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ascending the Orinoco river, met some Portuguese slave-traders

1880 12,027,000 $279,899,420 21,231,000 $341,761,154

occupant of the see; though hitherto only a catechumen, he was

increases the capacity and life by strengthening the mass

from twenty-two slaves, and, when threatened by his opponents

north, Laon in the centre, and Soissons and Chateau-Thierry

not more than twenty years old, has been given to show the

but eventually difficulties of transport and the topography

of Corinth and Iuka (see below), was thereupon ordered

married in 515 to Eutharic, an Ostrogoth of the old Areal

The Bavarian Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen was

command swept all before them. The victory was decisive,

and rapids, or cachoeiras, as they are called throughout

made that of the judiciary six years, provided for quadrennial

may be helped to do so by prayer and by the sacrifice of the

portal is remarkable for a figure of the Virgin and other

At Jalalabad the winter and the climate generally assume an

mayor is elected from such of the aldermen as have served the

but on the 11th of February 1888 he signed a treaty with J.

extends over four days in mining shares and three days in other

the newspapers for a few days, however, the whole thing was

four are primary, the last one a tertiary, the other three

Oxford in 1854, together with various pamphlets on sanitary

TABLE XXXIX.--Number and Value of Farm Animals Exported from the

50 ft. high; the branches do nor spread, even where there is room,

parish; by purchase or agreement in eighteen parishes; by hire

AUTHORITIES.--For a discussion of absenteeism from the economic

1525. His hostility towards the reformers, however, was

guano, and the best methods of modern tillage, have greatly

intercourse with his friends or with the representatives of

accorded by general consent to HASAN ALI SHAH (born in Persia,

(Queen of Sheba (1877), and The Stillwater Tragedy (1880),

Abyssinia. The higher mountains have a special flora

the marriage was celebrated at the chapel-royal, St James's.

Danish archbishop of Lund was made legate and perpetual

triumphed. Some measure of success appears to have attended the

Cruciferae. It is a rankly scented herb, 2 to 3 ft. high, with

does not materially differ from that of the British service.

and Adenes has left in his poems some very exact descriptions

operates its gas-lighting plant. Alexandria, first known as

itself in the presebt connexion. Light from stars at unfathomable

Indies. Byron returned home in August. D'Estaing, after

the country, whether through Zanzibar or otherwise.'' On the

less than L. 500,000. Only a small proportion is exported.

I. CYANOPHYCEAE.--This group derives its name from the

the south and west was the signal for an advance of British

scaffold. This event produced a profound impression on his

from that of the British Amateur Rowing Association. The

The bodies sevene eek, lo! hem heer anoon:

with procuring this, Alexander had Parmenio himself, who

buildings, as in all great monasteries, are distributed into

princes over the question of reform culminated in open warfare

of Alexander (i.e. his Mausoleum). This point is very

ALBERT II. (1397-1439), German king, king of Bohemia and

rank. The subordinate position given to the representatives

carvers, sculptors and jewellers,--they were wearied by

titular. The lord high almoner is an ecclesiastical officer,

``rivers''). In the East as in the West the vestment is

the earlier than in the later months of pregnancy, and

poetic glamour shed, in the young king's mind, over the whole

and the problem was to find a successor to Shere Ali who

intriguing and distrustful; estrangements and affrays are of

The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly,

to Kabul either by the well-known Dasses of Irak (marking

Alexandria consisted originally of little more than the

new streams opened repeatedly to the south, until now the

the so-called Concord philosophers, better esteemed for

David P. Lewis . . . . . . 1872-1874 Republican.

to the envy of the devil, still implying an exalted view of

him were cancelled, and he was appointed general with full

and humanistic way; it does not appeal to popular passions

Venetians had occupied after Scanderbeg's death, surrendered

the trading rights and the control of the sultan's foreign

true position in the animal kingdom was first recognized in

of the literature of alchemy), various receipts are given

proposed, and in some cases they may render operative treatment

reasons. A great stimulus was given to it by the foundation

may pass from tropical to almost Alpine conditions of

all this time must be absorbed in water, unless it is

front of the present Columbia University, and known as the

representatives of the people, and the mullahs of Mahommedan

Old Eunostus harbour became the port, and a flourishing city

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