01 Art History Movements

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01 | Art History Movements

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1. 1. Cave Art
2. Egyptian Art
3. Greek Art
4. Roman and Medieval Art
5. Chinese Art
6. Ukiyo-e Japanese Art
7. Renaissance Art
8. Mannerism Art
9. Baroque Art
10. Rococo Art
11. Neo-Classicism Art
12. Romanticism Art
13. Realism Art
14. Impressionism Art
15. Post-Impressionism Art
16. Neo-Impressionism Art
17. Symbolism Art
18. Art Nouveau
19. Fauvism Art
20. Expressionism Art
21. Cubism Art
22. Futurism Art
23. Abstract Art
24. Dadaism Art
25. Surrealism Art
26. Constructivism Art
27. De Still Abstract Expressionism Art
28. Optical Art
29. Pop Art
30. Minimalism Art
31. Conceptual Art
32. Photorealism Art
33. Installation Art: 33 Art History Movements
2. Cave Art: It is an Art History Movement which was created over 30,000 years
ago, depicts animals, humans, and abstract symbols, providing insight into the
practices of our distant ancestors.

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3. Egyptian Art: It is an Art History Movement which is known for hieroglyphics,
stylized forms, religious themes, and emphasis on order, harmony, and the afterlife,
such as the Great Sphinx of Giza.
4. Greek Art: It is an Art History Movement which emphasized idealized human
form, balance, and harmony, and was globally influential, with the Pergamon Altar
as a famous example.
5. Roman and Medieval Art: It is an Art History Movement which includes a
wide range of styles and techniques, reflecting the changing social, cultural, and
religious attitudes of their time.
6. Chinese Art: It is an Art History Movement which is a diverse movement dating
back over 5,000 years, including calligraphy, landscape painting, and various styles
and techniques to express cultural and spiritual beliefs.
7. Ukiyo-e Japanese Art: It is an Art History Movement which is characterized
by its vivid colors and depictions of everyday life, and had a profound impact on
Western art, particularly the Impressionists.
8. Renaissance Art: It is an Art History Movement which is celebrated classical
ideals, humanism, and the natural world. Famous artists such as Leonardo da
Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael created beautiful works inspired by ancient
9. Mannerism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is an Art History Movement
characterized by its exaggeration, complexity, and elongated and distorted forms.
10. Baroque Art: It is an Art History Movement which reflected the changing
political and religious climate of the time, promoting the power of the Catholic
Church. It is characterized by dramatic lighting, dynamic compositions, and emo-
tional intensity, as seen in the Night Watch.
11. Rococo Art: It is an Art History Movement which is an 18th century art
movement known for its ornate, playful style favored by the aristocracy. The Swing
is a famous example.
12. Neo-Classicism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is an 18th century
art movement, reacted against Rococo, emphasizing simplicity, order, and ancient
Greek and Roman art and culture.
13. Romanticism Art: It is an Art History Movement which was an art movement
in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that reacted against Neoclassicism,
emphasizing emotion, individualism, imagination, nature, and the supernatural.

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14. Realism Art: It is an Art History Movement which began in the mid-19th
century as a response to idealized and stylized depictions. It emphasizes truth and
accuracy while depicting ordinary subjects in a naturalistic style.
15. Impressionism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is a French art
movement from the late 19th century that emphasizes natural colors, landscapes,
and the effects of light on color through related techniques and approaches.
16. Post-Impressionism Art: It is an Art History Movement which dare to change
the shapes of nature in order to express oneself.
17. Neo-Impressionism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is led by Seurat
and Signac, reacted to Impressionism and emphasized color theory, composition,
optics, and psychology.
18. Symbolism Art: It is an Art History Movement which rejected reality in favor of
a fantasy world and expressed individual spirit through various art forms, including
The Dance of Life, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
19. Art Nouveau: It is an Art History Movement in Europe and the United States
that involved designing, furnishing, and decorating buildings with whiplash curves,
often by a single artist or team.
20. Fauvism Art: It is an Art History Movement which began in Europe in 1905
and is known for its unrealistic, childlike style. The Dessert Harmony in Red is a
prime example.
21. Expressionism Art: It is an Art History Movement in response to humanity's
discordant relationship with the world, and the accompanying lost feelings of
authenticity and spirituality. Example: "The Scream."
22. Cubism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is an influential 20th-century
art movement created by Picasso and Braque in Paris, is characterized by the use
of geometric shapes, exemplified by Still Life with a Violin and a Pitcher.
23. Futurism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is an Italian art movement
that celebrated modernity, analyzed motion, and is exemplified by the dynamism
of a dog on a leash.
24. Abstract Art: It is an Art History Movement which is created through lines,
shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks, allowing for personal interpretation and
a profound impact on the viewer.
25. Dadaism Art: It is an Art History Movement which was an anti-art movement
responding to the violence and tragedy of World War I. It aimed to challenge norms
by mocking rules and creating art that was absurd, meaningless, and provocative.

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26. Surrealism Art: It is an Art History Movement which was an art and literature
movement that aimed to revolutionize human experience by creating dreamlike
works that bridged the gap between the subconscious and reality.
27. Constructivism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is a Russian art
movement that used geometric shapes and industrial materials. It's also a theory
that suggests learners actively construct knowledge.
28. De Still Abstract Expressionism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is
a type of abstract art that began in the 40s and 50s using expressive brushstrokes
to create a spontaneous impression.
29. Optical Art: It is an Art History Movement which is an abstract style from the
60s that uses illusions, patterns, and strong contrasts to create visual effects.
30. Pop Art: It is an Art History Movement which is a UK and US art movement
from the 1950s and 60s, uses popular culture images and themes such as adver-
tising, comics, and consumer products, often featuring bright colors, bold outlines,
flat graphics, and collage.
31. Minimalism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is a 1960s art movement
characterized by a focus on basic geometric forms, neutral colors, and a lack of
32. Conceptual Art: It is an Art History Movement which is an art movement that
prioritizes the idea or concept behind a work of art over the physical object itself.
33. Photorealism Art: It is an Art History Movement which is a painting style that
emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s, featuring hyper-realistic depictions of
everyday objects or scenes that resemble photographs in their level of detail.
34. Installation Art: It is an Art History Movement which involves creating immer-
sive experiences using various materials, which can be temporary or permanent,
and often addresses social, political, and environmental issues, creating an inter-
active relationship between the viewer and the artwork.
35. 1. Body Art
2. Earth and Land Art
3. Performance Art: 3 Types of Installation Art
36. Body Art: It is a Type of Installation Art which uses the human body as a canvas
to express identity, gender, sexuality, race, and social norms. It has a rich global
history but also raises questions about autonomy, cultural appropriation, and health

01 | Art History Movements
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37. Earth and Land Art: It is a Type of Installation Art which create structures that
blend in with nature using natural materials like vegetation and rocks to sculpt the
38. Performance Art: It is a Type of Installation Art which features live three-di-
mensional performances where artists use their bodies, voice or other elements
to create interactive experiences that challenge traditional art forms.


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