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There is no contract unless the following requisites concur, except:*


a. Consent of the contracting parties

b. Delivery of the object or prestation

c. Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract

d. Cause of the obligation which is established

In an obligation where only one prestation has been agreed upon, but to extinguish the
obligation the debtor is allowed to render another prestation, the obligation is a:*


a. Disjunctive obligation

b. Facultative obligation

c. Alternative obligation

d. None of the above

Rudolph borrowed 1M from Santa and Clause, who acted as solidary creditors. When
the loan matured, Santa wrote a letter to Rudolph demanding payment of the loan
directly to him. Before Rudolph could comply, Clause went to see Rudolph personally to
collect and Rudolph paid. Who should Rudolph pay?*


a. Clause, because he was already there to collect

b. Santa, because in solidary obligations, debtor should pay the creditor who first
demanded payment

If something is received when there is no right to demand it and it was unduly delivered
through mistake, the obligation to return it arises.*



When the condition is not susceptible of partial realization.*



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