Vera Cruz - Remarc - Week 14 - Religious Involvement (SPONSORSHIP MASS)

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Vera Cruz, Remarc C.


CFE 104_3604_SEA

Religious Involvement

Week 14

a. Type of Religious activity: Sunday Mass

b. Date and time: April 23, 2023 at 4:00 pm

c. Means of Participation: Virtual

d. Where or which platform? St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish (Facebook Livestream)

Suggested Reflection Questions for Sunday Mass Sponsorships:

a. How do I feel and recognize the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist vis-à-vis my
status as a student or a member of my family?

I feel and recognize the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist vis-à-vis my status as a
student in every ordinary person, whether it is my family, friends, classmates, or maybe
you, ma'am, our instructors, because just like in the gospel, Jesus chose to make known
Himself to ordinary people and ordinary situations. So, I recognize Jesus in everyone and
everything that surrounds me. We may not notice it immediately, but I believe slowly we
can feel it as we continue to blend in with these ordinary people. This mass makes me
recognize them as Jesus because every day they give me an experience that I’ll never
forget, just like what Jesus did to save us.

b. What is the impact of the Eucharist (Mass) in my life, and in my relationship with
others and with God (taking into consideration the readings and the homily)?

The homily helped me understand that great things take time to accomplish, just as
Jesus did in the gospel. Jesus decided to reveal himself to ordinary people in ordinary
circumstances. He might have shown His resurrected body in a spectacular manner to
the powerful individuals of the nation or to a large audience so that everyone could
witness and believe in His resurrection, but he did not because He wanted to take it
slowly but surely. These lessons make my relationship to God and others stronger
because I know that I may face numerous challenges right now, but I believe it will be
worth it in the end because of them. Slowly but surely, Jesus will allow us to experience
the wonderful life we want. Slowly but surely, He will fulfill the kingdom He set up for us.
Let us simply be patient.

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