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The study Social support and coping in type 2 diabetic adults ( Samantha ,2017) patients with

poor social support perceptions have lower levels of wellbeing and coping than patients with
good social support was the goal of this study both public and private facilities participated in
a cross-sectional study to 401 participants, administered, the results show that social support
and coping are negatively correlated, which implies that a rise in social support is linked to a
fall in emotional distress .

The research on Importance of social support in diabetes care (Rad, G. S., 2013) This study
was a narrative review, and databases and academic search engines were used to find the
pertinent papers of cross-sectional, cohort, clinical trial, and systematic review designs
concluded that that diabetes patients' levels of social support and self-care were not good. The
research papers we looked at all demonstrated a favourable correlation between self-care
behaviour and social support.

Ramkisson, S., Pillay, B. J., & Sibanda, W. (2017). Social support and coping
in adults with type 2 diabetes. African journal of primary health care
& family medicine, 9(1), e1–e8.

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