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Business School Research Ethics Application Form

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Project Title Exploring the Expansion of Courier Companies in the International Market. A Case of
PAB Logistics in the UK
Module BUS6059 Integrated Business Research Project :

Module Code
Academic Year 2023
Student Adrian Bitica

Supervisor Bruce

Section A: Nature of Project

This section focuses on gaining an overall understanding of what is being examined within the research project.
There should be sufficiently detailed so that a layperson can understand what is being assessed and how.

A1 - Please provide a brief background and rationale to the research:

(This should be no more than 300 words and written for non-subject experts)

Due to the addition of innovative services to the courier company of one, it becomes possible to trade penetrate new markets and increase the profits
of the business. It is also possible for one to grow business through the introduction of freight services during both air and ground transportation besides
transporting shipments around the cities. Another thing which is the most crucial one needed by the businesses of courier services is trust. Another case
is related to the use of referrals. In this case, the referrals are present only when there is a sense of satisfaction among the clients regarding the
services provided. PAB Logistics Limited is a warehousing and domestic or International distribution services company which is headquartered in
Staffordshire in the UK.
Managing multiple customers, keeping the customer updated and delaying deliveries are the main problems faced by courier companies expanding their
business in the global landscape. The discussion is important to portray the current position of courier companies in the industrial landscape of the UK.
Moreover, it was also noticed that the task incorporates a brief description of the ways that will be adopted by those companies in future to facilitate
their service. The context of the study was also enriched by analysing the business portfolio of a company named PAB Logistics. In this regard, the task
incorporated the ways which can be beneficial for the company while expanding globally. The topic not only discussed the growth of courier companies
worldwide but also focused on the opportunity that a company might occupy in the landscape of the UK. This was the main reason behind choosing the
particular topic.
A2 - Please concisely state the research aim(s) and objective(s):
(This should be no more than 150 words and written for non-subject experts)
Research Aim
The entire research is based on the topic which contains the theme of exploring the expansion of
courier companies in foreign and overseas markets additionally, the research also aims at analysing
how PAB Logistics can expand internationally.
Research Objectives
The entire research is based on the topic of exploring the expansion of courier companies in foreign
and overseas markets. The objectives of the research are given below.
● To analyse the trend of the expansion of courier companies in the international market.
● To identify as well as analyse the obstacles faced by the courier companies in the path of
expansions of the business.
● To evaluate how the expansion of courier companies will be made easier.
● To analyse how PAB Logistics can expand internationally.

A3 - Please provide an overview of the methodological approach and materials used in this
(This should be written for non-subject experts)

The study adopted a deductive philosophy which focused on understanding existing facts and theories
related to the topic. The study will use a secondary research design which will incorporate content
analysis of reports, articles, and studies related to the topic.

A4 - Will the project entail ONLY secondary data collection using Choose an item.
publically available sources?
(If you have answered “Yes” to A4 you do not need to complete sections B-D, please go direct to
section E)

Section B: Handling Primary Data

Please consider the following:
Does data collection require: Choose
a) Either researchers or participants to enter private locations (to which an item.
neither individual has full access rights)
b) Access to the home(s) of either researchers or participants No
c) Private locations with no neutral third party present
d) Entry to public locations after the hours of 6.00pm?
Are there any issues of confidentiality NOT addressed by the following? Choose
a) Aggregation of numerical data an item.
b) Anonymisation of specific individuals or organisations (e.g. through use of
pseudonyms) No
c) Paraphrasing of potentially identifiable quotes

Are there any issues of data handling which are not dealt with by the following Choose
established procedures? an item.
a) Compliance with the Data Protection Act
b) BCU University storage policy
Section C: Participant Information
This section focuses on gaining an understanding of how you will identify and recruit participants and whether what
you are wishing to conduct is ethically sound. Please explain who you will recruit, why, how will you ensure their
safety i.e. anonymity and any further ethical risks associated.

C1 - How will potential participants be identified, approached and recruited?

Click here to enter text.

C2- How will participants give informed consent freely?

(Please provide the consent form and participant information sheet with this ethics application)

Click here to enter text.

C3 - Will participants be informed of their right to withdraw their participation and/or data at
any time during and after the study? Provide details of how you will achieve this:

Click here to enter text.

Section D: Data collection, storage and dissemination

This section requires you to detail: a) How you plan to collect your data and, b) How will securely store it. You are
required to inform the committee how you aim to minimise environmental risks when collecting data, in addition to
discussing the steps that you will take to protect the data that will be collected.

D1 –Please provide details regarding the proposed site(s) for data collection (e.g. location(s) and
timing of data collection, with reference to potential risks to participants and researchers
posed by this)
The study will use secondary data sources. This includes data from reports, articles, and studies related to the topic.

D2 - How will you ensure confidentiality (or anonymisation, if possible) in collecting,

interpreting and storing data?
The study ensured that all ethical considerations were considered. This includes ensuring the confidentiality of all
data collected and avoiding any bias or manipulation of the data. The research followed the British Educational
Research Association guidelines (BERA). All data collected will be kept secure and confidential.

D3- Where will data be stored and how will access be managed and controlled?
Password protected and encrypted

Click here to enter text.

Section E: Checklist and declarations
Appendices checklist (Not Necessary for Secondary Data Analysis)
Participant information sheet Choose an
Participant consent form Choose an
Research materials (e.g. Copies of questionnaires, interviews, vignettes and other Choose an
research tools) item.

Student declaration
In signing this research ethics application form I confirm the following:
• That the form is accurate and completed to the best of my knowledge.
• If the research is approved then I will adhere to the terms of the full application and if there
are to be any changes to the project I will seek an amendment from the
• I understand that research records/data may be subject to inspection for audit and
compliance purposes.
• I understand this application and any additional documentation will be retained for 5 years
post the end of the project.
• I understand that my research must not involve: participation of those under 18 years of age;
participation of those with learning disability; participation of those with a mental health
condition; participation of those with physical or sensory impairments;
participation of those with sensitive/significant life experiences (e.g. victims of abuse / ex-
offenders); data collection surrounding highly sensitive topics (e.g. abuse, terrorism, religion,
interpersonal violence, terminal illness); data collection from those in prison; constraint of
participant rights (e.g. informed consent via deception, or perceptions of the right to withdraw
from the study); any physical or intrusive intervention with the participant (including
consumption of food or drinks); withholding any aspects of routine health treatment or care; a
reasonable risk of disclosure of information requiring communication to another organisation
(e.g. abuse, criminal offences/illegal activity, unknown illness or disease); long distance travel
to collect data; NHS service users.

Signed by Adrian Bitica

Date 10/03/2023

Supervisor declaration
In signing this research ethics application form I confirm the following:
• I am satisfied that the scientific content of the research is satisfactory for an
educational qualification at this level.
• I take responsibility for working with the student named above to ensure that this study is
conducted in accordance with the relevant disciplinary ethical guidelines.
• I will ensure that the student seeks an amendment from the BLSS Research Ethics Committee
before implementing substantial amendments to the protocol or to the terms of the full
application of which the Committee has given a favourable opinion.
Signed by Bruce Philp
Date 30/3/23

Application Reference: Click here to enter text.
Date of Submission: Click here to enter text.
Allocated Category: Click here to enter text.
Allocated Reviewers: Click here to enter text.

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