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David July 2022

1. ISM certification process and latest regulation

2. Heat treatment of steel
3. Electrical fusion and Stroboscopic effect
4. Conrod bolt failure reasons
5. De-zincification, caustic embrittlement and graphitization
6. FO properties with limits
7. Rotary vane steering diagram
8. Sluggish operation of steering gear
9. Freeboard assignment

Zahid July 2022

1. 2 stroke engine section diagram with main parts sketch
2. How to find plunger barrel pump injection timing
3. MEPC 107 (49) sketch and explain
4. Last ship class, statuary certificates
5. MLC 2006 certification process and recent amendments
6. Show with sketch pos 1 and pos 2 as per loadline convention
7. Requirements for machinery space opening, ventilation, air
pipe and position of the crew as per pos 1 and pos 2
8. How to take main bearing, cross head bearing and conrod
bearing clearances, explain why, how and position of taking the

Leong July 2022

1. Purifier sketch
2. Purifier not discharging
3. Solas chap 2 emergency power regulations
4. Capacitance type level gauge
5. How to make intrinsically safe equipment on tanker
6. IG drawing + what is high O2 alarm limit + how O2 content get
high + O2 analyser calibration
7. Explosion proof light drawing + explanation + light
replacement procedures + safety
8. How intrinsically safe is ensured or arranged, show with
sketch and detail description

JULY 2022
1. Control valve hysteresis
2. UMS solas requirements
3. Floor construction
4. Piston drawing and overhauling procedures
5. AC plant diagrams and regulations
6. Exd and exi
7. Heat exchangers and how many percentage tubes can be
plugged, frequently tube failure reasons

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