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Unit 2 Asstcnment Workshfft 1-lonk BondinJ

l. Whata n! tho!J>@fiodicproJ)f'rtiHlhataffecttheformationofachemicalbond? [l)

2. Illustrate tho! formation of tho! following Ionic compounds based on tho! instruction provided.

af MagnesiumChloride (Usir11orbitaldlagrams)
b) Cakiumo~lde(uslngelectrondotstructure)
3. Justifyyouranswersbyglvir11sui1ablereasons: (31
af A chemical bond Is Htablisllf'd between the combining atoms during the formation
of a molecule. Justify.
b) loniccompoundshavehighmeltlngandboilingpolnts. Justlfy
c) SodiumChlorldeconductselectrlclty lnthemoltenoraqueousstateandnotlnttie

4. An element X Is a metal with valency 3 and Element Y Is a nonmetal with valency 2. (3)
af Writeasuitablechemlcalequa1londescriblr11theformatlonofionsbyelementsX
b) lfYlsadlatomlcgas,writetheequatlonfortllf'directcomblnatlonofelementsXand
ytoformilcompound .
c) Write the chemical formula for the sulphate of element X.

Unit 2 Ass11nmenc WorkshHt 2-Covalant and c-dln1te Bondlns

1. WhydooovalentcompoundsexlstassoWds,llquldsorpses? (1]
2. Illustrate the formation of the followin, compounds/molecules and Identify whether
th~arepolarorn,onpolarinnature. (3]
al Ammonia
3 Justifyyouranswe rswithsuitable reasons: ,,,
al Covalent compounds have low ""'lling and boi~ng points
b) Covalentcompoundsdissol....,inorg.,nicsolvents.
cl Methaneisapolarcovalentcompoundbutexhibitsnonpolarnature.
4. Definealonepairofelectrons. ll lustrate theformationofthepos;11veionobtained
whenanacidisdissolvedinwater. (3]

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