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Manage [NATIONAL RANIAN OL. COM casing 7 up 3017 48 Organisation dt Chanter Commas number Legatem onc nannave speataste Contact coats ecount totes) ‘Change datas View details acer Netaltanan Ol Company Nsinatanian 08 Company Bassa Besta OVA Rotem He SK Fe hanes toe abve dts mtr be procs by he Chamber of Cenmere. Oe thas er dre youear sh hanes eur buses cova at ABN AMR ours on 88-2626 2 ne open fr ea top en wering a arstam Gam 2pm on Sota) itns:!avww abnamen nl narialeory Page | of | Prva oor7an01 4 TMI REPUBLIC OF sING Subsidiary Strata Certificate of Title PORE Volume 827 Folio 104 Ret No NI/200204915, PAGE 1 Pursuant to : 1/59315Q Edition 2 Gated 07 JUL 2004 This 4s to certify that the person described as preprietor hereto is the registered subsidiary progrietor of the estate and land SUBJECT to any subsisting exceptions. reservations, covenants and conditions contained or implied in the undernentioned State Title and SUBJECT also to the encumbrances and interests registered or notified in thts folto and section 46 of the Land Titles Act and on the undermentioned registered strata title plans and any amendments shown on the plans ESTATE AND LAND DESCRIPTION Lang Tenure LEASEHOLD ESTATE Lease Duration 99 Years Conmencenent Date 01/03/1989 State Title Expiry Date: 29/02/2088 State Title No LEASE 22054 State Title pate 25/03/1997 Supplemental Deed 17/08/1997 to State Title Date 37/04/1997 (affecting covenants 17/08/1997 terms and conditions) *certitied Lot No Area(s) Plan No Area Type 7511-1991" 156.0 Eest 35325 “Plan filed in Chief Survayor's office Land Lot Particulars Certificate of Title Volume 462 Folto 117 Land Lot No : TSL1-S10W SLA B 021169 SINGAPORE ano auriorny cae 0077a00148 Subsidiary Strata Certificate of Title Volume 827 Folio 104 Ref No 1200204915 PACE 2 Pursuant to : 1/39315Q Edition 2 dated 07 JUL 2004 PARTICULARS OF PROPRIETOR AND ADDRESS 10 No sisgo0438ac Name NATIONAL TRANIAN OTL COMPANY PTE LTD Address, 7 TEHASEK B0ULEVARD #07-02 SUNTEC CITY TOWER 1 SINGAPORE 038987, Citizen of / : SINGAPORE Place Incorpd Instrument. : TRANSFER 1/179447S Registered on 07/07/2004 MEMORIAL Strata Title Plan No. 2297 registered on 29/06/1998 vide 1/96188L Changed vide 1/46015Q registered on 10/01/2002 Changes vide 1/593150 registered on 08/03/2002 Changed vice [/826105 registered on 09/12/2003 Changed vide 1/1083365, registered on 09/02/2004 Strata Title Plan No. 2197 (R/S 2) registered on 09/03/2002 vide 1/59315Q The within registered subsidiary proprietor's share in the common property of the whete land lot(s) 1511-510W is 41 out of 190000 shares r98004388¢ m1 [ws ‘THE LAND TITLES ACT fe SOMERTON Desqnenion or ayn 1/179447S SCT Whole or T ts |Partor | Property Adress Vol__| Fol Fs 207 toa 11 | Whole of Lot 7 Temasek Boulevard 407-02 u1g91P Suntec Giy Tower 1, a Singapore TRANSFEROR: Co reqn no 196800317C_ Name _| SY LEEPTE,LTD. Address 44 Robinson Road, #07-02, Fer Eest Finance Bldg, Singapore 048545. a HEREBY TRANSFERS the land to JRANSEEREE: Coregn 90 se9004390¢ Name NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANYPTELTD | | | Piece of incorporation | singapore | Address 7 Temasek Boulevard #07-02, Suntec City Tower 1, | Singapore 038987 toholdes MANNER OF HOLDING NOT APPLICABLE | NIL DATE OF CONTRACT (made between the Transferor and Transferee) CONSIDERATION: Transferor ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of Singapore Dollars DATE OF TRANSFER EXECUTION