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Transition words

Name:____________________________________________Date:________ Hour:________

Directions: go through the Level Up Tutorial on Transitions. As you read through, complete
the following questions and chart.
1. Why do you need good transition words? So readers don’t get confused when reading.

Complete the chart:

Type of Transition: Words used to show that transition

Connects an action also, although, on the other hand, so that, to begin with, above, as a
result, and eventually.

Spatial relationships above, across, over, here, there, inside, and behind.

Comparing also, and, moreover, too, similarly, and another.

Contrast although, still, yet, but, and on the other hand

Cause and effect For, since, as a result, therefore, and so that

Order of importance First, last, to begin with, mainly, and more importantly

Directions: Read each sentence and match the transition that best combines the sentences.

2. Ollie decided to cook dinner; _____, he opened a can of peas.

Finally above first so that

3. Lela opened the window _____ the house could air out.
Finally above first so that

4. The plane was delayed for two hours; _____, we were able to board.
Finally above first so that

5. Julia watched the people in the park; _____, happy birds chirped loudly.
Finally above first so that

6. Which of the following sentences needs a transition?

(1) In a rush to get to play rehearsal, Ellen threw her books into her locker. (2) She couldn't wait to work
on her scene. (3) Alex, on the other hand, took much longer. (4) He had forgotten to practice his lines last

7. Which transition could you use to combine the ideas in the third and fourth sentences?

(1) In a rush to get to play rehearsal, Ellen threw her books into her locker. (2) She couldn't wait to work
on her scene. (3) Alex, on the other hand, took much longer. (4) He had forgotten to practice his lines last
as a result yet since first

8. Which of the following sentences includes a transition?

(1) Schools have an important role in teaching students how to eat right. (2) Students should study the
benefits of a nutritious, well-balanced diet in health class. (3) The school cafeteria should offer students a
variety of healthy food options. (4)As a result, students will begin to develop healthier eating habits.

9. Which transition should begin Sentence 3 to show how this sentence relates to Sentence 2?

(1) Schools have an important role in teaching students how to eat right. (2) Students should study the
benefits of a nutritious, well-balanced diet in health class. (3) The school cafeteria should offer students a
variety of healthy food options. (4)As a result, students will begin to develop healthier eating habits.

But Also Mainly Eventually

10. When should you use transitions in your writing?

A. to fix short, choppy sentences
B. at the beginnings of all sentences
C. to show time order relationships only
D. to show order of importance relationships only

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