Angeles V1 STS031 W3

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marvin m , Su r ig a o del N o rt
ck are
Bacu a g and liv e
m fro m f c o pra s. With
I' c tio n o g a n o n
produ Bacua
fishing, eli h o od o f th e
n o us science
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mostly t a r e so m e
c o m m unity.
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meat conservation
After the typhoon Odette struck Surigao, there
was a wide blackout in which refrigerators do
not work. With this, most people rely on salt to
preserve meat because salt helps speed the
curing process and prevents meat spoilage.

sambong used as herbal medicine

My grandmother before always request me to get her
sambong. It is a widely used herbal blooming plant which
is used as a medication to cure colds, coughs, rheumatism,
diarrhea, and spam. Infected wounds, lung infections, and
stomachaches are also treated with it.

drying up copra under the sun

Sun drying is traditional method practiced by many Bacuaganons to
dry copra before extracting oil. It takes about 8 days for sun drying to
get the good quality of copra.

forest planting along the shore

Bacuag is near the shore so planting of coastal forest is a practice of
most of the Bacuaganons to protect and mitigate impacts from high
waves and strong winds, and coastal erosion

tuba from the sap of coconut palm

Some coconut farmers in Bacuag use coconuts not only for making
copra but also for making coconut wine. This is also called tuba. They
also sell tuba which also serves them as additional income besides

Ginamos is a fermented fish which is usually made of small fish such as anchovies
or round scads. Bacuaganos use ginamos as appetizers or even dipping banana
into it. Morevor, selling ginamos is also one livelihood of the Bacuaganos

lagundi used as herbal medicine

Lagundi leaves offers lots of health benefits and because they can be
seen anywhere in Bacuag, they have been widely used through boiling
lagundi leaves in two glasses of water for at least 15 minutes. To stop
coughing, take ½ glass of boiled lagundi leaves three times a day to
help loosen phlegm.

observation of environment
Typhoon forecasting through environmental observation has been
traditional to Bacuaganons until this point. If there is no severe wind,
but some tree limbs and banana leaves fall to the ground, Two days
after such observation is made, heavy rains, storm surges or strong
winds will hit the community.

observation of full moon

Bacuaganons will observe the moon first before catching the shrimps
on the fish pond. According to ancient Bacuaganons, if there would be
a full moon, there could be greater possibility of catching lots of
shrimps on the fishpond.

using rice straw "uhot" as fertilizer

Bacuaganon farmers use uhot as their fertilizer on their plants. They do
not use chemical fertilizers because they beleived that they toxify the
plant, thus, they use uhot because there are large rice fields in Bacuag
that produces large number of uhot.

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