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Asylum Notes

Fourth edition
Written on
4th April 2023

Objective: Human Excellence, Digital Communication and Updates, Natural Environment

Life Motto: Let live and if possible, ease, nurture and heal.
Favorite Characters: Mark Dolan, Atomic Kitten, Weather Boys and Girls

Financial Situation
Debt: S$1,200
My last email to Dun & Bradstreet, Singapore points to it being written off. However, if it is not, then the closing balance is calculated
as below:

Singapore Bank Accounts Balance: S$0.17+¥1,000 (S$200)

Singapore Government Pay-Out (withdrawable only on local cash machine): S$700
Trust Account: S$300
Closing Balance in S$: $300+S$700+¥1,000 (S$200) + S$0.17-S$1,200 = +S$0.17
Singapore Government Central Provident Fund balance: S$60,240.28 (non-withdrawable)

UK Current Accounts Balance: £107.11 + £27.08 = £134.19

YouGov Points: 7335 (5000 points= £50)

Spiritual Faith
Humanitarian Catholic

Travel History
South Asia: Colombo, Galle, Kandy, Calcutta, New Delhi, Kathmandu, Pokhara
East Asia: Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau
Southeast Asia: Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, Pahang, Johor Bahru, Sibu, Redang, Sarawak,
Vietnam: Hanoi,
Indonesia: Jakarta,
Thailand: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Hatyai
Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Queensland
United States of America: California: San Francisco, Silicon Valley
New York: Manhattan, Queens, Bronx
Islands: Mauritius
Balkans: Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro
Europe: Berlin, Bourdeaux, Faro

Work and Education History

Refer to profile:

Outstanding Duties
Very infrequent cheerleader for son.

Reasons for Asylum

1. Seek restful place to cope with chronic health issues: intermittent headaches, low propensity for stress, sensitivity to other
human beings
2. Values conflict (disguised as religion): have been away for too long to re-evaluate.
3. Safety from domestic violence: have been away for too long to re-evaluate.
4. Freedom of speech just in a private space as well as cyber space

Relationships and their nationalities

Ex- Boyfriends: Chinese Singaporean, English Singaporean, French, Spanish, PRC Chinese, Australian, English
Close friend: German
Roommate/ Couplet/ Carer: German
Cousin: Australian Singaporean
Son: Singaporean
Ex Bosses: American, Australian, English, Austrian, Hong Konger, Singaporean, Japanese, Indonesian, PRC Chinese, Hawaiian
Ex Students: Belgian, Australian, English, American, Japanese, PRC Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Thai, Singaporean, German,

Hobbies and Interests

Interior Design + Construct (for small spaces and spaceships), Horticulture
Supermarkets + Culinary Explorations
Tack, Tie and Pin Clothes Making and Home Furnishings
Clean, convenient recycling, no waste, food banks
Comedy (not just stand up but also sit-coms),
Therapy, Self-care, Wellness, Natural Remedies
Reading Magazines, Newspapers, Binge-reading Books,
Listening to and Making Music of all genres, moods, generations, cultures

To quit smoking

Favourite TV Shows, Music, Magazines and Books

TV Channels: EarthX, GBN, TBN
TV shows: The Piano, The boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
Music: Eurovision, Green Green Grass
Magazines: Press Reader Browsing
Books: Old Wives Lore on Gardening

Current Reading
Happyful Magazine

Best experience in life: Talking in Tongues
Worst experience in life: Unidentified Pain and Sorrow
Most humbling experience in life: Living with the disabled and elderly folk
Proudest experience in life: Looking at my son’s illustrations
Most remembered people: Mark Montefiore, Tang Li, Pretzel (dog), grandma Mdm Lim, Mother Theresa

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