research this includes: using the
internet, questionnaire, codes and conventions, analysis of existing products)

By the 12th May, I will have completed the plan for my trailer.

The next deadline I have is the 17th May, I will have completed the Analysis of
the feedback from the questionnaire and complete the planning.

Week 5 deadline is to be completed by the 22nd of May by then the

production and development of my trailer will be complete.

By the 25th May, I will have finished the post - production and editing of the

My final deadline is the 9th of June, this is where I will have completed all my
evaluations, finished my website and handed in my completed Fmp.

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