Individual Essay Guidelines - 22 - 23 (Tuesday Class)

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Individual Essay (35%)

Students will be required to describe a child or an adolescent who has developmental

challenges and design an intervention plan which is based on the integrated approach
from developmental psychology, educational psychology and special needs, with the
aim of enhancing the child’s or adolescent’s learning and adjustment in class, school
and community. (about 1,100 words)

Guidelines on Essay
1. General background including the strengths, weaknesses and the underlying needs
of the case;

2. Appropriate use of theories, strategies, skills and resources on 3-Tier intervention

model for coping with the problems;

3. Suggestions for intervention made should be realistic and feasible;

4. Depth and insights of personal reflections are demonstrated throughout the whole

5. The issue discussed, and its analysis should be presented in a systematic and well-
organized manner;

6. Attach the IEP in appendix to demonstrate the abilities to integrate the theories,
skills and strategies into practice
%20guide_en.pdf); and

7. Objectives shown in the IEP should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
Submission guidelines:
1. Upload the written assignment onto Moodle via Turnitin.

2. On the front page:

• course title & course code
• student name, student number, and programme title
• name of tutor

3. Submission Deadline: 4 April 2023 23:59

Late Submission:
1. A full grade deduction is enforced for late submission of assignment without prior
notice and approval. Prior approval has to be obtained from the course tutor
( at least 48 hours before the deadline.

2. For late submission over 7 days without prior notice, a Fail (F) grade will be given.

1. Students are responsible to make sure that the submission could be properly
displaced on moodle.

2. Students are allowed to re-submit the assignment before the deadline for similarity
check. In Turnitin report, similarity percentage should be less than 30%.

3. Students are responsible to make sure that the submission is sent to the tutor of
their group via the appropriate link on Moodle.

4. In case of internet traffic jam, please leave enough time to submit the softcopy.

5. Students shall refer to the Student Handbook on

Chapter 8: Academic Honesty and Copyright
Chapter 14: Citation System

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