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Systems engineering and physics must be related. It is

already proven that Basic Sciences, more than any other type
of discipline, open up and exercise our brain in an important
As systems engineers, they need a great capacity to create
and engineer, and without physics our training as engineers is
incomplete, for these reasons we must not see the study of
Physics in our career as one more burden but as a tool that
will help us.
in other subjects, our work and in daily life. Engineering
sciences are truly established on the basis of physics, without
this knowledge it would be unlikely to guess where everything
that is developed comes from, in some cases we use it briefly
to call it that, in software programs developed for certain
purposes which were precisely elaborated with physical and
mathematical foundations. 
Systems technologies, equipment, programming languages
change rapidly, but the knowledge gained remains.

Without physics there could be no engineering. Systems

engineering is a decision-making process for solving
problematic situations in the field of action.
 Physics is appropriate to develop these skills in students,
taking into account that physics is an experimental science
based on real situations, It is taught in the first semesters, the
models used are simple, so the solution procedure can be
emphasized, the situations that it analyzes can be everyday,
known, by the students.

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