BY TRANSFEROR ‘The COMION SEAL of S YLEE PTE, LTD. was hereunto affixed inthe presence of:= wk yep Alon DIRECTOR 25 May 2004 $2.000,000.00 GH Suiy 20 “A DIRECTORISECRETARY (CERTIFICATES PURSUANT TO THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ACT ‘AND THE LAND TITLES RULES AND PRACTICE CIRCULARS: |, Mirza Mohd Namazie, the Solicitor for the Transferee hereby certify that the place of incorporation and registration number allocated by the Registy of Compenies to the Transleree as ‘abovementioned specified 1 the within instument have o3en verified from the Certificate of Incorporation produced and shown fo me and are found fa be correct, Dated this £9 day of af 2004 a Fans. es MIRZA M. NaMazie Senate Advosute snd Solicitor |, he Soictor for the Transferor hereby certify that this instrument is correct forthe purposes of the Land Tiles Act, and that | held a Practising Certificate wi ch is in force as at the date ofthe ‘Signature of solicitor for Transferar Name |, the Solicitor for the Transferee hereby certify that this insttument is correct for the purposes of ‘he Land Tiles Act, and that | hold a Practising Cerfffcate wnich is in force as at the date of the issue of the instrument. “wv + ‘Signature of soletorROAan apr STR Singapore SIMILAR INTEREST CONFIRMATION |, Mirza Mohd Namazie, the solicitor for the Transferee hereby confirm that the Transferee is similar to that in Caveat CV/961181 ee M. NAMAZIE ‘Advocate and Salictor Singapore Synature interest of the CERTIFICATES PURSUANT TO THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ACT AND THELAND TITLES RULES AND PRACTICE GAG oa |, Wong Khai Leng, the Soltor for the Transferee hereby certty that according to informetion Supplied to me by the Chief Planner within the last 8 weeks, the within land is zoned Commercial. ‘and the within land/propery is for commercial use and the specific use approved is office unit Dated this 6" day of July, 2004 “é > WORGAWErA\ALENG ‘Advocate and Solictor ‘Singapore (00077100148 MMMM REPUBLIC OF SINGAPOR' Subsidiary Strata Certificate of Title Volume 827 Folio 104 Ref No NI/200204915 PAGE 1 Pursuant to : 1/593159 Edition 2 Gated 07 JUL 2004 This is to certify that the person described as proprietor hereto is the Fegistered subsidiary proorietor of the estate and land SUBJECT to any subsisting exceptions, reservations, covenants and conditions contained or implied in the undermentioned State Title and SUBI(CT also to the encumbrances and interests registered or notified in this folio and section 46 of tne Land Titles Act and on the undermentioned registered strata title plans and. any amendments shown on the plans ESTATE AND LAND DESCRIPTION Land Tenure LEASEHOLD ESTATE Lease duration 99 Years Conmencenent Date 01/03/1989 State Title Expiry Date; 29/02/2088 State Title No LEASE 22084 State Title Date 25/03/1937 Supplenental deed 17/04/3997 to State Title Date 17/04/1957 (affecting covenants 47/04/1997 terms and condi tions) “Certified Lot No Area(sq M) Plan No Area Type T511-U1991P 156.0 cst 35325 "Plan filed in Chief Surveyor's office Land Lot Particulars Certificate of Title: Volume 462 Folio 117 Land Lot No : TS11-510W SLA 2 e2iis9 SiuGAroRE Uawo aurnowiry coor rdu0i4s Subsidiary Strata Certificate of Title Volume 827 Folio 104 Ref No 1/200204915 PAGE 2 Pursuant to : 1/59315q Edition 2 dated 07 JUL 2004 PARTICULARS OF PROPRIETOR AND ADDRESS 1D No :199004388¢ Name ENATIONAL TRANTAN OTL COMPANY PTE LTD Address 7 TEMASEK EOULEVARD #07-02 SUNTEC CITY TOWER 1 SINGAPORE 038987 Citizen of / : SINGAPORE Place Incorpd Instrument TRANSFER 1/279647S Registered on 07/07/2004 MEMORIAL Strata Title Plan Wo. 2197 registered on 29/06/1998 vice 1/96186L Changes vide 11460159 registered on 10/01/2002 Changed vice 1/593159 registered on 09/03/2002 Changed vice 1/826105 registered on 09/12/2003 Changed vice 1/109336s, registered on 09/02/2004 Strata Title Plan No. 2397 (R/S 2) registered on 03/03/2002 vide 1/59315Q The within registered sussidiary proprietor’s share in the conmon property of the whole land lot(s) TS11-510W is 41 out of 100000 snares, sa00438ac TR 1 | Ver 4 eee Score DESCRIPTION OF LaND 1/179447S sscT Whole or | Ts Pert Lot Property Address ol Fol 827 104 11 | Whole of Lot 7 Temasek Boulevard #07-02 UI991P | Suntec City Tower 1 a | Singapore ‘TRANSEEROR: | Corean no. 1966003176, | Name SY LEE PTE, LTO. Address | 14Robinson Road, #07-02, Far East Finance Bldg, | Singapore 048545 HEREBY TRANSFERS the land to TRANSFEREE: Coregn no s90004388C. [Name _ NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY PTE LTD a | Place of incomoration | singapore Address 7 Temasek Boulevard #07-02, Suntec Cily Tower 1, Singapore 038987 toholdas | MANNER OF HOLDING. NOT APPLICABLE, ‘y NIL 25 May 2004 DATE OF CONTRACT (race between fe Transerc tnd Trent) CONSIDERATION: ‘ranlro ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT of ‘Singapore Dollars $2.000,000.00 DATE OF TRANSFER isis Gees Se titel EXECUTION BY TRANSFEROR ‘The COMMON SEAL of $YLEEPTE.LTD. ‘was hereunto affixed in he presence of: } if Mike DIRECTOR DIRECTORSECRETARY AND THE LAND TITLES RULES AND PRACTICE CIRCULARS: |, Mirza Mohd Namazi, tte Soleter for the Tiarsferee hereby certy that the place of incorporation andreisration number allocated bythe Regity af Companies tothe Trensfroo os abovementioned specified in the within instrument have seen verfed from the Certficate of Incorporation produced and shown to me and are found to be correct. dates tis 8 ay oF suf 2008 2 Signature A il, NAMAZIE te 7c! Solisitor CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTNESS |, the Solicitor for the Transferor hereby certify that this instument is correct for the purposes of the Land Tiles Act, anc that | hold a Practising Cerificate which is in force as at the date of the ‘sue ofthe instrument. J GE Uns wide Signature of solicitor for Transferor Name \, the Solictor for the Trensferee hereby certy that this instument is correct forthe purposes of the Land Ties Act, and that | hold @ Practising Cerificate uhich isin force as at the date ofthe issue ofthe instrument ww Signature of solcto TARA Ra a 7i¢ Name : Mirza Mon NRR@gs an soieie- Singapore SIMILAR INTEREST CONFIRMATION |, Mirza Mohd Namazie, the solicitor for the Transferee hereby confirm thal the interest of the Transfre is sia ffl n Caves! CVISBTIGL eee) M, NAMAZIE Lo Advocate and Solicitor ST singapore Swaue GERTIFICATES PURSUANT 10 THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY ACT AND THE LAND TITLES RULES AND PRACTICE CIRCULARS: |, Wong Khai Leng, the Solictor for the Transferee hereby certfy thet according to information ‘supplied to me by the Chief Planner within the last 8 weeks, te within land is zoned Commercial ‘and the within lendfpropery is for commercial use and the specific use approved is office unit Dated this 6" day of July, 2004 “Ee wonerayA ens ‘Advocate and Solicitor ‘Singapore

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